Boostshit games give Sonic this crippled movement where when inputting a certain direction, he'll move in a more diagonal direction. So if I input up then right, he goes up+right instead of going right. I understand what momentum is, but this is fucking retarded. Sonic should not move like a car. Sonic is platforming before speed. You do slow platforming, then you get to run around and go through loops at full speed. Platforming can not be done with these stupid car controls, which is exactly why boost games push all the platforming to the 2D sections. This is fucking ridiculous and you boostshitters need to realize it. I recorded footage from SA1 and Generations to show the comparison. See how sharply Sonic moves in SA1? Then see how fucking retarded Sonic moves in Generations? You tell me which one you think works better with platforming. I even recorded gameplay from Mario 64 just to see how the control compared to SA1 and surprise, Mario controls nearly identical to Sonic. When I push up then right, Mario goes up and then goes directly right. Sonic's movement is definitely a little sharper than Mario's, but it's almost the exact same. So if that control style can work for Mario why can't it work for Sonic? Is it because he "moves too fast"? I already told you, when platforming comes into play, you slow down. The only time you go fast is when you have big open areas to freely move. It's not like that 1:1 control style doesn't work when going fast either, because it does. Sonic can easily curve and turn just as he would with real momentum. Sonic doesn't need to control like a car just to do this kind of shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

mario 64 comparison

Probably because the boost games aren't about platforming as much as they are GOING SUPER FAST.

Pretty sure you can turn around like that in Lost World.

It's not about turning around, it's about having sharp movement. When I turn right, I wanna go right, not go up+right like the shitty cripple sonic does

0;28 you can platform it's just different and

how was that even platforming? He just boosted over everything. If you go and play that level right now, you'll see what I'm talking about. It's fucking shit. Boostshit controls that make you feel like you're on ice

Yeah Lost World plays like that due to open level design

good to see Sonic Team made one good decision. Too bad they're going back to crippleshit with Forces

I feel a big thing to note is that Adventure-Era Sonic can play through a Modern Sonic level easily, but the inverse isn't true.

It is simplified in a bad way.

Lost world was a pretty shitty game though.
It's controls didn't save it's terrible design choices.

Are you retarded? Can't you see the clear difference? Mario has momentum and he actually curves and leans when turning, like the "boostshit" games, but in a much less obvious way since he's not going ULTRA FAST. Sonic just immediately dashes to the direction you pushed with no momentum, like someone's first attempt at making a 3D game.

Also please start using a name so I can filter you, these threads are shit.


>Adventure-Era Sonic can play through a Modern Sonic level easily

Adventure Sonic can't even play through an Adventure level easily

A grammar error does not make what I said wrong.

it still require timing just like regular platforming. i already play this game and that this is one of my favourite stages. i usually just boost over the middle platform because it's easier but it's slower so it balances out. the guy in vid had to time the boost to land on the platform then time the jump when he landing platform. you also have to be more precise since you can only boost in one direction in the air.

You're right, it wasn't a good game, but god damn at least it was a step in a good direction instead of boostshit

I honestly couldn't give a fuck about adventure or boost style gamplay.
Just give me Chao garden back.

You have autism.

I agree with this. It's obviously simplified but so much so that it actually becomes restrictive. What a shame.

We had this thread yesterday, the only people supporting Adventure style were two autists that couldn't get through their thick skull on how shit the Adventure games were. Boostkino wins every time.

Stupid fucking boostshitter, did you not read the OP? I clearly said that Sonic's movement was sharper than Mario's. Mario's curve barely makes a change in direction. Watch the shadows. Cripple Sonic's curve takes him way off course. No it's not because he's "going ultra fast". Did you see the Generations clip? I wouldn't call that fast.
If you don't like the truth, ignore the thread
I like this stage myself because it's the most 3D platform oriented one in Generations, but the controls are shit. A lot of the time you will slip into the lava when trying to make precise movement with Cripple Sonic's shitty car controls

Stupid boostshitter. Fuck off back to your temple run QTE hallway simulator games.

Are you retarded? Can't you even understand what the problem is with Generations Sonic even after OP spelled it out for you in his post? The problem isn't curving when he turns, the problem is that when going from up to right and holding right, Sonic won't be moving right, he'll instead be moving up+right, as though you had turned the wheel on a car instead of pushed a stick in a different direction, which is absurd.

You do realize that in real life you can't suddenly start moving right without forward momentum right? Strafing/sidestepping doesn't count.

No shit. Read the OP. This isn't about realism, this about what works best for a platformer

then you drift.

