Worst console of all time?
- All games in smooth 18fps (256MB ram!)
- Clunky PSN
- Noisy disc drive
- Hardware PS2 emulation removed after 2008
- Not a single decent platformer (fuck you Meme Big Planet)
- not a single good racing game
The only thing I loved were the Shadow of the Colossus remaster and Ratchet and Clank trilogy
Worst console of all time?
Other urls found in this thread:
Calm down.
But the power of Cell™ bro!
Xbox One is the worst console if you only look at exclusives.
>2009 CPU
>can run Demon's Souls better than a 2009 console
It's sorcery I tell you.
OP, can i actually agree???
I bought it for like 250 from a fucking Kmart.
That was like...7 years ago???
back then I thought I wanted to play FF13, Skyrim on console, and Gran Turismo 5.
Gran Turismo 5 was bullshit with a controller. Stick in the eye for a guy who played GT1/2/3 with a controller and won well.
recently my loving girlfriend has added me to her netflix, and using my ps3 for a netflix machine has revitalized it for me.
so in hindsight, gaming console means nothing, having human with pussy means a lot more.
yeah i would have to agree. blows my mind that people think the ps3 won last gen
>Worst console of all time?
No, not when this exists.
>Games rarely drop frames
>Smooth store which doesn't crash if you go through it quickly like the PS3 store
>second most quiet system next to the switch
>Backwards compatible with the Wii
>Good games covering most genres
Nah, the Wii U didn't have as many games but the ratio of quality overall beats the PS3.
>>Games rarely drop frames
Bullshit. Bayonetta 2 is like 45 fps during battles.
>>second most quiet system
I guess I have a defective one then? Mine is loud as hell
>>Backwards compatible with the Wii
No one likes playing waggleshit post-2010, and early PS3 models have BC too
>>Good games covering most genres
Is this some kind of joke? If you don't like platformers there's next to nothing to play on Wii U.
>the ratio of quality overall beats the PS3
No it fucking doesn't. Maybe if you're one of those fags who thinks Hyrule Warriors and Star Fox Zero are good games then it does. But to normal with people with taste, no it doesn't.
>But to normal with people with taste
What do you mean by this. Normal people "with taste" buy sports games and cinematic shit
90% of the stuff I play is on Nintendo systems and I still think Wii U is legit one of the worst consoles ever made with a very poor library.
>Bullshit. Bayonetta 2 is like 45 fps during battles.
>rarely means all
Nice reading comprehension bucko. Also dropping from 60 to 45 is still preferable over 30 to 5.
>I guess I have a defective one then? Mine is loud as hell
You might want to get that fixed then because outside of say Xenoblade where a ton of assets have to load it's a fairly quiet system.
>No one likes playing waggleshit post-2010, and early PS3 models have BC too
Early models of the PS3 are fairly rare user. To top it off the PS2 Classics emulator was a complete mess with nearly every game having some kind of glitch. One that I personally ran into was SMT Nocturne soft locking at the conception scene but only in 60hz.
> If you don't like platformers there's next to nothing to play on Wii U.
>Action Adventure
>Party game
Basically most genres you would normally see on consoles.
>But to normal with people with taste
I don't think you can talk about taste when you're defending the PS3.
>You might want to get that fixed then
You really think I should pay Nintendo $100+ to fix an issue that I didn't even cause??? Nah go fuck yourself drone.
Mario Kart, that's it
Xenoblade, that's it
Splatoon I guess, already made obsolete by the sequel
>>Action Adventure
>>Party game
Wii U's party games are absolute trash. Mario Party 10 is the worst in the series, and LOL amiibo festival and Wii Party U
Nah, the Switch is way worse.
>Anno Domini 2017 and still using friend codes for multiplayer
>built in screen is garbage
>looks like an off-brand Android tablet
Is this damage control?
Not an argument :^)
>Sup Forumseddit hating on PS3 when we got masterpieces such as Demon Souls, Last of Us, etc
>while defending the fucking Wii U
And they say Sup Forumstendo is a meme.
>Sup Forums is one person
>implying Sup Forums never shitposted about the PS3
every single fucking decision Sony took on that console was memeworthy
OP actually right for once
plus every multiplatform game worth a shit is now on PC, rendering the console useless
Every Wii U multiplat worth a shit is on Switch or PC now.
It has a library worse than the fucking Saturn. I really have no idea how it's hanging on like this. Microsoft is persistent I guess.
