is there any bro-op in the history of modern gaming as good as the wrex/garrus/shepard and wrex/zaeed/shepard trio?
Imagine how much better the games would be if you could bring 3 squadmates and yourself, instead of just 2.
Mass Effect thread?
ME2 > ME1 > ME3
That's the general opinion right? Nothing can beat 2.
Silly user, you wanted to write: Grunt/Zaeed/Shepard
ME1 > ME2 > ME3 >>>>>>>>>>>> ME:A
>That's the general opinion right?
Yes I think so, even though I've seen people who put 1 above 2 because it's "comfy" or some shit. I never played 1 all the way through because the shooting and driving was so janky and the story/locations pretty boring, most of the time you're standing in an elevator and Citadel was just a massive maze with nothing in it.
2 > 3 > 1 for me but maybe if I played 1 when it came out I could have some nostalgic wankery over it.
Are you also a fan of me3? I mean despite the ending and many rushed things than you see throughout the game, I myself enjoy it alot. On replaythroughs I never touch me1 since I completed it atleast 8-9 maybe 10 times before me2 was released and it's definitely aged the worst.
>not javik
ME3 is way underrated, people rate it 0/10 just because the last 15 minutes are bad (fixed with extended ending + Leviathan) and there is a cheesy email written by Kai-Leng, even the haters couldn't muster anything else wrong with it which just tells you how good it actually is.
It also has the best set of DLC out of all ME games. Multiplayer is also fun but I guess now you can just play Andromeda for that.
One of the best part of ME1
shitty bait, made me reply
Mattias Nilsson and his weapons come close, but it doesn't have the same chemistry.
>fixed with extended ending + Leviathan
I hesitate to call it a fix, a patch up but not a fix.
I rate it 0/10 because the last three thirds of the game are shit. Fucking dumb biodrone.
Git gud.
I put 1 and 2 equally. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses.
2 has no strenght, its a shitfest from start to finish and let to the 3rd's ending debacle. fuck ME2 in every regard.
I really wished the game did, but it sucked shit all the way. I wanted to like it but it shat on everything I loved about the first two games. But whatever enjoy your delusion user.
> it shat on everything I loved about the first two games.
It didn't, I recommend you play it instead of parroting what neo/v/ said at the time. You have to know that people were still in DA2 memeing mode when the game came out.
I was around here well before it ever came out you dumb apologist. I bought into the hype. I played it. I refuse to play through that piece of trash again. I'm happy you fell in love with it as one of your babbys first games but those of us who arent blinded by inexperience and nostalgia know it's shit.
>I refuse to play through that piece of trash again.
You should because it's real good, be sure to get all the DLC as well.
>being this mad that you got yourself hyped up after everything ME2 destroyed
your own fault faggot, I expected shit from the beginning and thought 3 was decent aswell, even waited for the DC to come out first before playing it. you are the only retarded babby here.
What did ME2 destroy? It was a soft-reboot of the series and it did a good job of cleaning up the mess ME1 left behind it.
>tfw Sup Forums ME2 sitcom threads wil never come back
>Soft reboot
Are you insane or stupid?
I agree with you user, ME1 has a lot of great shit and is an actual RPG, but fuck driving and some of the sidequests. ME2 on the other hand brought us a lot of great characters like Legion and Zaeed. but is pretty bad in a lot of places.
ME3 is bad when you dwell on the ''what could have been''
Like never visiting an elcor homeworld, doing a mission there and finding out the elcor cheiftain is indoctrinated or someshit.
The earth intro not being rushed, better and longer trial, start me3 with a batarian vs human war, not have the batarians wiped out offscreen.
Im not gonna go on actually...
ME3 = Season 7 of game of thrones. Rushed fanservice and dumbed down/streamlined plotlines for more w00w action.
Shepard Shepard Shepard.
Literally everyone knows that ME2 is a soft-reboot, but have a (You).
Even though charge is OP, it's so fun to use as well play as vanguard.
