>Has a sniper
>Has a slow (which also damages)
>Has AOE ultimate
>Has invincibility ability
>it also heals
>has a block
>it also lifts the player
She is objectively overpowered. She has every ability.
>Has a sniper
>Has a slow (which also damages)
>Has AOE ultimate
>Has invincibility ability
>it also heals
>has a block
>it also lifts the player
She is objectively overpowered. She has every ability.
Other urls found in this thread:
>>Has a sniper
projectile, has some delay, slower than Hanzo's arrows iirc
>>Has a slow (which also damages)
That's her whole gimmick. She needs to be in close range in a game where a lot of characters have movement abilities.
>>Has AOE ultimate
Step out of it. Or play D.Va and destroy it.
>>Has invincibility ability
>>it also heals
Locks her in place, only to be focused as soon as she goes out. It also leaves enough time to grab some medkit if you've been hurt.
>>has a block
>>it also lifts the player
Easily destroyed. Blocks her team's shots as well. The sole point of lifting someone is to make him go somewhere, which has no point against an enemy.
Maybe stop being bad.
What? Not even a little bit. She gets shit on currently. And she's only viable in stalling on the last point. Anyway, time to post cute Mei pics because she's best OW girl.
She's slow.
The iceicle has about a 1 second firing delay also it has travel time.
weight is power
overweight is overpowered
It's not a slow which damages, it's a damage which slows.
her projectile is the only one in the entire game to have damage drop-off, pretty funny that OP calls it a "sniper" when it does 22 damage at range
also her ice wall isn't "easily destroyed" each pillar has 500 hp, most single heroes are stuck waiting behind it and if shes trying to block an entire team it still stalls well enough
>another overwatch thread
sorry, wrong website kiddo.
Should change Mei's name to her actual name. Satan
I hope a nigger kills you
Doesn't it have damage falloff too? There's no way you're 'sniping' with it.
epic XD. Here's your (you).
Being a pain in the ass is all she can really do. She can't mow down 2-3 players in a row like other DPS. Usually she'll get off one kill then die after firing that icicle into their head.
If you have enough coordination you can shoot at a single section and take it down in a second.
Junkrat, Pharah and Bastion can take it down on their own even.
>Have to get my nine wins for the arcade mode lootboxes
>Don't feel like Lucioball so I just play mystery
>First team to get a Mei has her for the entire match and wins
That's because people play her wrong. She is not a solo hero. Mei is suppose to work with a group. Focus freeze tanks and the like for the DPS to murderfuck. Split the enemy in half at a chokepoint so they can be murderfucked.
Problem is a lot of people can't seem to take advantage of Mei freezing people.
>>>Has a sniper
>projectile, has some delay, slower than Hanzo's arrows iirc
Woah there's delay, jesus so weak now.
>>>Has a slow (which also damages)
>That's her whole gimmick. She needs to be in close range in a game where a lot of characters have movement abilities.
Still builds up way too fast.
>>>Has AOE ultimate
>Step out of it. Or play D.Va and destroy it.
Can't, slowed me. Can't even block it with my own ice wall or Rein shield!
>>>Has invincibility ability
>>>it also heals
>Locks her in place, only to be focused as soon as she goes out. It also leaves enough time to grab some medkit if you've been hurt.
Comes out of ice, places a wall, woah there she goes
>>>has a block
>>>it also lifts the player
>Easily destroyed. Blocks her team's shots as well. The sole point of lifting someone is to make him go somewhere, which has no point against an enemy.
Easily destroyed? LMAO
>Maybe stop being bad.
You first, Mei player.
She's so fat.
Anyone else wish that pharah would get deleted from the game?
And Do not argue about her waifu materialness. I'm talking about the fact that she's the hardest chracter to deal with unless you have a competent team that understands what focus Fire means it have someone really good with a hitscan hero. Why does she get to do minimal amount of work so put out a shit ton of does that's consistent, wether you're hit directly or even just near the blast. And that busted fire rate is just... why. Why can she be allowed to do this??? How come she can follow up with so much damage in a short amount of time. And fuci me when she has the pocket mercy? May they both go the the deepest regions of hell.