Yeah, such games as Demon Souls, and uh... um... h-hold on, w-wait, I think I can name another...
>I really have no idea how it's hanging on like this.
Spics and wiggers have some weird loyalty to Xbox and will only buy Xbox consoles. Its honestly bizarre.
It's still holding MGS4 hostage. Main reason I hate it.
>reddit spacing
>having a girlfriend
I hope this is bait
Who the fuck REALLY cares about frames?? Is thr N64 shit now because OOT droped sometimes? Holy shit.
difference is Wii U exclusives are 10,000x worth more PS3 exclusives
>b-but Nintendo!!!
>m-muh victim complex!!!
are those goalposts heavy my fellow Nintendo drone?
I bet you don't champion multiplatforms for all except PC do you?
where's the lie tho
>thread asking what the worst console is
Not even by far.
>Going full blown autismo
Christ user, you need to take a chill pill
No, its the worst console of the gen and is definitely way fucking worse than the PS3.
Sony consoles are objectively shit, don't even have to talk about game libraries, the hardware is always fucking awful
>PSP, retarded UMD format, dead pixels, no games
>Vita, retarded proprietary mem cards, retarded backtouch panel, no games
>PS4, underpowered piece of shit no games
Most multiplatforms are both on PC and Xbone nowadays so who cares
GoW HD collection
GoW Ascension
Uncharted trilogy
Skyrim Legendary edition
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 4
Demons Souls
Dark Souls prepare to die edition
Dark Souls 2
Red Dead Redemption Goty
GTAIV complete edition
MGS HD collection
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
No no Kuni
Final Fantasy XIII
Ico + Shadow of the Colossus HD
The Las of Us
Ratchet and Clank HD collection
Jak HD collection
Bioshock Trilogy
Mass Effect Trilogy
Rayman Legends
Ratchet and clank trilogy
Final Fantasy X-X.II
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed IV
Sly HD trilogy
Splinter Cell Trilogy
Metal Gear Rising
Darksiders 2
Ninja Garden Sigma
Alien Isolation
Heave Rain
Beyond Two Souls
Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City
Batman Arkham Origins
Infamous 2
Killzone 2
The Walking Dead
L.A Noire
Dead Space trilogy
Little Big planet
Okami HD
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Tomb Rider
Valkyria Chronicles
Castlevania Lord of Shadows
Devil May Cry HD collection
Devil May Cry 4
DMC Devil May Cry
Resident Evil 4, 5, 6
Resident Evil remake HD
Beyond good and evil HD
Steins Gate
Kingdom Hearts HD collection
Price of Persia Trilogy HD
Yakuza 5
Mirror's Edge
>le Worse console ever
Whatever you say, faggot.
any list with Mass Effect on it as an example of something good is automatically shit, go kill yourself
*also on PS4
>the hardware is always fucking awful
And that's somehow not true for Wii U? Are you fucking kidding me?
And just like PS4 Wii U has no games either.
>All this padding with non-exclusives
>Playing objectively inferior versions of games
>Are you fucking kidding me?
>And just like PS4 Wii U has no games either.
and no
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
Yakuza 5
Yakuza Dead Souls
Drakengard 3
Killzone 2 and 3
Resistance series
Ratchet & Clank
Sly Cooper
Infamous 1&2
Tales of Xillia 1&2
Gran Turismo 5 and 6
God of War
Dust 514
Persona 5
It had several good exclusives
>multiplats that run better on PC and 360
>literal movies
>"HD Collection" aka "this game's on PS2 but Sony wants me to buy it again
My nigger this is comedy gold
fuck off shitposter.
ps4 is the most powerful console out nintenkid
and vita is stronger than 3ds
>if you only look at exclusives.
Gears 4 and UE, Halo MCC, Halo 5, Forza Horizon 2 and 3, and Halo Wars 2 are either Xbox exclusive or dead on PC. It's not the greatest exclusive lineup ever but it's not horrible.
eat my ass. Wii U has no hardware defects on the level of your standard Sony machine, and "PS4 and wii U has no games" isn't doing whatever your argument is any favors
>ps4 is the most powerful console out nintenkid
cool, it's the King of Retard Mountain
>and vita is stronger than 3ds
not stronger at staying alive or being good
They're also far too expensive for what they do, realistically they should have launched at about £150 - £200 for the average consumer.
You don't honestly think that an 8 year old computer is expensive to produce do you?
