Why are anime games not okay but cringy western cartoon games are? Why the double standard? You can't shit on anime games and then play, let alone enjoy, shitty try-hard western cartoon games. Are they more socially acceptable because the feature racially diverse casts and feature gunz?
Why are anime games not okay but cringy western cartoon games are? Why the double standard...
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Those are some badass games OP
Normalfags, anime is silly Spiderman is cool.
One day normalfags are going to end.
I think the difference is all your anime games are about trying to fuck little girls which makes anyone that likes them mentally unstable pieces of shit.
go back you fucking child
Western cartoon games are about fucking subhuman minorities, which is equally as bad, so what's the big deal?
>justifying pedophilia
might as well go join isis now you cunt. and none of those games have sexualization on the level of creepy jap shit
>Why are anime games not okay
What world do you live in?
>justifying pedophilia
Who? Where?
There's nothing wrong with anime games, but all the fetish-y VNs are weird.
A western, progressive world.
Western artstyle is atrocious.
Also killing God/mighty being with the power of friendship
It's more like the majority of the anime games are garbage shit and the only people that would like to play them are weebs.
wrong faggot. you live in a globalized world. you can get all the creepy anime shit at the click of a button. you can ignore all the western crap and live in your weeabo fantasy world.
>One day normalfags are going to end.
I wish.
Pic related and meanwhile, the far cry clone Horizon sells a bajillion copies cuz people eat us Ubisoft styled crap.
>FarCry clone
it's a Zelda clone with a crappy "realistic" artstyle
>far cry clone
>zelda clone
it's neither
oh wow, two janky niche games don't sell. what a shocker
Please enlighten me, my Sonnygger friend. Tell me more about your oh-so-original masterpiece of a game.
But every single game there except one failed horribly. Also don't pretend Crackdown won't be shit.
That is true, I've cut of most ties with mainstream society years ago. Luckily I live in a pretty free and easygoing country.
A moment of silence for our British and Canadian oppressed brothers and sisters.
play it and find out faggot
The only people I met irl that also play Neptunia are girls.
Because anime is way more cringy and lame.
come on now
Fug, I just hope Team Siren doesn't get shut down. I want a new Siren game.
Sunset Overdrive, Borderlands 2 and OW are good.
>reddit humor
>Anthony Burch
There is literally 0 story or lore in the actual overwatch game when you just play the game
Its the other way around you retard. Plenty of people hate this "cringy" humor in games but right after you make it anime its suddenly perfectly acceptable.
Except for the constant talking between characters who know each other.
And that the levels are all plot-relevant locations.
There is max 1 dialog interaction like this per entire game in the waiting room during the countdown, and is usually just some bullshit like "can i get your autograph"
>uguu... I'm timid and wear stripper cloths, p-p-please don't touch my panties baka-nii-chan
it's way worse
Let's agree to disagree. you fucking nigger
>Sunset Overdrive
Anime games are cringy shit.
keep jacking it to those Chinese cartoons and keep your dna out of the gene pool and we golden.
>Canadian friend has to go offline to play Estival Versus I gifted him so his irl ""friends"" won't have a "talk" with him
>same with anything remotely japanese because "DUDE HENTAI TENTANCLES LMAO XD!!
Truly the world of darkness we live in.
Better than jacking off to literal fucking apes, you sick zoophilic fuck.
Nobody jacks off to that you autistic virgin
your mistaken. I'm into real women not video game characters.
Because retarded western cartoons are only that, retarded cartoons, now look at your tipical weeb game
>little girl wearing leather shorts and crop top doing those retarded Japanese squeaks and talking in sexual innuendo
>b-but she is really a thousand year old demon so it's perfectly normal!
You weebs are so brainwashed by that crap you can't even tell how embarrassing it is.
This is so fucking ironic considering what "beyond good and evil" is
Analysis: These are all objectively cancer and you are cancer for liking either the dreck poster in your picture or weebshit.
conclusion: play doom 1+2 with mods instead.
