Post them

post them

Other urls found in this thread:

>No numpad
>No shelves for your figurines
Could use some work, user.


>fluffy cat

Cute Chinatsu.

The wallpaper, if you were interested


Why do you have so many little girl toys user?

Is it because you're gay?

Man, nendoroids are a slippery slope. Very cute though

post link to that discord pham

I just like being comfortable

that album is garbage

Its the only song i like actully but i agree it's a damn shame

There is literally nothing wrong with Discord

strobelight is p good imo, only song i actually remember from the couple times i listened to it



Collar and ascension are my favorite but it could've been so much more

it just doesn't feel/sound like a gorillaz album
i mean, i know they've always had lots of guests before but this one just feels like a collection of other artists' songs rather than a gorillaz album with guest artists


Thats why i like collar because its only him and then the fried egg song

But fried egg was to make fun of the fans for complaining

this is just about the saddest setup thread I've ever seen

>doesn't even post his set up



no life weeb in his 30s
beta cuck faggot
lazy fatass loser with shit taste in anime
kys smoker
you and op would make a great friends if you were actually able to make any friends
10/10 would trust my life to this poster

Always wondering how is it comfortable for people to sit that close to the monitor.

No one asked you faggot

Reporting in


your mom did


Mitcher is best girl good taste user.

Looks rad as fuck.

i sense you may have a faint interest in guns from this pic

what does your dad think about your desk user?



What the fuck?


I really can't be bothered to clean up.




Are those drawers on both sides of the desk? I'd be hitting my legs on the desk every time I swivel to get up

are the people that posted so far single? trying to figure out a correlation from setup arrangement


great taste!

>those socks
Don't you have dicks to be sucking on faggot?

I'm not gay I have a girlfriend

Post butthole

where is the pc?

how is that 21:9 for gaming?

>Keeping your shaved tranny legs in the picture to cause faggots to derail the thread

Naw it's fine, the chair can go under the desk or back up more

>how is that 21:9 for gaming?
It was I think the very first 3440x1440 IPS panel on the market. I'm trading up for the 200Hz QDOT 21:9 panel coming out this fall. The 60Hz is adequate. Until the 1080Ti I couldn't drive higher than 60FPS anyway.

But as for the core game experience? Ultrawide can't be beat. I used to do multimonitor, then went to a 32" 4k 16:9 panel and finally settled on that monitor. I can't imagine gaming outside of 21:9. And outside of a few niche Japanese games and Overwatch, almost everything supports the resolution natively, or can be enabled with a minor hex edit (universal) or .ini edit. It helped revive my passion for gaymen to be honest.

here's mine.


post feet and discord

Right you do queer.

need more fried chicken

Nice Nendoroids user

Is it good enough?

it's shit honestly.
I wish I just had a 24 inch 16:9 monitor instead of having to deal with games that don't support 21:9 and there are a lot a them.

looks gay

What are those numbers on red mean?


masashi wakui/10

mmmm.... I have 3 27" 1080p Monitors and wanted to know a little more about it so I can ditch having 3 fucking screens to just one. Every time I ask I get a lot of mixed answers.

missing a katana on the wall

Have people seriously been reposting my T430s?

Gotta do what I can to make it like some sort of cozy home. Barracks are limited.

Don't listen to , he just can't be bothered to make an ini change if he needs to once in a while. My station is here , 21:9 is a fucking wonder for vidya, movies, and 3D work. If there are games that don't support it (most of which as the other guy said, can be tweaked to work), it just acts like a normal monitor and has black bars on the sides. Would highly recommend 21:9.

If a game doesn't work (most do/can, only one I know for sure can't is Overwatch) it will just play like you're using a normal monitor. For the other 99% that do work, it's a fantastic experience.

Well it's good for work and MMO games since they all support 21:9 but anything else would have you look for fixes and edit .ini files to make the game work on your weird resolution.

Overwatch is the only game in the past three years I know of that won't work with 21:9. 99% of games work perfectly fine with it. Why are you spreading misinformation my dude?

Anyone know a good way to organize things on a shelf?


>mmmm.... I have 3 27" 1080p Monitors and wanted to know a little more about it so I can ditch having 3 fucking screens to just one. Every time I ask I get a lot of mixed answers.
Well there are a lot of times you have to do hex edits. I actually post guides to enable 21:9 in any game I own that isn't default supported on Steam. Very detailed stuff.

I also use my monitor for work. That laptop to the left is hooked up to the monitor via KVM (built into the monitor). I work remotely. Personally dual or even triple monitors seem detrimental for work to me. However having one huge screen for two fullsize side-by-side windows is priceless for productivity. When I'm working on a program for a customer I can have a fullscreen editor and a fullscreen debuger-pane attached, plus a full screen reference open to look off of. It is sublime.

It is also pretty cool how movies are all natively 21:9, so it fills out the screen with no black bars. I love how it fills out your peripheral vision. It makes the games more immersive. It does give you a slight edge in competitive titles too since you can see more information at once. But I didn't get it for that.

The curve is pretty mild on the old U3415W but newer ultrawides have a more dramatic curve that is nicer for gaming. I sit about a foot away from the screen.

>akai mpc

i see you are a man of taste.

thanks for the replies.

>he just can't be bothered to make an ini change
Yeah because I've been bothered with it so many time it because a chore, and not all games can be fixed to work perfectly with 21:9.
>99% of games work perfectly fine with it here is your list of "99% of games"
Play any new or even old AAA game or some japanese console ports, they don't fucking work with 21:9 res.

yes, it was cheap on massdrop and i was vaguely interested in knobs and pads with my friend so i had to get it. glad i did.

This guy is lying to you.
I'm & & and have no problem playing ultrawide. Even shitty ports like Tales of Berseria are fine on ultrawide. Here is a shot from my steam profile (it is scaled down cause steam is gay like that) and this is actually a cutscene. Almost all game engines are perfectly capable of rendering 21:9 without distortion

Here is DMC4: Special Edition with a 2 second hex edit, which I have a guide for on Steam


A bit late to the party

You just want him to suffer with you don't you? We fell for the 21:9 meme user, just accept it.
Also Berseria doesn't support 21:9.

here is another niche console port in 21:9 native, Furi

>no optical drive

kys millenials

post more cat

>Also Berseria doesn't support 21:9.
u w0t m8? It absolutely does. Start to finish. Even the cutscenes aren't stretched. It is native rendering 21:9

Maybe you aren't smart enough to play vidya on PC

>pure leaf
my nigga

Looks cozy user 8/10 would game there

t. 15 year old trailer park dwelling gen-zer on her 2005 toaster salvaged out of a dumpster

>Dragon's Dogma
Why though?

haha, w-what do you h-hold eachother's hands while playing your cute fucking video games?!
what a f-fucking nerd amirite guys?

The UI is clearly fucked. Sorry user but not everyone wants to do hex edits after every update.

Why not? I usually play on my vita in bed though

Thank you, it really is comfy. Especially in the winter and I put the blankets on my chair.

Not him but I got used to m+kb pretty quickly. The control scheme ain't that bad and it feels pretty smooth.

those dont look bad at all.

Is that a fractal define s case? If it is we have the same case