It's been in stock for hours. Is peak already demand over?

It's been in stock for hours. Is peak already demand over?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah dude it dies now.

>Is peak already demand over?
How the hell did I flub that one

you were so excited that you decided to SWITCH the words

ha ha get it

you're stupid

I thought those Japanese fellas were standing outside by the thousands to grab these cheapy things?

it's only for prime members, i think

Demand is highest in Japan, where they've barely shipped more than 1 million units so far.

>Switch isn't in stock
>"Fucking Nintendo, creating artificial scarcity!"
>Switch is in stock
>"Fucking Nintendo, they're a joke, no one wants their shitty console LOL"

>Exclusive to Prime Members
Could be the problem.


This just proves it you idiot

you ate the bait so hard, live and learn buddy

>No VC on Switch
>"LOL how can they fuck that up?!"

>VC announced coming in 2018
>"LOL buying roms!"

Shit posters will shit post because they got nothing else to do.

No it just proves you're a faggot

People here like feeling mad because at least they get to feel

Yup. It's confirmed dead. PS4 won again.

The 'LOL buying roms' is legit. People actually do that and it is funny. So Nintendo is stupid for not pandering to those idiots. Which justifies the "LOL how can they fuck that up" part.

>Switch isn't in stock
>Switch is in stock
>pic related

nigger where did you get that from my post

What the fuck is there to play beside zelda and splatoon? Arms is a fucking joke, put that on steam greenlight and nobody would give a shit about it.

No one wants those underpowered tablets. It was artificial demand.

i think so. All the best buys in my area have a decent amount of them in stock. However there all the gray ones no neon.

That's just because they've made far less neon

Everyone thinks sold out = high demand. Supply and demand are part of the same equation. In Switch's case, it was sold out because of low supply, not high demand.

low supply creates demand user.You clearly don't know how this works

You're talking about artificial demand, not real demand

I'm not signing up for Prime just to buy a console.

It's literally free for 30 days. If you've already blown your trial, just make a new account with a different email, and you get another trial. If you don't know how to make a free email account, you should probably go swimming with rocks in your pockets

Joy is all too fleeting in this world, but its promiscuous sister hate is forever willing and capable of making one feel equally alive

>artificial demand
opinion discarded

>it's still in stock
What the fuck? Maybe people don't want this kids toy after all

>low supply creates demand user.
>not artificial

>doesn't know what artificial means

>1. Man-made.

>the demand was man made
Ah, its the "Nintendo is doing this on purpose" crowd.

Okay senpai, I bit

They shipped less units than the Wii U, their worst performing console ever. There are only two possibilities: 1) they were trying to create demand by intentionally creating far less than could possibly meet demand, or 2) they are completely and utterly incompetent.

Take your fucking pick.

>Doesn't know about the jew Apple problems
>They're clearly doing this on purpose!

Hmmm, made me ponder.

>I believe all the PR spin I read
So naive

They've shipped way more units than the Wii U. Switch shipped 4.7 million in its first two quarters. Wii U only shipped 3.45 million, and that's counting in a longer first quarter, during the holidays.

>He believes Apple is innocent


Doesn't look like it. Probably just got a way bigger re-stock than usual.

It's on back-order.

Innocent of what? Notice how Nintendo didn't specifically blame Apple, because that would be something we call slander. They leave that to journalists to speculate because that's what journalists do. All they said is they're having a parts shortage, which is something that's unverifiable. All we have is their word that it's true.

I realize you're a gigantic fanboy but do you really think they're incapable of lying? Especially when it's impossible for them to be called on it. And when they're notorious for creating artificial demand for the 4 decades they've been in the hardware business

I'm talking about at launch. Switch was way undershipped compared to the Wii U at launch.


Nintendo is a fucking joke, what the hell. I bet they are going to re-QA everything they release for like the THIRD or FOURTH time (that is how VC works btw they treat it like it's releasing for the first time, every time. QAing the game 100% to make sure every ancient GB and SNES game is still as functional as it was the last three times they re-released them, on 3DS and Wii and Wii U

They didn't fuck up. They are going to sell roms on the snes and n64 mini. Then sell them again next year cause you have to have your roms you own four times a fifth portable.

25 millon lifetime sales

>Is demand so dead that they made it exclusive to their paying members only?

Really makes you think

Then you're looking at 2.74 million Switches compared to 3.19 million Wii Us. With the Switch's being the amount shipped over 29 days and the Wii U's being over 45 days. Wii U shipped more total, but Switch shipped more per day. It's more that the Wii U was overshipped, going by how few were shipped in the second quarter.

There's about a 100 thousand japs that would beat your ass just for a ticket to stand in line to maybe buy a Switch. But yeah, no demand.

>Everything is a lie
Okay this is when the (You)s stop coming

>launch new console after unsuccessful one
You're not very smart are you?

>a 100 thousand japs
Are we pretending 100k is a lot when it comes to console sales? Switch has a long, long way to go to even catch up to the 3DS, which is Nintendo's worst selling handheld

Other 900K japs already have one so...

>Switch has a long, long way to go to even catch up to the 3DS
>a console that has been out for 6 months has less sales than one that came out 6 years ago

Did you mean to respond to the guy saying Nintendo undershipped Switch compared to Wii U? I just said that Switch has shipped more than Wii U.

On launch, user.

