ITT Canon THICC characters

ITT Canon THICC characters

pic related

dem curves

Other urls found in this thread:


>posts sticc
>calls it thicc

This has to be the laziest shitpost I've ever seen. Even the Barney-baiters try harder to make a good picture.

The only thing round about Lightning are the toes of her shoes. Otherwise she has the body of an anorexic 6yearold with crackwhore knees.



Her proportions are so bizarre.

Should this be considered sticc or thicc?

Neither, that's skinny but normal proportions for a woman.

Having an ass doesn't make you thicc

I don't know hwy they made her so thin in XIII-2 and LR. She was kind of plump in XIII. I thought her thighs were fucking delicious back then.

Yes it does. Don't you know the difference between fatass and fat ass?

Nigga that ain't plump. Velma is plump. Mei is plump. That picture you posted is lucky to be average levels of skinny/"fit" at best.

Thicc is as much about the ass as thighs and general body size, not just the ass.

I meant "more plump". I like to believe she isn't as canonically thin as they make her appear in LR. She definitely has curves.

In an interview from before the game was out Nomura mentioned Toriyama instructed him to make Lightning thin and athletic and told him exactly how to make her legs.

OP, why did you post a toothpick?

So what do you call a girl who looks like the chick in the black thong then? Slim n' fat?


>grand canyon between legs
no thanks

Has he never seen a female athlete before?

Please delete this

I consider xiii lightning's body canon. LR is some modeler being mad he has to make his boss' waifu game.


"Thin" & "Athletic" are pedo code-words in Japan, user.

How do I get one of these cards

I would love to see what her skeleton looks like.

I dunno but here is the exact quote from a 2008 interview.

>Famitsu: Lightning's muscles and such make an impression, don't they? She is muscular, but attractive.

>Nomura: In drawing Lightning, the most essential thing was that she is a "cool character." You can't have a cool character without sex appeal.

>Famitsu: What kind of "cool" is she?

>Nomura: Serious, and unforgiving, yeah, she is a relentless character, isn't she? Maybe she is harsh on herself too, but she is not the type to coddle people. When she meets other people, she's not the kind who changes according to them, but instead you can see that she is a kind of individualistic person who gives off the image of someone who unswervingly follows the guidelines within herself.

>Famitsu: Was that harshness more than was intended in the design?

>Nomura: I was asked to make her strong and beautiful, but when I read the scenario, I thought "Is that all?" They were saying that she is a soldier, and her personality was certainly of one. She is not a "whiner." Actually, before we decided on the type we have for her now, there were a variety of different Lightnings. There were some by other staff members, too, and in the beginning, she didn't have the same image as she does now.

>Famitsu: Like what, for example?

>Nomura: She was Asian. The final Lightning is considerably more chiseled. Her eyes are more deeply set in than a typical heroine. Also, her cheekbones are more prominent than other female characters. In these ways, Lightning's design changed considerably. Other things are hidden, so you can't tell, but her legs are lean and her abdominal muscles are defined. Toriyama was particular about her having an athlete's body. However, if the heroine was too "macho," it would be difficult for players to associate emotionally with her, and so, while serving the director's intentions for her, I tried to make her a bit sweet. That intent appears in things like her hairstyle and hair color.

Is there a template of this card?


>Implying Lightning has muscles
>Implying Lighting isn't just an uglier, female Cloud

Nips are fucking retarded.

You already do!


>her legs are lean and her abdominal muscles are defined

Why do you want those cards you fucking cucks

That's just a fat ass.

She was attractive. They fucked everything up in LR.

Because trolling waifufags is fun.

I've seen 15 year olds with better bodies.

This is her face between the 3 games.

shes so underrated for some reason :\

A side by side pic would've been better than a gif.

Left is XIII and right is LR. It's such a ridiculous fucking downgrade.

The best kind of thicc too. The fit kind.

So basically they painted "muscles" on her and called it a day. Japan sure does love not deviating from their tropes huh? Why is we only get variety in their fighting games?