Looking back it really is a travesty that you don't have a batarian team member in ME3. Because this whole theme of
>Brining everyone together to fight the bigger threat
Is undermined when your team does not consist of every species in the galaxy.
>citadel dlc
Has there ever been a more wonderful piece of dlc?
Tali a slut
He could have had all his family wiped out by shepard in that arrival dlc from me2. Have him slowly come to terms with it and the reasons why shepard had to do it
We need to stop this. Its been 5 years user...
>you will never take advantage of wasted Tali
Why live?
Liara was so shit in me2. Glad they fixed her in the shadow broker dlc though.
It was pure shameless fanservice.
But I liked it.
>we made so many threads moot created /vg/
Just like good times eh Shepard
Be into tickling and unexpectedly hear this.
yes, contrarians and nostalgia fags will claim me1 but they are incorrect. Me2 is the artistic peak of the series, I'm kind of surprised that Me3 apologists haven't become a thing considering how contrarian this board is.
Shepard/Zaeed/Garrus is the Renegade Death Squad
No that wouldn't work
Nothing beats the backgrounds/cities in mass effect
How so? Every other team mate on your squad loves you and would do anything, it'd be nice if in ME3 there was something other than blind loyalty going on in your ship. I was always expecting a betrayal/backstab from someone like ashley who was working with Udina but that never really happened.
Imagine having to convince this new batarian teammate to lend his batarian support and you go to the batarian council to convince them.
Comfy channel user
>ywn chill in an apartment like this drinking wine banging asaris
Batarian Hegemony is indoctrinated but having a batarian squadmate would be cool anyways just for the racial tension alone
last three thirds
what the fuck
he means the entire game is shit
I actually had fun with Andromeda, despite its shortcomings..
Main Story:
>the kid
>Cerberus becomes the 2nd enemy, because the rogue special ops group somehow became one of the biggest galactic powers
>story elvolves around a Deus ex machina (the crucible)
>only way to get help from the Salarians is to betray the Krogans, because the prospect of total annihilation is apparently no reason to work together
>Kai Leng
>Quarians also have better things to do than fight for the future of our galaxy
>Geth get reduced to your typical "AI wants to become a real individual" cliché
>the big decision at the end of ME2 becomes pointless, since Cerberus salvages something from the base no matter what
>Reapers bring the Citadel to Earth, because "SAVE MUH EARTH"
>fleets of the galaxy then start a battle with the Reapers, firing hundreds of missing missiles on Earth
>somehow the best plan into the Citadel is to enter a beam with unknown effects, even though cutscenes show, that there's a hole, where the beam enters the Citadel
>while calling in the Normandy, Harbinger starts being a nice guy and stops firing
>the Catalyst's existence and explanations still fuck with the lore and logic in general
>choose red/blue/green
>"epilogue" shows (ex-)squadmembers, but still doesn't describe properly what happened to them later
>EMS values are fucked up, with a single person sometimes being worth as much as a fifth/fourth of a major fleet
>half of the side missions are fetch quests
>apart from renegade/paragon choices, you only have two dialogue options most of the time
>Reaper evading minigame
At this point you can also add some flaws ME2's combat had. Like guns using ammunition, biotics not working on armored/shielded targets, having too many actions bound to a single key, etc.
Are those enough flaws for a start?
>tfw no krogan bf
I have to say, I like how many guns there are in ME3 and how much you can personalize them, and I like the roll button. Those make ME3 combat's better for me, while ME1 combat has become a chore after going through the entire saga and ME2 feels a bit lacking by comparison. I fucking hate the weight system though. And pretty much everything else about the game in comparison to the other two.
The females here belong to my soft DIC
Literally all two has going for it is the combat which is better than 1 but 3's combat is much better than 2. 2 was a glorified sidequest. I'd prefer 3 over 2 any day of the week minus that absolute garbage ending.
>single person sometimes being worth as much as a fifth/fourth of a major fleet
Just like in real life and in every movie/game ever made? An army is nothing without a strong leader.