>doesn't put TF2 into pic
at least be consistent
>"N-no I don't, y-you virgin!!!1!"
lmao get fucked you, sick ape loving cunt
Damn, great taste user.
> mfw I bought the last guardian and am still in denial about what a shitheap it was
glad Sony shut down the cancer that is japenese 'directors'.
Inafune gone, Kojima is gone now too, finally Japan can focus on making games instead of retarded shit nobody likes.
>he jacks off to video games
And you wonder why you're still a virgin lmao, try leaving the house for once other than going for tendies and mountain dew
Because all anime looks the fucking same. All the examples you posted have different artstyles, which is why western animation will always be better.
This is objectively wrong, nice projecting retard.
No one it's expecting you to masturbate to a game user, certainly not that one
This is the problem, you expect games to cater to your retarded sexual needs.
people are bizarrely insecure about anything japanese and i seriously don't get why. maybe because the stereotypical anime fan is a caricature of everything people don't want to become?
even big corporations seem intent to pretend japanese games just don't exist (Sony never acknowledges any of their hit JP games unless they're mainstream gritty realistic stuff like Dark Souls).
Hence many people, through mainstream media telling them what tastes to have, are turned against "weeb" games and drawn towards "western" style shit. And ironically most of these "western" style games are just stealing from japanese pop culture anyway.
it's really ridiculous how insecure people are about weebshit, even here on Sup Forums you will see people who seem noticeably upset at accepting the fact Sup Forums was founded by weebs for weebs.
Really? Because Overwatch, Paladins, and Battleborn could be the same game for all I care. They literally rip each other's ideas off.
Both genres fo games are shit! All you retards are doing is yelling at a mirror.
> Hi guys I'm mike, a 30+ year old virgin that hides his failure at life behind digital pedophilia. Look as I try to act extra edgy to poster by being extra racist. I hope this hides the fact that I sometimes overhear my parents whisper that they wish 'he would just go away'. This hurts me less every day, as I focus more and more on poorly drawn juveniles in imaginary clothing I will never get to see on a real person. I'm done with my Visual Novel now. The sound of the F5 key temporarily interrupting the constant hard wheezing sound of my flatulent body
>Sony never acknowledges any of their hit JP games
are you a retard. Nier:A, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza, Rez, ni no kuni 2 and the last guardian were all on sony press conferences.
you know that statistically speaking, black people are underrepresented in vidya right? Actually, I think chinese and indians would be the ones truly underrepresented!
Ugly nerds like you are over-represented on this imageboard though
I have zero interest in anime, but I really really want to play the new dragon quest x. I love the art style and it looks fun
not anime
>Ni no Kuni 2
studio ghibli
>last guardian
doesn't even look japanese
>nier automata
>gravity rush 2
>persona 5
>ni oh
snubbed in pretty much all sony marketing. even at E3, the guy was rattling off best sellers on PS4 and refused to mention Nier, GR2, or Ni-oh.
Just look at how different MonHun5 is visually, and of course it's been long rumored that Sony was pouring money into that project to get PS4 sales up in Japan while simultaneously having a westernized MH to sell to US
Then why are you on Sup Forums?
>this shit again
Is it hard to understand that not everyone around you it's obsessed about your stupid waifus?
Sup Forums it's not your safe space weeb
Oh good, now name 3 anime girls from last 5 years that are about fucking kids that got into the west.
>western triple a garbage
Not even once
all those where on PSX dumb dumb. Sony even covered the marketing work for Nier:A and Nioh in the west. stop spouting lies to fit your retarded argument.
You forcefully browse a website for days on end that indulges in anime and japanese culture constantly, and you have the audacity to complain? I think it's time you relocate, buddy.
>it's a Sup Forumsittor comes to Sup Forums and posts the same 2 images episode
Enjoy the ban faggot
>Sony even covered the marketing work for Nier:A
lmao what the fuck are you talking about? what marketing?
taro did this himself, any promotional videos were by him, not sony.
>all those where on PSX dumb dumb.
showing a single trailer at an event where you need trailers to show is not 'marketing' you absolute retard. nobody was talking about any of them or gushing about them as PS exclusives from a marketing standpoint, because they are too japanese looking and that's not marketable. this is really basic shit that's been this way for years.
