Daily 'laugh at the Xbox One' thread




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Daily check my 5 thread

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This is the kind of person who walks up to a person in a wheelchair and starts dancing.

I have an Xbox One. What great games am I missing out on?
Hard mode: no embarrassing weebshit

>tfw I should've gotten an Xbone
>I'd be playing games right now instead of being in this thread mocking others for making the right choices

>crackdown 3 delayed until next year
whats the fucking point on owning this shitbox again?

This is revenge for the PS3, you fags should have been nicer to the PS3



fuck off, the ps3 deserved to be shat on

9 - 4 + 3 = 8

Why do people hate Phil? He's sacrificing the cuckbox to give us PC games, he's /ourguy/.

I don't acknowledge people below 5 teraflops


>I have an Xbox One.
>What great games am I missing out on?

I suspect this to be bait...

Oh no less anime shit and kids games for XO than PS4 what a huge loss

Sony owners and PC are what kids want coz you wanna get your cool new stuff
I wanted to play Halo and Gears of War so XO is just fine for me

serious question, why aren't they trying to get more exclusives on xbone?

i own xbone/ps4/switch and 90% of xbone games are also on ps4.
and after buying a gaming pc i don't play xbone at all anymore.
they should desperately be trying to fix the halo and gears series.

by this time PS3 in the cycle had games, Xbone deserves harsher criticism, 4 years and 2 hardware revisions into the cycle there's no games in sight

>tfw you actually enjoy your gaming console instead of shitposting to compensate for buying jap trash.

It's not. All of the best exclusives that Playstation used to have are multiplat now. So there's Dark Souls spinoff, Indiana Jones cover shooter, and what else?

>Y-Yeah less weeb trash heh heh
>We have... uh.. yeah that one game...

>We were unable to get your latest saved data

anyone else have this problem everytime they start up the console?

>serious question, why aren't they trying to get more exclusives on xbone?

Xbox's devision budget has obviously being reduced. The xbox was never making money, MS was constantly throwing money. They seemed to have stopped.

At least it has backwards compatibility so it actually has some games you can play on it now.

Check this one

I have over 30 multiplats bought and i dont have to see sony fanboys in the voice chat
its a win win

>Own Switch
>Roommate to be owns PS4
>Both have gaming PCs and 3DSes

No Xbone needed, we're strapped for games.

There's no reason to. If Microsoft actually wanted their system to be the leader and punch above it's weight they have the capital to try, but they don't. It's obviously just something they keep going these days because scrapping their consoles completely would mean a small hit to their share prices and they don't want to do that without it being 100% necessary.

At least us Xbox owners will be able to play PUBG exclusively for a whole year. At this point, it'll be literally Xboxs saving grace.

>But it's coming to PS4 too!

I don't give a fucking shit, Ps4 owners has to wait about a year and a half.

They have console exclusivity to the biggest exclusive this gen by far.

>Conan Exiles costs £30.79 on UK Xbox store
>buy it from the russian store

you are a fucking schmuck if you are sonybro in 2017

Impressive. Very nice.

It was good that people shat on PS3, Sony move their asses on contrary to Microsoft and we got a really good library.

Bought one off my friend for $100. Now it's just an extra blu ray player/ Netflix machine for my dad.

yeah like demon souls and uhhhhhhh


You're forever playing what could be 10 times better on a PC.

>At least it has backwards compatibility

jesus this is the saddest defense line ever. especially considering that the 360 ALSO lost most of its exclusives. I mean I can understand the PS4 getting PS3 BC would actually be cool for forgotten gems like Resistance 3 (unironically poor man's half life 3 !). But 360 BC, what's the fucking point ? Alan wake is leagues and bounds better on PC.

judging by that pic people didnt shat on it enough

Little Big Planet
Uncharted 2
Heavy Rain

Need to update that pic, it's out of date.

>judging by that pic people didnt shat on it enough

sure thing bro. games from that list still make the fucking headlines like Okami HD only the other day.

>its okay when the ps3 has cinematic games but its not okay when ps4 does it!

Raiden 5 is coming to PS4

I officially have no reason to own an Xbox One anymore.

only MGS4 was good and it was still a letdown

lol you know a console is trash when the best game you can come up with is a fucking hd remaster

Are you ok there, Histy?

Your list is a joke like most sonybro lists. Bending over backwards to include every pile of shit to come out and coming up with excuses to list multiplats. The fact is the reason playstation consoles suck is because they do everything poorly and focus too much on exclusives being the only selling point. But the problem is 90% of exclusives suck ass, and in sony's case it's 99%. Literally nothing on the PS4 is worth buying a system for except for bloodborne and once you're done with that you're stuck a shitty machine.

Why is this fanbase so obnoxious and insecure? They also get assblasted over every little thing. Are they the most cancerous fans around?

>when the best game you can come up

no, it's just a game that literally made the headlines.

>Why is this fanbase so obnoxious and insecure?

>gaming cancer finally going away.
>wonders why people are happy.

this. i also love how the image says "playstation exclusive" so it can include shit that is on the ps4 and hd remasters kek

ok? who cares?

Why do people damage control no games?
You're not a real gamer

They need to justifu their purshase.

>ok? who cares?

>a remaster is your best game lol
>no, it's just another game people begged for

xfag triggered.

The damage controlling Xbros are the worst

ps3 has no gaems

60 posts in and Sonyfags STILL haven't listed any good PS4 exclusives

why do people pretend they have $2k gaming rigs?

even if they do the games aren't optimized for PCs

Nah Xbros aren't damage controlling much anymore look at the Reddit.circlejerk or Spencer's twitter they are quite fed up with the bullshit. UI updates and new controller designs are cool once or twice but they've become Xbox's biggest announcements.

I've got a xbone and a pc. I enjoy them both enough not to need to shut post about a console I bought and played one time before it became a full time roach motel.

Name a current gen console that's disc based bc with 2 consoles?