Sonic is a car now

The Adventure gameplay is closer to what Classic Sonic in 3D, it uses slow acceleration for precision platforming ,but then gives you a high top speed.

That is what allows Sonic to be a strong platformer and an obstacle racing game at the same time.

>car car car
I'm so sick of fucking hearing this. Can you imagine platforming in a racing game? NO. Car controls do not work in a platformer.

There is no saving 3D Sonic, Sonic Team is too retarded. Just hope Sega keeps Taxman and crew to make more 2D

>a complete lack of momentum is closer to Classic Sonic in 3D.

>That is what allows Sonic to be a strong platformer and an obstacle racing game at the same time.
So... just like Boost games? The 2D sections of those games are far tighter in controls than Adventure titles. This is some next level hypocrisy if you're going to call Boost games pseudo QTE games yet say Adventure games have obstacle racing.

Just jump at the right time bro :^)

Sonic should move like a car at fast speeds and like Mario at slow speeds. Generations does it and surprisingly it's the best of the 3D Sonic games.

first off, that's not me.
Second off, he clearly said 3D not 2D. Boostshit games throw all the platforming into the 2D sections because they know Cripple Sonic's car control is dogshit when it comes to platforming
Did you watch the fucking webm? That's Generations Sonic at slow speed. Sure is like Mario, huh?

You do realise that in real life hedgehogs don't turn blue from running at the speed of sound and then go off to fight the robotic armies of an egg-shaped madman, right?

>What is Mario Kart

Show me where in any Mario Kart there's fucking platforming

>A lot of the time you will slip into the lava when trying to make precise movement with Cripple Sonic's shitty car controls
that's what i like about it you have to practise certain platforming, but i hear ya i do miss being able to make sharp turns, being in full control. i also miss the cool little tricks you can do in sa2 like canceling the bounce into homing attack before you hit the floor to act like pseudo drop dash.

Ive been lied to????

what exactly is that arrow showing? This is like one of those youtube thumbnails when they put an arrow to a random object

I did watch the webm. You can tell the swap from Mario mode to F-Zero car mode based on the pace of Sonic's feet. At slow speeds his feet match the ground he's running over 1:1 (and consequently, they move VERY fast). Once he gets up to a light jog suddenly his feet slow down substantially. Rewatch 13s-16s and 18s-21s. When his feet stop matching up to the ground is when he switches to "fast" mode.

>Boostshit games throw all the platforming into the 2D sections because they know Cripple Sonic's car control is dogshit when it comes to platforming
Oh so Adventure Sonic's controls AREN'T dogshit when platforming.

Car controls are a fair compromise to make long winded speed sections actually tolerable to play. The way Adventure games try to shroud how shit Sonic is at high momentum is by making said long winded sections full of boostpads and scripted controls. Boost Sonic simply gives you the ability to actually play those sections without scripting and having your character model sperg about. In general, real platforming is better in 2D than 3D.

All of his turns were done in "fast" mode.

why don't i record more footage? This time making sure to tip toe? Will that appease you?
No, Adventure Sonic's controls are not dogshit when platforming. I'm sorry that you're bad at video games. Not even a joke, I've never seen anyone complain about the controls in regards to platforming. The glitches, the automation, the gameplay styles, I've seen everything be complained about except this. Also how the fuck is boosting through everything real gameplay? That's the same as just scripting everything. Have you ever played SA2 before anyway? Tons of fast paced sections that aren't scripted

basically it's pointing to a 90 degree turn that you have to do manually, the other stuff is poorly drawn hearts( i used a mouse).
boost games and even adventure games would usually have the game turn for you by having boost panels played out on the ground.

i like boost sonic games
they remind me of burnout and racing games

>tfw still no new burn out

>nintendo 64 launched with mario 64
>wii launched with wii sports

>dreamcast launched with THAT

And people wonder why the Dreamcast flopped

Dash Panels are worthless in boost games.
They were more necessary in the Adventure series for novice players to allow high speed gameplay without getting lost or falling off the stage.

