have you ever been shadow banned from a game?
Have you ever been shadow banned from a game?
>If I'm not making money then I'm not going to make videos
What is this shit? I'd like to get paid to make video game reviews but not making money hasn't stopped me yet.
With the view count hes getting i doubt hes getting paid
being removed from search results would probably stop you
You're like a fucking cockroach. Stop promoting your shitty channel here.
But that video says "demonetized" which means YouTube removed monetization from his videos. Unless he's talking about someone else or about a general trend, but that's probably not the best title then. Also, 3000 views in a day isn't something to scoff at.
Hey, moron. The demonetization is the smallest part of the problem.
Youtube actively hides videos they deem inappropriate to their established leftist agenda.
That means no one gets to see them, because they're not publicly available, and they don't tell the uploader that they do this or why.
And when that happens, what is the point of making videos or using youtube.
He's reletively minor in scope of youtube but really, vid.me is a better platform.
It's a general trend. Also any channel that isn't considered safe by a bunch of fat, multicolour haired feminists is removed from search results. YouTube is going full SJW and cracking down on anyone who is right of Lenin.
How do you faggots feel about D.A.D.?
Maybe, but it's not like I get high views in the first place. If I was getting big views and then YouTube removed me from their search algorithm, that would be pretty depressing. How would you know though?
who is this guy again I forgot
Disneyland After Dark is one of the best bands that ever existed.
stop viralling your shitty videos
I agree but I'm referring to Metoker's latest vid
You meant 'stop shilling' because he's no where close to viral
Activate it.
It makes no sense or I misunderstood him. Threatening giving up net neutrality in an environment, where the big corporations already lobby like motherfuckers to have it revoked is like setting yourself on fire. Sure, the fuckers around you might catch on fire as well, but in the end its still your ass burning.
It could work but realistically no one would ever do it. Ultimately people are addicted to social media and they won't do anything to stop these companies.
Any proof of this? I don't doubt it but I can't imagine that anyone has concrete evidence. Also, I just searched EmptyHero and he was the first result, along with that video.
He's fucking delusional if he really thinks that sort of thing would work
You mean aside from youtube publicly stating what is the limited mode and that they are planning to roll it out soon?
What else do you need?
If were being censored in the first place, I don't think net neutrality is worth defending. At this point the fire rises.
The companies that are blacklisting people from getting exposure (youtube, twitter, etc) directly oppose repealing net neutrality because they're the biggest sites on the internet and will get fined the hardest. The basic idea is that if net neutrality were revoked they'd be hit in their wallets pretty fucking hard since ISPs would now be able to charge them for their insanely high traffic. Yes it would harm the average user as well but they're already being harmed by these sites' shitty policies so it's not a big difference and we lose no money from it.
How come? This is an attack on Google and other tech giant's coffers.
Well what loss of net neutrality would ultimately mean is the ISPs milking more money from Google etc.
Who do you think is going to pay for that?
You, the end user.
Again, who do you think is going to pay for that fun? The customer. Always the customer.
I don't believe it. A lot of youtubers whine and bitch about algorithms being changed. It's just that all the inactive accounts that once subbed to them are getting deleted and they're getting less in ad revenue. They're discovering they can't just make the same shit content and make millions. Better to blame YT than themselves.
We can evolve out of a social media dependant net and make p2p networks. Google will still be hit.
Okay so what's this latest crybaby shitfest about? People who make crappy videos while being obnoxious faggots aren't gonna get paid anymore?
It's pretty decent but it just isn't catching on. It's used almost exclusively by people who are small fish on Youtube trying to move to a smaller pond.
It would be easier to organize shadow communities on chinese websites, since they will never censor for other countries and have no interest in censoring you if you just call everyone a kike.
Seems pretty stupid, all you would do is change the holder of the gun
They would do the exact same leftshit, only it wouldn't be just a bunch of big websites held by google, it would be everything
You mean restricted mode? If you're cursing and showing off blood or some other shit, then I can perfectly understand why youtube would want to restrict that. Youtube is a platform that is often used by kids. I can understand if youtube doesn't want them watching my Evil Within review, for example. They're not actively hiding your videos though; if you explicitly search "The Evil Within review" then my video has a chance to show up. Unless you're talking about something else, I don't really get where you're coming from.
If you want a recent example of unchecked and aggressive youtube modernation, check out UberHaxorNova. He has had thousands of videos suddenly hidden from view for no reason.
Youtube has some fucked up new algorithms that shadowban videos automatically based on words and phrases used in them, from a simple "fuck" to anything it identifies as right-wing sounding sentiments. Nova's videos are always strictly apolitical, and he has had years of content that was previously okay hidden overnight for no reason other than their new nazibot flagging them.
And to make it worse, in order to apply to have them unhidden again, the videos need 1000 unique users to visit them within a recent span of time. Which is just not possible when they're several years old AND flagged in a way that makes them not show up to anyone who isn't subscribed to him.
There's simply not enough people who care about this sort of thing to override majority opinion. Jim lives in a small pond and he's going after a fucking behemoth. He's got no shot.