What are some games with actual graphics?
What are some games with actual graphics?
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paradox apparently
or paragon, or whatever the fuck its called.
Only Sony exclusives have actual graphics and we all know it is true
What does it mean if all of my favorite games have average to mediocre graphics?
Ya, and no fucking gameplay to speak of, ever.
CGI movies by Pixar or Disney have "actual graphics" too, but they're worthlesss as games just as much.
>with actual graphics
All games have actual graphics.
The devs are lazy
>actual graphics
I really, REALLY hate this meme.
Games don't have graphics anymore. They can't - consoles with 2008-era power now have to run at 900p/30 fps, and some even try for 1080p. Soon they'll be trying to run 4k, and graphics will have to take another step backwards
Weakest consoles of all time+biggest audience of dumb cunts=no more graphics for you
dorf fort
I literally play this game maxed out on 100+ fps at 1440p. It looks like fucking garbage honestly. Division is shit, gameplay is shit, hackers everywhere, horrible progression system. And the engine looks horrid as fuck. Witcher 3 looks better than this piece of shit and that's a fact. Fuck off with these threads already.
Looks like garbage.
>inb4 consolefag of any variety or any other game
Still looks like garbage.
its means that most devs suck at time management.
Artificial graphics don't count
X-plane 11, DCS, flight sims in general
mah boi
this one is badass
I like The Division, but I hate that it's a "MMO"
I really wish I could just play the missions with bots.
Someone post that webm of that fucking avengers lego game where Ironman dives from the airship. That shit is Kino as fuck
Also never noticed how small this guys hands are. Now you do to.
>X-plane 11
I wish it wasn't so expensive :(
It never goes on sale.
Modded Fallout 4
Pirate it, literally no one actually buys it but autists
Or get Xplane 10, same features but with more mods
Same here, senpai
Do you have anything in 2560x1440?
Get Ghost Recon Wildlands, its The Division with more character and gun customization, bigger and better map without the bullshit mmo stuff. Also getting in gun fights in the woods is awesome.
Not him but I play it as well and it's not really the same, still kinda fun though
Wildlands is shit though.
>Implying any of this shit looks good
Lmao consolefags
Only right answer.
Gamu namu?