Because of her canonical yet also fuckable fate.

fucking toriyama and his auschwitz victim fetish.



>animal dick

blacks confirmed monkey


>chicken legs
>non existent calves
>scrawny as fuck looking body

are nips retarded? mentally deranged?

I want to put myself on it.

i love her so much. i wish she would beat me up

>Baggy eyes

Its called the passage of time.

Is FFXIII series worth playing?

I liked FFXV so take my shit taste into account

that just a fat ass, not thicc

>this is what white men actually believe

>sticc thread

>that's not real thick!


She was athletic-looking in XIII and XIII-2 but for some reason they made her a stick figure in LR. They took all of the definition and tone off of her body, sanded her muscles off and drained all of the character from her face. I thought it might be technical limitations when it was just that way in LR but since she also looks like a sickly old woman in the LV ads I think they just went full retard.

In my opinion she was perfect in XIII-2, but she looks great in Dissidia as well.

lol no

I still regret paying 50 or so dollars for it. Heck I didn't even buy XV.

No, you probably won't like it if you liked XV. You'll most likely prefer the empty boring wastelands and piss-poor action "gameplay" of XV to the boring, but pretty hallways of XIII.

Still the best version of lightning.

There is now


Here's a more to-the-point comparison of her face in XIII versus her face in LR. There's a lot less detail in LR which is why her face looks sunken and bland.

And if you're just interested in the BLACKED part

I don't mind a linear game
How's the story and combat?

Say T H I C C

Post S T I C C

Ya stupid user?

You suck, i fixed the window bit, learn how to photoshop dipshit

Can you keep the NEVER on white cocks on the template?


There's different colors user. Its not just one template

why does that bible have holes


>like actual thick girls
>thicc becomes a meme
>suddenly thick porn tags are filled with fat girls


I thought XIII was just meh, back then. I have a high tolerance for hallway games which is why it didn't bother me so much, but in retrospect, after playing XV, I've come to respect the game a lot more. I don't know if it's because my standards are so fucking low now, but I actually like the characters and interactions in XIII. The story is actually pretty endearing, there's a lot of heart to it, which I won't spoil. There's also a lot of cutscenes and they do good job of telling you the story from everyone's perspective so you're not completely lost. It just feels more FF and more "Japanese RPG" than XV, which is why I like it more. I think the game holds up pretty well, but it took me playing and suffering through XV to really admire it. I guess it's just the Zelda cycle effect.

If you're going to use your new word, use it properly.

Thicc like thiccfat or thicc like musclegirls?

Lopez or Johannson?


As I recall in FF13 they used two models, one higher poly/texture/detail for cutscenes and one lower poly/texture/detail for gameplay, while in LR they used only the same 1 model for both cutscene and gameplay and so it was like a mix of the high and low poly model from 13 into one mid tier model instead.

>thicc is being used by normies to describe any woman they find attractive
>Barbie dolls are being called thicc

Fucking hell

God damnit

FFXV was good while 13 was not, 13 is the complete opposite of FFXV, 13 is literaly just empty coridoor straight line shitfest with nothing to do but watch cutscenes or press auto battle in combat. There is no exploration, dungeons, towns, NPCs, minigames or anything. If you thought chapter 13 in FFXV was linear as shit then FF13 is a million times more linear than that for 12 out of 13 chapters of the entire game.


Perfect body type right there bois


>only a matter of time before they find the new term

>empty, boring open world vs boring hallways

Pick your poison. They're two sides of the same coin.


It says right there that it's a talking bible, so those are speaker holes.

Looks like Gina Vice.


Might be, I just pulled it from Google after searching Powergirl Cosplay.



No. Gina retired a while ago, but tey have the same bodytype, although Siri is a little chunkier.

Automated Teller Machine

Requesting black cock slut card of whitney.

Another thread that shows why you should hate Americans.

Should have just sent the slaves back to Africa