At what point did you realize Bloodborne was a masterpiece?
At what point did you realize Bloodborne was a masterpiece?
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Just because it's a good game doesn't mean it's good fuck off already
>that chromatic aberration
After Gascoigne
Am I being bamboozled?
Forced drama and forced cutscene animation. Souls hasn't been good since DaS1.
>comparing BB with DaS
Enjoyability vs Quality probably
They're both souls games, DaS1 is actually good though. Bloodborne is pretentious dogshit.
The fuck you talking about? From all AA title, this is the most top quality I've seen even compared to DaS3.
>Original Story
>Original setting
>Original combat system
This is some one who defend Lost Izalith and Crystal Cave
Duke's Archives and Demon Ruins are trash too, DaS ends at Ornstein and Smough.
At least BB doesn't end after Rom, TBF it only gets better.
Agreed, one of the many reasons I consider BB better. Cainhurst, Yahar'gul Chapel and Upper Cathedral Ward are amazing.
At least Dark Souls 1 doesn't try to shove its horrid narrative down your throat unlike BB trying to pretend it's art with forced symbolism.
>yfw typing this
I probably will when it gets emulated.
Definitely not with the ending
>He didn't know you could refuse the Moon Presence
which one?
>10 years pass
>PS4 emulation is finally possible and PCfats can emulate Bloodborne
>PS5 gets Bloodborne 2
When I opened the gates to Central Yharnam.
Too kino for you?
I'd like a Switch port of DaS 1 to be honest.
I think that'd probably be the best way to play since I could understand it being locked at 30FPS on a handheld device.
>and it's shit just like every sequel FROM has ever produced
>started off with dark souls 1
>really enjoyed the gameplay, tight controls, well designed healing system, cool loot, etc.
>pop in Shitborne
>total clusterfuck of mechanics. Virtually no weapons, all armors are shit or look very similar, shit loot discourages exploration (couple this with cavernous areas and you got a total shitfest loot system), have to buy or farm consumable, shitload of healing items, so never possible to lose a boss battle unless your actual crap
>on the plus side, the setting and some of the bosses were fun
Honestly, fuck this game. They had a working healing system (5 estus), and they should have stuck with it. The gun and bullet system was total ass, fuck consumables
I hadn't been spoiled about the eldritch theming, so slowly figuring out that it wasn't just a vampire/werewolf hunter in Victorian setting was absolutely the best part.
How the enemies turn more wicked the further you progress is amazing.
>Not wanting to became space slug
>Just waking up and buying brad like a peasant
What are you, retarded?
Round about defiled chalice, if by masterpiece you mean a masterpiece at making me want to peel my skin off.
Here's your (You)
>Play DS1
>Majority of weapons are garbage and not worth using with only a few being viable with barely any variation in moveset
>Clunky, slow, and boring gameplay that encourages you to hdie behind a shield and backstab everything
>Play Bloodborne
>Each weapon has its own unique moveset apart from the saw weapons,looks, and nearly all are viable due to chalice gems
>Combat is fluid, fast, and satisfying that rewards aggression
>PCbros are finally emulating DeS
once i reached byrgenwerth and saw my first space alien
YES! When you discover this cosmic ambient, shit, I don't think I will never have this feeling again
Another one to defend Demon Ruin and Duke's Archive
have a (You) also, you need budy!
>>Each weapon has its own unique moveset apart from the saw weapons
You might wanna go back and check that, buddy.
Prove me wrong.
Demon's Souls, a great game
Followed by 2 shit games
Then a masterpiece comes out
Then a sequel to those 2 shitty games comes out (so as you may guess it's shitty as well
>Dark Souls
Explain without bringing up post Anor Londo.
>Decide to do a NG+++ run
>Get stuck on some of the harder bosses
>Have to keep running back to farm more echoes to buy more vials every few tries
I love BB but the blood vials system can eat my shitty ass. It's the worst in any Souls game by far.
>Demon's Souls makes grass abundant, and you can carry an infinite amount. This makes the game easier, but also less needlessly frustrating because fucking nobody likes farming for consumables. The fact that there are different qualities for different situations is also nice, but it also clutters the shit out of your hotbar.
>Dark Souls perfected it. The kindling system allows you to choose your difficulty level by either giving yourself a whopping 20 flasks, or just sticking with 5, or something in between. Their effectiveness is also up to the player. All other healing items are hard to come by, making sure that you always need to think when deciding whether to estus flask or not.
>Dark Souls 2 shits its diaper and fills the game with infinitely purchasable healing items that are only slightly worse than estus, meaning you get all the strength of estus with all the quantity of grass, making it too easy.
>Bloodborne for some reason decides that convenience is for bitches. Most players will only be carrying a few dozen vials at a time, assuming they're doing well, and will opt to spend echoes on levels rather than vials. This means that if you ever get walled by a boss you're almost certainly going ot need to go farm for echoes to buy more vials. It doesn't take forever, but it's also super fucking annoying when you also consider that you need to stop in at the dream every single time you want to swap areas.
>Put 500 hours in DaS1
>Love it, all time favorite
>Finally play BB in 2016
>Cannot play DaS1 for more than 30 mins now because it plays like utter shit in comparison.
DaS 1 is not a good game compared to DeS and BB.
DeS gave origin to the concept
BB completely innovet it and expanded it
all DaS are more of a spin off from DeS just because From didn't had the rights to the title, you can circle jurk as long as you want, but you will never escape the truth, DaS is not good compared to DeS and BB.
This is how you defend a shit game, you must remove the shit part in order to have a good game
I forgot to add "imo" sorry
Well I liked DeS way more than DS1. In fact, the only memorable DS1 location is optional. I'm talking about Ash Lake.
