Switch is fully blown open apparently

Switch is fully blown open apparently.
Who's ready for homebrew?

Oh well, too late, I'm already playing Splatoon.

Already? That was fast. Too bad it has no games.

>Can't play online


Great, can't wait to buy one used in 2019

>firmware version can't be spoofed

fuck you op you confused me with that mouse

You do realize that the Wii, Wii U and 3DS has workarounds for playing online right?
Nintendo can't make proper security. You can literally use blank registry keys to play games on their servers.

Good thing I haven't turned my Switch on ever since I beat BotW.

if it does injection of NES, SNES, N64, GC, DS games sure

Switch wont be able to run GC games.

>homebrew for a platform with one singleplayer game with almost 100% attach rate

Why the fuck is it only the Nintendo systems that this happens with?

should i

I swear to god, I hear "It's blown wide open, homebrew now!!" every two weeks

Nintendo doesn't know how to secure their consoles

>paid online
>paying twice for your internet
no thanks, pal.
nothing lost.

t. My fleshy ass hole

Homebrewery don't have any interest in other exclusives.

Be a man, make your own decisions with the information given to all of us.

Sure, if you want a Switch. It's up to you user; I can't tell you what you want.

It's not worth bothering with CFW until the end of a console's lifespan.

>Playing console multiplayer games
>Giving a shit about a Mario Kart port
>Giving a shit about a children's shooter
>Playing a shooter on a fucking console

Well then.

>there is anything worth playing online on switch
kek, stomping 9 year olds in splatoon gets old after about 30 minutes. also, monster hunter is a PC game now.

its the only consoles that people have interest

I bought it. I can always return it if anything

This, I only want SMT5 free anyways.

Oh, fuck this homebrew shit nobody cares about.

Will this allow piracy?

Fucking YES or NO

I'm not doing any of those, though.
There's barely any reason to own a Switch right now.

>Nintendo console
>Playing online

Thanks for the update buddy, now fuck off

>Just updated yesterday


>smug anime image

Opinion discarded. Go back to Sup Forums

you mad poorfag?

Fuck you at least buy it so the series doesnt die

But it has no games right? Why would you care if it gets hacked?

>I'll go to an anime site even though I hate anime and then complain about people posting anime

Kek I've had the Switch since March, go be a fag somewhere else.

I'll buy it if its a PS4 multiplat.

Go back to Sup Forums where you belong weebshitter

anime website.


Because who the fuck would pirate TLoU or the other movie games on PS4?
If you're stupid enough to want a PS4, you're also stupid enough to pay for that load of shit 'games'.

Free ports

i mean technically your paying to use their servers not public domain so its not the same "internet" but yea its irritating having to pay to play


And why would you want those?

Well I'm already on 3.0.1 so it's a little late, you fucking faggot.

Sup Forums is for anime
Sup Forums is for videogames
Back to Sup Forums

you either update and play games or dont update and wait for homebrew that hasent even been announced yet

Is piracy coming to the Switch or something?


Sup Forums is a board for people who like anime to discuss video games.

What would I use switch online for? To play an """""HD"""" port of the shittest Monster Hunter game in moonrunes that will never be localized?

I'll stick to Monster Hunter World.

Yea why would you i mean the switch is inferior isn't it or is it actually a nice handheld console

/hc/ is for fat tats.
Go back to /hc/ faggot.

also anime website you fucking shitter.

Why not? I can try out games free.

you didn't post videogames either.

Because Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii U, and Switch were made with old hardware every tech-savvy pirate was familiar with.

Will you buy them if you like them? Pfft of course not
Just admit you're a poorfag

Stop arguing and throwing a tantrum. You have to go back to Sup Forums

If only that garbage died. I'd be so happy.

>old hardware

Yeah, nah. Maybe you should stop getting TRIGGERED by anime pictures on Sup Forums.

>Getting homebrew without being able to play online for over a year
>Not just waiting for a piracy hack

how long did it take for the 3ds?

Your a fucking asshole, you know that?

you started it bucko. Sup Forums is and always will be an anime website.

I make more than enough to live comfortably and go on vacation every year.

I just want to get a return on the console price that has no appealing games. The Switch has next to zero value for me at the moment, so buying one and hacking it gives it more long term value. Otherwise, I would probably never buy one because Nintendo consoles haven't been good since the Gamecube.


Cody Brocious @daeken Aug 4
The Switch uses Android Binder IPC, tunneled over its own IPC system. Yo dawg.



Ninjhax for homebrew was late 2014 for free games without a flashcart, I think it was early 2015. So about 3 years

>the switch has no games, so I'll buy one and hack it so I can get all the games it has for free


Literally anyone who has played Splatoon 2 or Sonic Mania probably won't be able to do this shit because their Switch's have already updated. What a load. You'd have to be among the lucky who had no interest in either of those games, or no interest in Mania on Switch. This update has been out for 17 days.

>ignoring the goldmine of Japanese games the creators of which are too retarded to put on PC ever

Dude, not only will people still be able to play online, they'll be doing it for FREE.

Even the Vita was worth it once it got hacked. Too had to understand?

No games.

Homebrew what? It doesn't have any games. Why the fuck would I even buy one when I have a PS4?

>paying to use their servers
>all actual gameplay is P2P

I have 2 switches, one I'm using and one in my closet that's awaiting the eventually CFW. I think it's a worthwhile investment. I remember

>Even the Vita was worth it once it got hacked. Too had to understand?
>somebody out there believes this

So what would you pirate on it if it gets hacked?

Does that mean I need to buy a Switch now before they start shipping with updated firmware? I was going to wait to a holiday bundle.

All it takes is one mandatory update.

*You're and I don't care bitch

Mediocre games. Also you got btfo

wtf are these grown up responses?


Why would you want to play mediocre games?
>Also you got btfo



>System has no games
>Wants to ruin it's chances again with piracy

Hope you like waiting months between nintendo titles because that's all you're getting again

>Why would you want to play mediocre games?
Why wouldn't you?


Why don't the police do something about these criminals? He's right out there in the open!

>>Wants to ruin it's chances again
Handheld gaming must die. Especially half assed ""handheld""

>Playing nintendos horrible online service to begin with.

>Switch is shit, it has NO GAMES WII U 2.0
>Nintendo starts making games for it
>Switch gets hacked
>everybody pirates said games
>Nintendo stops making games
Thanks for killing another console, poorfag pirates.

That's already happening, what the fuck?
They only released one new game, ARMs, and it sucked.

If it wasnt for the 2 years of Wii U development time on top of Wii U ports, it would have nothing. Even Splatoon 2 is literally a port that released unfinished similar to the first.

Are you dumb?
Statistically piracy has near zero impact on software sales for Nintendo systems, as seen with the DS and 3DS
The psp is the only system ever where piracy had a noticeable effect.