>No, Adventure Sonic's controls are not dogshit when platforming.
OK, let's hear your objective reasons on wh--
>I'm sorry that you're bad at video games.
Oh, I see, "git gud". Woah really fires my neurons. Plenty of people complain about how Sonic controls in Adventure games, stop pretending to be retarded for a second. I can perfectly playthrough SA1 and SA2 without any issues, doesn't change the fact that his movement is neither fluid or presented well. If someone released SA1 by today's standards it would be considered amateurish. The only point I'm going to give to you is SA2, despite the glaring flaws in actual game/level design Sonic and Shadow control fluidly in that game. Your main point of contention seems to be SA1 though.
>Also how the fuck is boosting through everything real gameplay?
Because it's not only boosting, shit like changing routes and avoiding obstacles still require you do something other than hold X, all boosting really does is give you course correction for forward momentum and keep the game's pace going.
>Have you ever played SA2 before anyway? Tons of fast paced sections that aren't scripted
Have YOU played SA2 before? The game is far more straight forward than most Sonic titles, boostpads and convenient grind rails fucking everywhere.

the should have a hard mode to take them off.

well, here it is. I'm using a D-Pad so as to really put emphasis on the input, thus that's the slowest I could get Sonic to mark those turns. Looks the same to me
They both control the same, retard. Sonic moves fluidly in both and reacts exactly to the input you make.
Oh yeah, pressing a trigger to shift lanes or doing a jump. Wow. That's some fucking stupid temple run QTE shit right there.
I play SA2 every fucking day. A lot of the levels are more linear than SA1 but they are way more open and free than the boostshit we get now. Not to mention that most boost pads and grind rails can be completely avoided for an alternate route

>"Boost games"

When did this meme start?

All of you 3D Sonic Shitters can fuck off.

the second boost game after rush?

By adventurefags who refuse to see current Sonic games as the natural evolution of the games they worship.
>They both control the same, retard. Sonic moves fluidly in both and reacts exactly to the input you make.
No, blatantly wrong. SA1 Sonic is far more jittery than SA2 Sonic. SA1 Sonic can barely run straight without some collision-fuckery sending him down to the abyss.
>Oh yeah, pressing a trigger to shift lanes or doing a jump. Wow. That's some fucking stupid temple run QTE shit right there.
You asked me if simply boosting through everything is real gameplay, I proved my point by saying it's not just boosting. Stop moving the goalpost when you can't defend your shaky arguments.
>A lot of the levels are more linear than SA1 but they are way more open and free than the boostshit we get now.
Is this the part where you pretend as if Boost games don't have alternate routes? SA1 is a lot more open than both SA2 and Boost games, true, but that doesn't change the fact that SA1 is crap.

>A game with completely different gameplay and level design control differently
Amazing. The controls in Boostshit games being more car like doesn't make the game worse, since they're all about moving forward and doing reaction based button presses. Not so much about precision platforming.

Actually you're right, at slow speeds it does still resolve to 120. I never really noticed that. That said I never had a problem with the controls in Generations and never felt like I was pressing a direction and not going that direction. I remember reading something like there are a bunch of invisible rails in the levels and Sonic will attempt to snap to the rails whenever possible. These rails are also what classic Sonic locks to when spin dashing. Maybe it feels like it plays well because under normal circumstances you're going to be running and jumping with the level and locking onto a rail, whereas when you explicitly try to break it and show off a slow just it reveals the truth?

>boostshit will never go away
>we will never get a 3d sonic game as good as sa2 ever again

Sonic was never meant for 3 dimensions.

Collision glitches are not related to controls. But I'm gonna record gameplay just to show you that SA1 Sonic is the exact same as SA2 Sonic
Fine, you're right, it is more than just boosting. It's worse than just boosting. It's fucking garbage that's no better than that Sonic dash mobile game
No, Boostshit does have alternate routes. I'm saying that the levels are far more contained into corridors with strict pathways as opposed to SA's more open level design. See webm related for context
It does make the game worse because when you do come into contact with platforming, it's fucking shit. But yeah, boostgames hardly do shit like that, because they're too busy being fucking garbage QTE auto runner shit
Yep. Boostshit puts you on the rails all the time. It's awful. Most of the time you won't notice the control issue because you're not really doing much that involves it. As said, if you were to use that control in an Adventure stage, you'd see the issues

>>we will never get a 3d sonic game as good as sa2 ever again

And thank god for that.

If it dropped the simple "Get to the Goal" type objective it would be a lot better.

sure he was

you can actually see in front of sonic, so sonic games would be better in 3d if sega did them right

What is with all these threads recently about boostfags and moving?

This desu. Sonic team have been trying to make a good 3D Sonic for almost twenty years and they have yet to really nail a game that can be compared to the genesis era

we've reached the point where people finally realize good 3d platformers must have tight controls

But is that faithful to Sonic's origins? By having speed be so easily acquired and not used in gameplay it shirks what Sonic was founded off in the first place. The Adventure games were buggy but did a far better job of unifying the philosophies even if they still had a way to go. That's something that could easily be focused on if they continued with that style though, while instead they're moving further and further away.

uh, if you take away the bosses and non sonic/shadow stages, sa2 is just as good as any genesis game

I don't see how Adventure 1 Sonic played badly.

i wonder if OP likes "Yo! Noid 2"

To be fair, SEGA have tried making 2D games and they can't get that right either

They did it right with the Advance series.