That's some low quality bait user, saying shit like "you will never escape the truth" really tips even the biggest retard off that you're bullshitting. Please put in some effort next time.
A shame that lots of Dark Souls community members don't have a chance to play DeS and BB as they are console exclusives (don't reply with that 25 FPS PS3 emulator please). They are really superior to any of the DS games. I think that DS fans nowadays know about Bloodborne but don't know that DeS even exists.
Ah shit you're right. They have unique transformed movesets, but not normal mode.
The first half of DaS more than makes up for its lackluster ending segment, no moment in gaming is as good as you when you take the elevator from Undead Parish back to Firelink and realize how interconnected everything is.
>TFW I was not baiting
You sound super insecure and defensive. Didn't say anything about either of those places, but ok.
Either way, have another (You).
when I saw the Amygdala for the first time above the bath
and when I went outside and saw many many more Amygdala
that really shook me for a bit
I feel like this competent game has been memed onto a pedestal of perfection where it doesn't really belong.
After all it's extremely deriative in its gameplay systems.
>Duke's Archive
That's unironically my favorite area though.
>mfw niggas didn't even see the Yharnam Sunrise
After beating Rom and hearing Moonlight Melody in the Hunter's Dream I realized this game was something special
People will meme left and right and say the game is shit but that moment makes the game a damn masterpiece for me. These games aren't only popular because of marketing or what have you, they're genuinely good. Each one has its ups and downs but for the most part they're up there with the best games ever created.
What about bullshit Crystal Archers do you enjoy so much?
Holy shit, is this what DaS fans actually believe, that just half of a game is the most incredible masterpiece ever created!
They are, but DeS and BB are superior to DaS
Duke's Archives is the best area in DaS
They're the one enemy type I don't like there. I enjoyed seeing the moonlight butterfly's natural habitat, seeing what became of the women Seath was kidnapping, and I enjoyed the rotating staircases. It just seemed really neat to me, and I'm always disappointed whenever I go through because it's so short. I understand why everybody hates Demon Ruins, but I feel like the Duke's Archives and Tomb of the Giants get an unfair wrap, I like them a lot.
Yes user, each one is entitled to an opinion, like some people who enjoy eating shit.
Just got a ps4, did I ruin Bloodborne by playing DaS3 first? I heard DaS3 lifted a lot of assets from Bloodborne and some of the bosses are very similar.
>muh medieval grim shit
Duke's Archives is the only area in the game with some color besides Anor Londo, and Anor Londo is fucking terrible. The bar in Souls games is so low that Duke's Archives is easily the best area
Ebrietas isn't an old man, apologize to my wife right now.
like anything in life, all depends upon your expectations, if you think DaS3 is the pinnacle of art and want BB to pass it, you may not enjoy it, but if you just play the fucking game with no expectations and decide for yourself, you may like it.
Why am I the only person not impressed with this game after playing all three Dark Souls games. Am I crazy? I stopped playing maybe two threads into the DLC. The base game bosses are mostly not good fights even though the combat is "improved" (sped up 1.5 times) . And the 3 or 4 (stopped after Maria) DLC bosses weren't as fun to me as a lot of 3s bosses. I got to moon sword guy and after all the kino memes he was a fucking pushover. I need to go back and finish it though. I just hate the PS4 controller.
I killed your wife in 3 shots, she died like a bitch.
i thought it was complete shit at Cleric Beast
then it turned into a masterpiece at Glascoigne
The best area is optional, it was agreed a long time ago
Which one is the best?
She is ranked as the hardest boss in the game on some lists but I beat her without dying
Ash Lake
Yes, I am -kun. I thought that I'm the only one that thinks Ash Lake is the best
Originally Moon Presence was going to be a boss you got to face once right after Gehrman, if you beat him you got the true ending if not you got the regular ending. Would've been great if they kept it that way.
>ywn be the doll's sex toy until you grow up to be a great one, reanimate lady maria and make her your girl toy
Why even wake up every day and breathe?
when I finished it I felt pretty good
then I did another playthrough to try and piece together the story and realized a lot of shit just has no connection and is left hanging
that's when I threw it in the trash as an average game.
>Put 400 hours in Dark Souls
>love it
>play through Bloodborne twice in 2 weeks
>tired of the game already, barely have 120 hours
I played DkS3 for 280 hours before I got tired.
>have to farm vials
>do loran story dungeon in 4 minutes
>swim in bloodechoes
I'd hatefuck Maria for such a hard boss fight
>3 shots
You're like a little baby, watch this
the dungeons are complete shit m8
i wouldnt recommend them to anyone
the only good thing about them are the madmen enemies, which I think should have been used in the regular game. Everything else is reused content, and the very few new enemies that exist are fucking obnoxious as shit (like the fat instant rolling guy that nearly 1 shots you with his rolls)
280 hours of Dark Souls 3 is how I'd torture someone
Holy shit that image is hilarious
It was a little easy and short but fun I guess. I kinda forgot about it, it doesn't come to mind when I think of my favorite games.
What just happened?
>he didn't make his character into one of these actors and roleplay a hammer production
She is cute, don't bully her. Don't be rude to her. I'd hatefuck Ludwig for that fucking boss fight. I couldn't beat this fucker so I had to experience the whole DLC by watching it on youtube
i refuse to believe that anyone who spent the time getting good at bloodborne and beating it actually thinks it's shit. i can't help but think that the people who claim to hate it don't even own a ps4.
Why does it say 'Nightmare Slaughtered' when you kill Mergo's Wet Nurse but for any of the other Great Ones?
Augur of ebriatas, go full bible black on that bitch. Thats how I did it.
>thinking people are going to fall for this bait