Has Spain ever produced a good video game?
Has Spain ever produced a good video game?
commandos series
So that's what that flag is
Always wondered what flavor of beaner xcom was throwing at me
Quick rundown?
>this thread again
fuck off
Is Rime a good game?
All those refugees they keep letting in have finally paid off
Samus returns
Remake when?
Spain has accepted very few refugees though.
Spain has a really nice looking flag.
Yes there was.
Euro Truck Simulator 2
4% of Spain is muslim,anyway one of the terrorists was a muzzie from France.
I feel like Blasphemous should be added eventually.
2 weeks ago our government proudly announced that we had taken 7 refugees.
Meanwhile, the commies were demanding to take in 5 million.
spanish people are degenerate
La abadia del crimen
Metroid return of samus
As an ocean lover, this makes me unbelievably mad
I do not respect nigger subhumans, you expect me to respect literal non-humans?
Animals are lesser beings, they will be our tools or they will get the fuck out of the way.
Hahaha you wish I live less than 50km from africa and there are no blacks here they all leave for germany or barcelona
And everyone here hates moros
Fur Fun is a good spanish game, and it's producer is a top tier dev too.
Arriba España
This happen everywhere thought
People are just this stupid
post the bungee jump one
Spanish conquista was a mistake
Dolphins are smarter than your dumbass
Lords of Shadow was decent I guess
Nice try burgerman
Edgy would be killing or torturing people.
We have surpassed them.
Those beings have only two things in mind: feeding and reproducing.
They are incapable of doing anything else, they are lower than niggers themselves, they are not capable of building anything at all, and in a lot of cases, they are harmful pests.
Oh yeah?
Where do they store their nukes?
Where's the dolphin space program?
What kind of schools do they have?
There are retards everywhere. We hate animal violence and mistreatment here
"Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives."
Severance: Blade of Darkness
>American education
Hollywood Monsters.
Army Moves.
La Abadía del Crimen.
Oh man, I was scared for a second, I thought Barcelona was in Italy. Thank god that nothing of value was lost.
Depends on the human itself.
Niggers, for example, should be treated as animals.
They are probably not spanish
Spanish beach are populated of french, german, and english tourist
Bullfighting is fucking awesome and should be preserved.
Shit I'm a fucking idiot let me try again:
Nice try bongman
Italy is as worthless as all of Southern Europe.
>What kind of schools do they have?
You already know the answer to that
Where do YOU store your nukes?
Where is YOUR space programs
Where are the schools that YOU built?
Stop trying to claim what others people did as your own
Fuckin nigger
Northern Europe is the real shithole you are all miserable.
Maldita Castilla
This fucking thread.
The difference is that I could study and eventually learn to do such a thing, I have the capacity to do that.
Dolphins can't.
then do it
Then study and nuke the dolphins
t. Alejandro Rodríguez
Better question:
Has Spain ever produced a good country?
Happened twice in argentina.
It hapened the first time and people let the dolphin out of the water. Dolphin died, lots of drama made, then it happened again when people did the same thing about 2 weeks later.
Russia and USA have more than enough to wipe out humanity.
Building such weapons to kill animals is a waste of money when lesser and cheaper weaponry and do the trick.
Or just poluting their habitats.
Animals do not deserve respect, they are meant to be cattle, for us to eat, nothing more.
>killing a nigger is okay
>killing an animal is edgy tho
This is your logic.
Why are animals so worthless?
Ban assault trucks.
what about it?
>99% of the species that have ever been on Earth are dead
>meanwhile, humans have gotten to space, and will eventually start colonizing other worlds
>mfw people care about these useless piles of organic matter
>Franco's Spain.
>We never had a game directed by Franco
french and german tourists are the worst
>and will eventually start colonizing other worlds
We can't even manage our own world...
STOP replying to this absolute and massive faggot
you are underage and should be b& immediately
fuck off
dolphins are worth more than your pathetic ass.
If we truly wanted we could, but right now we are comfortable.
Humanity has done this.
Meanwhile, animals get praised when they grab stuff you throw at them.
>We hate animal violence and mistreatment here
In Spain?
You guys are still killing wounded bulls in arenas
kill yourself you fucking disgusting half-muslim mudblood
Spanish are literally niggers of Europe. At least Italy has decent food.
I agree
And it's even worse when you understand what they say
> t. French
Hey, not being white means we have a free pass to start genociding them.
Let's hope this serves as an excuse to start destroying them, Morocco will be the first.
I'd love to genocide them all.
Some game about lazy mexicans. No joke, it was a video game made in Spain, i think it was called Gonzalezz (with extra "z").
By the way, fuck you for that Spain. And for making all Wikipedia articles about you (you can't read any article without a subsection about Spain specific stuff). And for not liking our dubs.
t. Mexican
What do Spaniards think about Mexicans?