And? We're talking about 5 months later. Switch hasn't passed the 3DS's YTD yet. It did BRIEFLY for one week, but then the 3DS's price slash kicked in and the 3DS is back on top now. As a reminder, the 3DS was doing extremely poorly before the price slash, and it's the reason for the price slash

>a $150 console sells better than a $300 one

it was never in demand. you just got tricked into thinking it was.

When can I expect a price drop I'm not paying $300 for a handheld. Also MP4

Switch has remarkably higher profit rates than 3DS hardware and software, specially post-price-cut-for-about-2-years 3DS.

They'll be fine.


What source for sales are you going by? US sales reports say that the Switch is selling about twice as much as the 3DS was at this point in time. Japanese reports show it surpassing 3DS sales at around the point of the price drop.

>What source for sales are you going by?
Media Create.

It surpassed 3DS LTD a single week before the 3DS's price drop. The 3DS is back in the lead. What's worse is that the 3DS was doing POORLY. So for the Switch to only be edging it out slightly and only for 1 week says a lot.

>worst performing console ever
>p e r f o r m i n g
>c o n s o l e
>e v e r
had me rolling on the floor

Did you just learn how to read yesterday? Wii U = worst performing, in terms of sales

3DS is counting in an extra week from launching before the Switch. In Japan, the Switch's sales were severely constrained by supply from May to early July. For the past few weeks, they've been exceeding the amount that the 3DS was selling at after the price drop, with the demand still far outweighing the supply. If the supply keeps up at around 70,000 to 90,000 a week, it will continue to exceed the 3DS week-aligned as well as YTD, even if it's still not meeting demand.

Or, you know, the more logical possibility that they didn't expect a March launch of a 300 dollar handheld to do as well as it did.

What games should I buy for it? Already got Zelda in my cart with the system.

Add BotW and that new game starring Link

You could get the Mario Kart 8 Full Priced Expansion Pack or the Splatoon Full Priced Expansion Pack. Or you could get the all new Gimmick Fighter.

You own 100% of the games on the Switch*.

*also on Wii U
**also on PC

Those statements aren't mutually exclusive you know

I never said anything like that that response was suggesting. It was someone else who was saying that Nintendo must have been purposefully undershipping or incompetent for shipping less of Switch than Wii U in the launch quarter. The point that it was reasonable for Nintendo to not overship Switch after the Wii U is something that I agree with.

good post, all the other replies are fags

I actually wanted to buy it a month ago but I was too lazy to buy it on the internet and I decided to wait, now it's on stock here but I've lost all interest.

Sonic Mania

>I actually wanted to buy it a month ago

>sign up for Prime monthly
>pay $10-12 USD if you've had prime before; if never, maybe even nothing
>get your switch
>opt for standard, free delivery and wait
>cancel Prime after delivery
>get your prime fee refunded

How hard, eh guys?

They had a huge production boom. My friend works at FUCKING GAMESTOP and says that they got a shitload in.

Nintendo fucked themselves over and here is why.
>Nintendo Switch.
>The next Wii Guys.
>Demand is higher then hell.
>Nintendo makes it hard to just buy one.
I got one on opening night.
>Only one game.
>Now people who wanted a Switch no longer want one because.
and spoiler guys.
>It has no fucking games.

I have a grand total of one game for mine, Zelda.
I buy nearly every console cause I am a idiort.


For what? Mario + Rabbids?

How about waiting till a game people actually want comes out

>company finally starts fullfiing demand
>Hrrrr switch is done

christ, you're a retard.

You can't get a refund because you used a prime benefit(Exclusive deal)

BotW is the best game of all time, according to Sup Forums
If that's not enough to keep your system sold out, I don't know what is

What are you talking about
Prime has a 30 day free trial for new accounts. Open a new account and you get a free trial. There's nothing to be refunded. You won't be charged as long as you cancel in 30 days

We are reaching the point where most parents will tell their kids that they just have to wait until the holidays to get one. So probably a sales dip now and then the usual holiday rush.





Why haven't you bought a PS4 pro yet? Wouldn't you rather have 4k while the shitch struggles at 720p?

What the hell is this meme that the Switch has no games? I already own

>Fast RMX
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>Disgaea 5
>Splatoon 2
>Sonic Mania

Of that, there's also Mario Odyssey, Mario kart, Rabbids, ARMS, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Xenoverse 2, Snake Pass, Pokken DX, DQXI, and Stardew Valley either out now or coming later this year. I know not every one of those games may appeal to people, but it's retarded to say it's got a worse first-year lineup than other consoles did. The PS4 and One were a joke until about three years after release.



>also on Wii U (rehash anyway)
>indie trash
>indie trash
>indie trash
>weebshit (also on ps4)
>indie trash (also on ps4)

wow so many games
thanks based Nintendo

I want to buy a digital game (Sonic Mania) on my friend's switch.
Will I be able to transfer the game on my future Switch?

Do they have any sort of abuse prevention?
For example, can they deny you a new account if they see your cards and shipping/billing address?

I once refunded many digital books when I was in college after I had finished reading them and had that privilege taken.

You can look at any console and call their lineup either rehashes or indie trash. That's 80% of all video games now.


HAHAHA the state of nintendo Shitch

Accounts are tied to systems and there's no system transfer yet

Uh, only one way to find out I guess?

Doesn't matter anymore as it's out of stock. Again.

>tfw you spent 300$ on a glorified tablet that barely runs indieshit at 540p 20fps