
You are going to buy it, aren't you?

Why isnt chunli naked like she's supposed to be?

Nah, didn't click with me when I played the demo.

fuck no

if you buy it, you're cancer

asking the important question

Probably, someone stop me please. I just really like the fighting!

still bad

I want to impregnate Chun-li.

I think it looks fun so yes. I don't really care about the graphics.

Sure the launch roster is dissapointing, but modern gaming as a whole is pretty dissapointing.

remember when a flying demon babe following a flying fire motorcycle was cool?

there are better fighting games released this year


Nobody mentioned DBZ

But I don't like DBZ.

t. Assmad MCUck

Morrigans giant hips are the only nice thing about this game.

Did they fix her refrigerator body?

Why can't they just make her good looking? It's like they are trying to make her different shades of ugly.

If they add the Hunter from MH ofcourse I will
If not nah

because capcom has no in-house talent

watches trailer
>oh hey they fixed chuns fac--------OH SHIT ROCKETS VOICE IS TERRIBLE

its like capcom just hates money

Am I wrong for thinking she looked cuter pre-fix?

She still doesn't look that great though.

Sup Forums has conditioned me to automatically assume that's a trap.

I wish.

Look at that chest, those are girl growths

it's got boobs so it definitely isn't a trap maybe a tranny

Modern men no longer desire big breasts

Well, if it is a girl, nice.

>what is plastic surgery
>implying a insta/snap ho couldnt afford high quality implants at a top tier juden chopshop

t. homosexual

No. Kinda just looking forward to Arika EX after that recent DBZ announcement too.

I've seen quite a few traps

I'm convinced this is real meat, but if you can find a dick I wouldn't complain


>only like capcom fighting games
>The current games are shit

whose bitch this is

I feel like trap has lost all meaning.

Mobile games makes better waifus

Source nigga

It's sad that Future Fight is better than MVC:I is gonna be

delete this, now.

>that big boobs and female face
Boco you are a fucking idiot

No idea dudes, sorry

Found these 3 on /cgl/ forever ago and post them occasionally in hopes somebody recognizes her

I'm bretty sure you was happier before knowing that is just one of those "fat-turd-angle+photoshop" picture so in a way it WAS a trap

Also she lacks 1 nipple so not even nude it can be saved

Also that is supposed to be a dual mei cosplay not just 2 random whales

What about how Dante and cap America still look like shit

Twitter @ship_fucker. You're welcome.

jfc i forgot hide-the-fat angle was even a thing

i'm out of practice

but mei is not fat

Hide fat and show fat boobs from fat body is the oldest trick ma boi



No. The lackluster roster on both sides and Capcom's shitty business practices are still there. Also the fact that they haven't released a beta to test the online means that the netcode is going to be absolute shit. If i get thr game it'll be used or the Ultimate edition released a year and a half from now.

It's like everything in this trailer was spesifically made to kill all hype left for the game.
Im pretty sure the models don't even move most of the time while performing an action

That don't stop fatties trying to cosplay as her.

Yes, day 1 along with DBFZ and Arika EX




Yes sweetie there is.

Can we just accept this game will continue to get massive amounts of hate for the stupidest things but will still be the second most played competitive fighter next to sfV?

It's capcom, they're still top dog when it comes to fighters so expect them to always get hate for simply being top. Nothing new here.

name literally one i dare u

>but will still be the second most played competitive fighter next to sfV?
Unless all the crowd negativity seen at EVO simply fades away it isn't happening.

Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[st]


tekken 7

>Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late
Wow a literal rehash of a 5 year old game with a few extra characters and a cringy as fuck waifu anime art style.

Try harder. I'd rather take MvCi's artsyle over that bland generic anime garbage style any day of the week

it's another early access game, that somehow looks worse than sfv

I'm not a shit eating indian, so no.

still not buying it


You mean the clone of tekken 6, which was the worst of the series, with """"""new"""""" garbage mechanics like rage arts. Not to mention the atrocious net code, one of the worst out of available fighters with no signs of being fixed.

Wake me up when hack harada learns to make an actual new game with new mechanics, playstyle, art, characters, etc rather than rehashing the same shit over and over again.

This is why we're never getting tekkenXsf. Harada literally doesn't know how to make anything but Tekken over and over again.

Hulk and Ryu doing a fastball special should look cool but it just lacked impact in the trailer

Is Dah'ren Mohran playable? A boss? Just a random threat in the cutscenes?

Not only did they not put any X-men in the game they also stole the fucking fastball special?

My man.

Nah, my fight money is going elsewhere next month.

>You mean the clone of tekken 6, which was the worst of the series, with """"""new"""""" garbage mechanics like rage arts. Not to mention the atrocious net code, one of the worst out of available fighters with no signs of being fixed
Woah man chill, it's ok if you don't like Tekken, no need to post all those lies

Its possessed by the Venom symbiote and attacks the heroes. That's all we know.

What the FUCK did they do with his old voice actor? He was FUCKING PERFECT in UMVC3. He's probably going to have the same intros/outros as before, but they're going to suck a significant amount of ass because that generic demon voice is trash.

Here's a sauce

>Wake me up when hack harada learns to make an actual new game with new mechanics, playstyle, art, characters, etc rather than rehashing the same shit over and over again.

So, Pokken Tournament? Oh wait, the FGC shit on it because it wasn't "Tekken but with Pokemon".

Isn't there a VA strike going on?

it is like COD. people will dick (mainly north americans) will dick rider it.
meanwhile other countries will play other games.
also I don't believe gameplay trailer of capcom fighters since vanilla Street fighter x tekken.

she's fat as fuck, wtf.

rage arts are useless mate. they are there just to grab the normalfag attention. I also didn't had netcodes problems with the game. maybe because i'm playing on pc

They may have fixed Chun-Li's face, but they sure as hell haven't fixed this game's anemic roster. There's no excuse for them to have not brought back everyone from UMvC3 over and just add on top of that. If they're going to recycle shit, at least give us more in addition to that.

Its sill bad and they didnt "fix" anything else.

Its like she was the worst on purpose so when they change it people stop complaining

>That file name

Oooh, nigga, if they fuck up my favorite fighting game song ever, I swear. but I trust Arika.

Damn, she really is. She found a good way to hide the fat from her face in a lot of photos, though. This was anti-climactic as fuck.

Still? And even so, the change sucks something massive. MVC3 Rider was fucking cool.

Nah, she still has a shit body.

these are all shills from /r/kappa. they have been spending much effort to trash Infinite DESPITE the fact everyone who played it at evo agrees its the best of the serious with very deep mechanics

>shill calling out shills
It's entertaining.

Meh, I liked the first one better.

Meh, I'll just be there for the good photos. This one made me chuckle though.

>Venom is DLC


They're bringing back super sweep for the project. They ain't gonna fuck it up.

thank god they fixed her

It looks better, but that doesn't actually look like Chun-Li. It looks like someone trying to cosplay as her.


>a boogieman
>in the middle of the fucking day

How many threads do we have?