"It's a monster"

The most powerful console?

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>the most powerful console
>no exclusives
l m a o

I can feel it

Does anyone else like smug Xbro wojack the most?

talking about atari I see

A-t least we have diversity

>need to justify his purshase
>implying exclusives sells as much as Mutliplatform games

With no games.

I prefer the Atari one.

meanwhile in reality

The Xbox one x VS PS4pro battle is like who the tallest midget.
If MS seriously think that people who go for high end gaming, they will value the few bucks they can save on an xbox compared to a similar gaming PC, they should be fired this instant. No one will opt for a fucking CLOSED machine against an open one just based on performance.

W-WHAT IS THIS metacritic.com/browse/games/release-date/coming-soon/xboxone/date

nice hand

If you need to buy a whole console again to get 4k, why not just get a PC?

I'm sure you're very excited for KH3 and RDR2 PCbro.

This is one of the best things to come out of the Atari box announcement.

If graphics matter so much why do people still say the PS2 is the best console?


>PCnerds think their hobby of building RIGZ still appeals to anybody
>get mad everytime there's a PS4 exclusive or the game runs better on Xbox
>less players in every multiplayer game

All these delayed/cancelled games look great in 4K.

The difference is that's an exhaustive list of xbone exclusives while PS4 has the entire Japan-only market.


>the most powerful console
>literally no games

What did they mean by this?


Xbone selling under 100k because it has no games,

If all you have are multplatform games people will buy PS4 instead, it's not that difficult to understand exclusives give PS4 the edge

By damage controlling you enabled Microsoft, you're anti-games, you're just a Microsoft dicksucker

>I'm sure you're very excited for KH3 and RDR2 PCbro.

Of course I am, and like 99% of gamers I will play them on a PS4 slim.

>Hurr durr incrementally better than PS4pro

who gives a fuck ? the people who bought a PRO bought it for Horizon.

What about those exclusives?

I'll be fine with using a PC and PS4 then.

Sonygroids don't actually buy the stuff they shitpost 24/7 about.

Imagine pcbros going to steam, picking some random indieshit no ones ever heard of/buys and saying never ever. This is what sonygroids do.

>exclusives give PS4 the edge

Lol they're so fucking irrelevant this generation pubg being ported means xbone automatically wins in the normies eyes.

>Sonygroids don't actually buy the stuff they shitpost 24/7 about.

Meanwhile Uncharted surpassed Halo. Gears also irrelevant. Bravo Phil.

Except PS4 exclusives are all masterpieces

Yeah since there's far more ps4s sold. They're both multiplat machines, xgods don't lie about it though.

Why are you so complacent? Why don't you demand better? Do you really think Pubg wont be on PS4 next year unless MS pays a serious fee? Then wtf will you cling to? There's always some excuse why MS doesn't need games

Time to get a ps4 pro

Crackdown 3 delayed to 2018.

Xbox has no games.

>PS4s best game is a PS3 remaster
if only it was backward compatible

Why is this fanbase so obnoxious and insecure? They also get assblasted over every little thing. Are they the most cancerous fans around?

The most powerful console has never won it's generation in sales, popularity, or good games made.

>he bought an Xbox


I just don't care about them and aren't going to go out of my way to buy exclusives like this board seems to, since everything is multiplat now.

All my normie friends with ps4s just play multiplats aswell.

Which one is the saddest damage control:

"360 BC bro !" when 360 literally has most of its exclusives ported on PC.


"It's all about the multiplats bro" when Phil killed two of the most beloved franchises in gaming Halo and Gears.

This saying you have the most powerful console is like being the fastest at the 100m dash in the special olympics.

They get legit mad about consoles in real life

Well that's really sad, if you think Spiderman and god of war and the last of us and death stranding aren't going to crush Xbox next year you're delusional

Atari 2600

>Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you, the worlds most powerful console
>this is going to win this gen, no doubt about it


Why is this fanbase so obnoxious and insecure? They also get assblasted over every little thing. Are they the most cancerous fans around?

Can anyone give me a legit reason to buy a Xbone over a PS4?

Multiplats I can already play on PC that look and run better at a proper resolution. Exclusives are the only reason to buy a console unless your a normalfag who's too stupid to use a PC.