You mean Knuckles levels in Adventure games? I like them

It's Dimps, you mongoloid.

Kind of yeah, or I would even say that Shadow the Hedgehog was onto something but the majority of levels being linear killed that.

>if you were to use that control in an Adventure stage, you'd see the issues
If you were to play a modern stage as Adventure Sonic you'd also see issues though because it's actually hard to control something that fast. You'd need very good reflexes and even then there'd be trial and error. Boost and rails are there to give you the illusion of speed without sacrificing playability and making a game only for people with the top 1% in dexterity and reflexes.

>this guy is still going at it

Sonic Advance 1 was ok but it didn't hold a candle in comparison to the Genesis trilogy. The other DIMPS games aren't worth talking about.

Man you are on a serious campaign to shitpost this aren't you? I liked the Adventure games but having that quick snap in direction makes the controls jank as fuck when going fast and have caused many problems for the average person playing those games.

Advance 3 is pretty good.
Advance 1 is better than Sonic 1.

>Sonic team have been trying to make a good 3D Sonic for almost twenty years
They honestly haven't. They constantly mix their 3D Sonic devtime with trying to add multiple other gameplay styles and ideas alongside it, these get more hate than they deserve in some cases but it still remains that it takes up valuable devtime that they were often starved of, and instead of working out the kinks they do the exact same thing (SA1 to SA2 still had alt playstyles and bugs, Generations to Forces looks almost identical) or abandon their previous gameplay model entirely.

Doesn't snapping into different directions mean there's no punishment for slow reaction timing?

>Advance 1 getting praise for being easy with basic platforming and doing absolutely nothing new yet again
They're all great games and 2 was the best one.

Then really Shadow may have been onto something too, a strafe button probably could have allowed more flexibility in control.

Even Lost World has these issues when it is only Sonic and the way he controls is solid.

You realize it's like that because in the 2D games he has to pick up speed before running too, right?

You're retarded and autistic. Boost is superior. Kill yourself.

>People are actually defending the Boost ITT.
I know this fanbase can be dogshit, but I at least thought everyone in it knew the concept of actual gameplay.

>Man, I'm sure if Sonic Team brought back Adventure style gameplay and removed boost then they'd finally get it right this tim--!

That's why I think Adventure is a more faithful adaptation of the classic Sonic formula.

Again, the biggest thing preventing Adventure 1 Sonic/Tails from feeling like they did in the classic games was the level design that was restrictive and locked them on a linear path.

If you gave them more open levels, then the controls would stop feeling like an issue and there would be no need for Dash Pads. If you ever enjoyed running around the hub world, (Especially the Mystic Ruins) this is why.

That's only because OP is baiting for like-minded autists like himself.

>Posting Sonic Xtreme 2: Super Mario Galaxy.

They did, they just butchered it in the same way they did the Adventure games.
They forced in alternate playstyles like grinding levels, snowball levels, and STEALTH sections.

Here it is. He moves straight forward, he does circles, he reacts to my exact input. He even collides with objects and doesn't fall into the void. Hmm. Exactly like SA2 Sonic...
You can literally recreate Adventure Sonic by just not boosting. The games play perfectly fine except for the shitty car turns, which can't be fixed.
For the casuals you mean?
Yes. But it also means that platforming is smoother
Fuck off stupid boostshitter
I haven't actually played this one so I can't say anything for it. Would you like to explain why it's bad?

Well that's basically what Sonic Utopia showed off but they used Classic Sonic to nail the point.

Lost World is in the "abandon previous gameplay model entirely" court and has it's own issues. It doesn't play anything like Adventure or Generations.

>playing the inferior gcn version
At least post dreamcast footage so you don't actually sound half the faggot you actually are

>that locked them onto a linear path
You were allowed to go through all kinds of shortcuts and alternate paths via stuff like

What's will all these threads about "Boostshit" and comparison webms lately? Is OP like the Barneyfag of Sonic games?

I personally prefer the DC version. Give me 10 more minutes and I'll have your footage

>I haven't actually played this one so I can't say anything for it. Would you like to explain why it's bad?
Someone post the physics webm.
That said it was an alright platformer.