A lot of ports, the list
All shit
>Be idort
>Love shitting on the Sony fanbase because of how easily triggered they are
Ya'll make it too goddamn easy
Such a great ((argument))
I'm speechless
>Wii U has no hardware defects on the level of your standard Sony machine
the very first update for Wii U firmware bricked a ton of consoles.
My gamepad stopped working recently because of a factory defect and Nintendo would not cover it with the warranty, they wanted to charge me $85 to repair their own fuckup.
Fuck the Wii U and anyone who defends it.
Cool story, that sounds like all my Sony consoles
Fuck off
>Its okay when Switchfags use multiplats in their lists.
Virtualboy is objectively WOAT
>b-but Nintendo
Why are Sony-bronies so triggered by Nintendies?
>Using any console just for Netflix
What a waste of electricity, how old is your TV that it doesn't have apps? Even then there's a bunch of shit out there that doesn't needlessly raise your electricity like those Fire sticks and android boxes.
Considering that Switch current lineup is 50% ports
>PS3 was the worst console
the PS tripple is ABAP, stay mad xbox fanboy
You don't own any sony consoles, falseflagger.
>PS3 outlived the Wii and Wii U
Really activates my almonds
>Considering that Switch current lineup is 50% ports
Such as?
There's only like what, 3 maybe 4 ports as a whole?
So this... is the power of Wii U exclusives....
>PS3 literally had nothing of value until 2009
>It was also $600 right off the bat
It sure was an incredibly expensive paperweight
The 360 has literally no exclusives so what's your point?
I had some amazing memories on the ps3 so I'll have to disagree. Worst console is probably the saturn
looks like someone was in a coma during 2005-2010
18fps was N64
PS3 games usually ran at an average of like 25fps
Lego City Undercover
Disgaea 5
Binding of Isaac
Like a dozen NEOGEO games
last time i checked saturns online didnt get hacked and leaked credit card info KEK
better than Uncharted 4
>the very first update for Wii U firmware bricked a ton of consoles.
You idiot, the reason the consoles were being bricked was because the power was cut during the update. You know, the thing that nearly every major update says NOT to do?
>My gamepad stopped working recently because of a factory defect
And what is the defect exactly?
Because I'd say it's justified if it's just an idiot trying to pass off their tard rage as a factory defect.
Don't even try, Nintendo drone.
You're drunk OP.
Naughty Dog, kings of player agency
This fucking nitenkids and their garbage, at least ps3 games are on HD
Objectively speaking
PS3 was an amazing console, specially if you like weeb games
The Wii U was such a shitfest that it kill Iwata
- not a single good racing game
>And what is the defect exactly?
The right stick stopped working properly. It inputs a bunch of different directions that I don't press. I first noticed it when playing W101, I would get random wonder lines in different directions when trying to play. I switched to BOTW and as I expected the camera would go crazy and spin in a bunch of different directions when I pushed one direction.
I have never dropped it or anything, in the 3 years I've had it I just set it in the dock when I'm not using it.
The whole ordeal made me really mad because I can't use the gamepad anymore which more or less makes my Wii U unusable. I won't be buying anymore Nintendo products after this.
>barely managing 15/720
Sonygro are crazy.
First console to play BluRays, which are now standard format.
nintenkids have been playing games with ps1 graphics for years they dont know good consoles
they praise the wii a console with slightly better specs than ps2 bad ports and more shovelware than n64 and ps1
>>barely managing 15/720
You know Wii U games are 720 too right? 3D World is 720p. The only 1080p 60 FPS Wii U game is Smash.
>I have never dropped it or anything, in the 3 years I've had it
>3 years
No wonder it wasn't under warranty you idiot.
I still shouldn't have to pay for something I didn't do. Nintendo should stop making shoddy products with poor build quality. I've dropped my DS4 tons of times on my wood floor and it works fine. Never even dropped my gamepad and it shits itself. Fuck Nintendo
>PS3 GoW
All shit
They could also manage a stable framerate also the user he was replying to was talking about the Switch versions and at least two of them are 1080/60
>make an uncharted thread
>most people shit on the game
>make a tlou thread
>most people shit on the game
>make a mgs4 thread
>most people shit on the game
>make a god of war 3 thread
>most people shit on the game
>make a ps3 or ps3 vs 360 thread
>most people would mention those games as the best ps3 exclusives
huh, makes you think doesn't it?
just like nintendo games
>PS3 was an amazing console ONLY if you like weeb games