Why are there so few games set in the middle east?

Why are there so few games set in the middle east?

I remember back in the early 00s every military shooter used it as a setting. But nowdays? Literally none.
What happend?

Because it turned out invading Iraq was a huge mistake.

Why should that affect the games at all?

Over-saturation, political correctness or a bit of both perhaps.

Please give me your game idea for the middle east that isn't a call of duty shooter.

there has never been a post that legitimized neo-v more than this one. this is the true deathknell for this board

Shia vs sunni RTS


CK style strategy game where you have to work to topple despotic regimes and install stable ones that you can puppet.

The Jews run society, and therefore the Jews run games. If the Jews aren't happy with Bush's alt-right warmongering, gamers face the consequences.

George Bush was not alt-right. You shouldn't use prefixes just to make your words look bigger.

a stealth game where you have to defect from IS, as the game continues the regime collapses and you have to evade IS as well as air strikes, kurds, and the syrian military groups

Are you kidding? Egypt and Arabia are the go to inspirations for the desert trope in Vidya.
Egypt has been overdone by Mario alone.

well what about persia then?
I thought most 2000s military games were set in iraq and afghanistan

Yeah not much of Persia outside of the obvious Prince of Persia.

>this entire post

which sucks because it seems like persia has a ton of history you could draw from

>no more Prince of Persia games

dude this meme is totes dank

Serious Sam 2nd encounter

A DMC clone where you play as the son of the legendary Muhammad

RTS factions need to look different.

I just want a fucking Arabian Nights style fantasy game.

Starts out a grim and gritty military shooter. You play as the son of Iraqi immigrants who fled to America in the late 80s when you were born. You joined the US military to fight the radical menace plaguing your ancestral homeland, but now you're stationed in the middle of Nowhereistan in a shanty town huddled close to some hills with ruins.

Not-ISIS are headed this way to destroy the ruins, occupy the village, 'cleanse' and 'recruit'. So, you lie in wait for not-ISIS in the ruins, ready to catch them unawares, especially since there's a big storm rolling in over the hills. A battle ensues with the zealot forces, big ooh-rahs all around, radical boys either killed or taken prisoner. As the prisoners are taken down to the town below, you notice all the locals are shut up indoors. The market is empty. The place is completely and utterly silent. There's a colossal storm just over the horizon.

That's when you get a call on your radio from the guys back at the ruins. There's people in the ruins, and it's not enemy insurgents.

Then it becomes a horror game.

bored me at first, but the payoff was worth it.
I'd fund it on kikestarter

Well in fairness, the power vacuum that followed the fall of Sadam really made the country in worse condition.

>right wing historical revisionism isn't neo-Sup Forums
This is what Sup Forums cancers actually believe

Persians are white so its fine.

Sup Forums was anti-Bush prior to the Sup Forums invasion. To claim the inverse is some serious war with Eurasia shit.

Pretty sure Sup Forums also hate Bush.

Becasu they would be just sandy and smelly and full

Horror war games are underrated. You can set them everywhere and everytime maybe with local legends and monsters.
Honestly i would play that.

Sup Forums hates everything
lets discuss video games

Same reason the generic not-quite-Tolkien fantasy setting has fallen out of vogue, it became so overdone that people wanted new setpieces other than sand and more sand.

I've had the idea in my head for a long time, I wish I had the resources and know-how to make it. You'd quickly discover your guns were completely useless against whatever the threat is (probably Djinn or some other nameless pagan horror) and you had to rely on old folk things to defend yourself. All your soldier man background is good for now is running away. You could throw an iron pot or a Koran or something on the ground before to stop it in its tracks, that kind of thing. You'd have try and survive the huge storm coming in that cuts off communication (maybe supernaturally), and I imagine you end up taking shelter after a desperate escape in the old ruins, which of course is the source of the threat. The gun battle in there earlier on wakes up whatever's slumbering deep in the hills.

>always facing mecca
that's perfect

post more chads