X-Box One X vs PS4 Pro

>Worlds Most Powerful Console
>Exclusive Games On PC/Steam
XB1X == Pro
>Best Looking Multiplats
>Highest Audio/Video Bit-rates
>Dolby Atmos 7.1
>Some Current-Gen-Games Scaled To (Native 4K)
>100+ Native 4K Games
>EA Access
>Mixed Reality
XB1X == Pro
>4K Bluray Player
>Backward Compatibility
>Download Hundreds Of Games $10
>High Fidelity VR
>Best Online
>4K 60FPS Video Capture
>100+ PC/Windows 10 Apps
>Best Quality Free Games
>HDMI 2.0a For VR
>Retroactive Screen Capture
>Vapor chamber cooling
>Runs last gen games better
>16x anisotropic texture filtering
>50% faster hdd speeds for 4k textures
>Shader 6
>PC Ultra-like Graphics
>HDMI 2.1
>Dynamic HDR 4K Player
>AMD Freesync/Variable Refresh
>Radeon Freesync 2

>Ladies and gentlemen, i present the worlds most powerful console
>this is gonna win this gen, no doubt about it


>powerful console
>all shitty looking indie titles
>not even a single decent exclusive
No wonder the theme color for Xbox is green


>the most powerful console
>falling for the PC meme of powerful hardware plus no exclusives

The best things about consoles are their exclusives, a console that lacks that fails at being worthwhile.

>Spiderman and god of war and the last of us and death stranding aren't going to crush Xbox next year you're delusional
PUBG will crush everything sales wise, and quality wise most the time these games are nothing exceptional

>game runs better on Xbox
O I am laffin

doing god's work

They get their victim complex from their company.

It's always funny watching someone team up with every console when it comes to shitting on PC
>Hol up Switch and PS4 I said you were shit but now I actually need some games to defend myself with

>Meanwhile Uncharted surpassed Halo.
Uncharted 4 was also a pack in title.

PS4 has Bloodborne and that's why PS4 is better. Can you even argue with that? Why would you buy xbox one if you can play all the same multiplat games plus Bloodborne?


>Last of Us
>not NeverEverBorne
End yourself

yes and YES

where the games at

>X-Box One X vs PS4 Pro

who cares ? Someone who will buy a PS4 pro doesn't care about xbox anyway.

>almost 2020
>xone doesnt have a single game that was even nominated for goty

What a disgrace


If thats the case I don't WANT to be smart mang, that looks like a damn good time on the left!


That's a little like being the highest functioning retard or the most powerful Nerf gun

The only people that play pubg are pckeks with toasters

w-what the fuck is going on this pic


Always excuses, Pubg is an unfished buggy mess, those games will be extremely polished, the game is a timed exclusive, if it wasn't they would have shouted from the rooftops, what will your excuse be when pubg is on PS4 next fall? fuckin lamebox, excuses box, rip, your complacency contributed to Xbox's demise, you killed the thing you sought to protect



I'm happy the ps4 is getting it, it looks great.

The point is no one gives a shit about exclusives anymore, if all the ones sonybros shilled here were ported to xbox I wouldn't buy them, and they sell shit on the ps4 itself.

Holy fucking shit I don't give a damn about backwards compatibility I own every Sony console except PSVita

People who say backwards compatibility doesn't matter are people who's opinions do not matter.

That's absolutely not true, the Switch and PS4 are outselling Xbox and it's because of exclusive games, multiplats are underwhelming this gen, it's not about power, it's not about whatever the fuck you think it's about, it's fucking games, exclusive games

Yeah, I'm wondering that why does it really matter that much. You would not care about it if you didnt have the games, but why would you have those games if you didnt have the system that plays them in the first place? Also PC-emulation

wtf is wrong with your wrist

That makes you a fanboy user

>I bought a new console to play the games of my previous console, w-who needs new games right? B-Based microsoft...

Wow such view on next gen.

The switch is selling because of it's games yes. The ps4 isn't at all .

Literally all my friends who have one play is cod, gta, battlefield, minecraft and ark

>>no one gives a shit about exclusives
>ps4 and switch outsell xbox every month because of it

The most brilliant retard

>literally no gaems
It's just a custom PC.

>Want to play an older game
>Have to drag out a PS1/2/3 out and go through the trouble of hooking it all up
>Instead of being able to just pop in a disc into a PS4 and play it that way
Fuck off retard, backwards compatibility is great.

And all my friends bought one because of exclusives.

>tfw drunkenly reinstalled Windows and formatted all my HD's without backing anything up
>tfw lost hundreds of console wojaks

I really like the crossbuy with Pc, Nintendo and Sony should do the same, also every console should have backward compatible if possible. There's no reason why a consumer wouldn't like that and anyone who disagree is a brand cuck.

The PS4 is gotta be the most casual normiecore garbage console ever made.

No, I haven't been like fucking COLLECTING them. It happened over the course of 15+ years. As a kid I really wanted to play Resident Evil 2 and Tekken 3. I've bought PS4 because I wanted to play Bloodborne and Nier Automata (my pc sucks ass). And I'll probably buy the next Sony console if there are games that attract my attention

Ok buddy, whatever you say, Keep fucking living in denial, Sony is killing it with exclusives this gen

This. People that say that it's not the Normiestation 4 are retards.

>selling your old games.
>not playing games as intended.
The fuck is wrong with you?

>Backwards compatible kek

guys would you please stop using as a selling point for the xbox, it's pathetic: MS HAS ALREADY EXPLOITED most of their 360 titles by porting them on PC like Alan wake. you don't get to play the same card twice.