There's a lot of stuff I dislike about anime aesthetics, but I'll take that shit over cartoon or comic styling any day of the week.
Look at all those adult characters.
Most of this is bullshit outside the reviewing crowd, which has always been like that(and which is understandable since their careers hinge on taking money and goods from game companies, and for western reviewers most of those are gonna be western publishers.)
Once you get off Sup Forums, only expat faggots from Sup Forums spout this shit. Noone else even cares.
Wait, you try to fuck little girls in Persona games?
>everyone on Sup Forums is a weeb meme
Epic friend, simply epic
>showing something at a marketing event is not marketing
you can't be this dense right? And sony did cover all the costs and responsibilities for nier:a marketing in the west. Hiring out ad spaces online and irl was all handled by sony marketing. It's the same reason the pc release date was kept under wraps for so long. but if you want to stay deluded with your fake conspiracy though, be my guest.
I actually don't care, the question in this thread it's why more people are ok with western retarded style instead of eastern retarded style, as you can see most people agree that Japanese games are awkward to see unless you submerge in that culture. I'm ok with anime things, not ok when that's everything there is.
Also, yes, this might be a forum based on a Japanese forum but it's still a western forum with mostly western audience.
They certainly behave like they are
looks like mods werent asleep this night
Would fug all the girls with glasses bar blue haired hambeast
What? Sup Forums is full of weeaboos?
Get the fuck outta town.
>if you don't like anime girls YOU MUST LIKE THESE SPECIF WOMEN
stop user, this is too pathetic even by Sup Forums standards. Also girl in purple top with glasses and girl in black and white stripes are cute, would bang.
>why doesn't society like my loli games
I don't know what to tell you user.
Six out of those seven were flops, so there's some hope left.
anime-fags BTFO! How will they ever recover?
red top is definitely into sex and has a great body, disregard the acne, can't see that in a shady bedroom.
+ chick that's good with coding is always +2
>Six out of those seven were flops
Borderlands 2
>Borderlands 2 was one of the best-selling games of 2012, and has become the best-selling game in the history of 2K Games, with 8.5 million copies sold by February 2014. The following month, it was announced by Gearbox that the game had sold "well over" 12 million copies.
we all know...
Crackdown 3
Not even out yet.
I think you might be retarded if you think 7 - 3 = 6
Pseudo-realistic military shooters
"Hero-shooters" with cartoony visuals trying way too hard to be funny or "memey"
When will that shit stop?
>examples posted have different artstyles
because of shit like this. This was the image for the op of the thread right below this one, really makes you think.
Anime games:
>cookie cutter RPGs with naked women making up 90% of the cast
>shitty puzzle games with naked women making up 90% of the cast
>ludicrous """visual novels""" with naked women making up 90% of the cast
>infest steam with these shitty knockoffs of eachother like a cancer spreading over a body
Western cartoon games:
>cringy hip/meme humor
>sometimes have leftists devs
>can sometimes be good because the dev teams aren't always looking to make a quick buck off their obsessive weeb audience
>inb4 what are you, a gay feminist?
Anime games prove that when games hamfist in pretty girls, they're doing it because the game isn't actually worth your time. Playing an anime game is like watching softcore porn because you enjoy the story. The only exception of this I've seen has been Paladins, which isn't even that good.
I've only played Overwatch and Borderlands 2 out of that list but both those games have more to offer than naked sameface anime girls.
For some reason japs find mentally impaired women hot
Because the majority of western gamers are Americans who live in their little capeshit bubble afraid of anything that might fire their imagination or make them think.
You ok little buddy? You're projecting pretty hard.
SJW western plebeian shit = you become a surrogate father to this young girl after you lost your daughter
Japanese superior exquisite patrician taste = here is this young girl you can cum on into your tisssues
>i know u are but what am i
Is this all anime-fags have to say? KEK
Overwatch is pretty popular in Japan.
When will Japan make their own moba tier FPS?