ME3 had the best combat in the series by far. I'm not really sure how to feel about the guns, though, I absolutely love how many of them the game has but I still feel like it has too many guns to the point you'll only end up really using a few of them.
Best thing in the entire game.
that was never going to happen. the batarians have been dicks since game 1 with an eternal butthurt about getting raped in a war they started. You can just barely get them to work on keeping the galaxy from dying if you've played perfectly.
Honestly, I only wish we could have finished off the genocide of their species. Batarians are the worst dicks in the entire galaxy.
M67s... I love M67s...
It wasn't a difficult choice. Vetra is the only non-human that can make me hard. But Drack is just classic.
Drack nailed it for me when he sent low-res images of guns to cheer ryder up.
>he didn't invite everyone.
What a faggot commander.
Yes, Jacob is surely the beacon of hope our troops need
>being this dumb
If you honestly believe that one life is worth the same as any other life, you're literally deluded. One man can make the difference between victory and defeat as demonstrated by the fucking MC retard.
Anyone who says ME3 was good except for the end is forgetting almost every other part of the game. Tuchanka was the only good level.
>Legion wants to assimilate Reaper tech and die so Geth can become real boys
>The quarians go full retard.
>Vega is a useless waste of space
>The unskippable nightmare scenes are boring as fuck, all centered around some whogivesafuck kid
>Kai Leng was a fucking annoying nothin personnel oc.
ME3 was 95% bad, not the other way around.
Blueberry is the best waifu and you know it.
Vega was good, fuck you. Better than most of the returning squadmates that were just living memes.
I hit her blue ass so hard, despite Drack and Vetra being my go-to squadmates.
>>Vega is a useless waste of space
Over the fucking line. Vega was a cool guy. Sure, he didn't add too much to the story, but then again, neither did Ashely, Kaidan, or fuck even when you think about it Garrus doesn't really contribute that much to the overall story beyond his own little sidequests in 2 and being Shep's bro/boyfriend.
>>The unskippable nightmare scenes are boring as fuck, all centered around some whogivesafuck kid
The nightmares could have been great if they had actually worked on them. Just listen to this
These two were basically the only thing that made me be able to go through Andromeda. Well, them and the comfy feel of the Nomad. Didn't even finish the companion quests of the other npcs.
He wants to use the targetting code the reapers gave them. Literally all he's doing is increasing their ability to fuck your shit up. This isn't organic shit moron. There isn't going to be some super secret code he willingly integrates that he can't understand.
They were always full retard. It was made clear in ME2 they were going to make the dumb decision.
You're a faggot. I agree he didn't need to exist but there's literally nothing wrong with him.
That is either garbage or genius depending on whether you buy the indoctrination theory.
>Kai leng
Literally you are a baby. It was one email and maybe 30 seconds of cutscenes.
Your complaints are mostly garbage and not even a quarter of the game. Kill yourself.
>Legion wants to assimilate Reaper tech and die so Geth can become real boys
God I fucking hate this
Where did I say that all characters should be valued the same way? But all those +25 EMS in the Crucible category are pointless. I would understand it if there was the possibility to not finish it in time, but that's not the case. So the Crucible is built, only the fight with the Reapers is left and somehow they still make more of difference between winning and losing than a whole fucking fleet?
Also don't try to argue about Shepard's worth. If the Reapers would've deactivated the beam, he could sit down there on Earth all he likes and try to shoot Reapers in orbit with his gun.
Did anyone else always play with default male shepard?
How tight are Krogan butts
Of course, anyone who didn't was a disgusting self-insert whore.
>. Just listen to this
So many missed opportunities
Never even considered playing another way. Most of the custom ones you see are ugly abominations. It especially sucks when you're trying to find a scene or compilation of scenes and the only faggot in all of youtube to have it has his aborted version of shephard.
Yeah. The first few times with 2 I went through the game as a custom one, but holy shit it's just impossible. The character creator was fucking awful. And Sheploo's faces were pure gold sometimes.
>Andromeda was so bad it shut down a game studio