>dude delay lmao
What do you think of a defense hero that could control time? Their ult would be to stop the clock for 10 seconds or so.
I think that might've been me sorry user
>fps 69
jesus christ, reduce those graphics settings, user
Why do you need to see all that information for overwatch?
Not my screenshot
>playing Overwatch
IIRC projectiles do not suffer damage drops in Overwatch
jesus christ. Do you even own the fucking game?
you are mostly correct except about the fucking TOPIC OF THE MOTHERFUCKING THREAD WHICH IS MEI YOU DUMB NIGNOG
I love watching special ed kids fight.
shes a jack of all trades in a game that rewards specialists and even in that role she is outclassed by 76. i cant think of a map position or scenario where i would prefer her over 76. The one thing she really has that's unique is her wall, but if you compare that to like, sprint, or wall climbing it really isn't very impressive.
>buy a golden weapon for mei just to hear shitters bitch in chat
>oh wow you bought a golden weapon for mei, I bet its cause you can't aim
>freeze the genji
>wtf her freeze is bs
>he switches to tracer
>1 shot the tracer
>wtf mei's icicle is fuggin op!
>they switch to mei
>she tries to freeze me as I double tap her in the head with my icicles
get fucked retards. She isn't even my main.
You're so bad. The projectile doesn't even one-shot with a headshot.
>the only other person who can become invincible is zen
>its his ult
>its her shift
>She isn't even my main.
People who "main" in Overwatch are literally retarded. None of the heroes are complex enough to even warrant that.
uh I don't think mei is op but to call the wall nothing special implies you have little understanding of the game.
A good mei can change everything with the wall.
>nice ult
>oh escaping are you tracer?
>justice rains blaghh
>killed herself with her own rockets because of the wall
>oh about to force overtime on KoTH?
>eat shit faggot, blocked
The wall is amazing for CC
I'll admit I'm not the best junkrat but killing a mei as the rat is pretty easy, same goes for pharah and Tracer from my experience.
You just suck
so all the playtimes on your heroes are perfectly equal then?
>Payload location
>Health bar
The fuck are you even bitching about
>his ult heals the entire team, speeds him up, and lets him move during it
>her shift only helps her and stuns her for the duration
try harder retard
>easy to kill pharrah
>as rat
Silver or what? what fucking retarded pharrahs are you fighting?
>Play Mei
>Fag on other team switches to Mei (some faggot always does this when a hero on the enemy team does well, I will never understand it)
>Just blow him out all game
I think he mean that it's easy to kill Mei when playing as Pharah
reaper would have been a better comparison but you're so far up your own ass I'm not sure you even own the game
>cant handle characters with unique abilities
>complains about it on the wrong venue
>will get mad at any character that kills them
>cant get good
>inevitably will get what they want
OP is objectively overpowered. He ruins every ability.
Putting a few hours more into one doesn't make that a main. Do you know what a main is or did you start playing video games this year?
A main is a go-to, the one and only, the main character you play.
That means you would have ONE character you play as for say, 100 hours, while the rest barely break 10.
No, because I play whatever hero is needed and when people main/instalock the same ones every game it skews the data.
Seriously, it takes 4 hours tops to be 100% proficient with a character. If you need to pick them every single match to be good with them, you're fucking trash. I'd tell you to go back to CoD but in all honesty Overwatch is much more casual.
the thing you dumb retards never bring up is map.
Map and mode makes almost as much a difference as what strategy/comp your team is running.
For example Lucio is nearly necessary on KoTH
>A main is a go-to, the one and only, the main character you play.
prove it. When people say main in OW they are talking about their most played. Most of the community cycles between at least two heroes, there are very few true "mainers"
>Do you know what a main is or did you start playing video games this year?
yes I know what a main is. Your most played hero. You seem to not know however.
if you hate the game so much why do you claim to know so much about it? What's your rank if you're so good with all the characters you should be GM oh god don't tell me its your team holding you back lel.
>stop liking what i don't like REEEEEEEEEEE
>if you hate the game so much why do you claim to know so much about it?
Where the fuck did I say I hated it? I said it's casual, that doesn't mean it's not fun.
> What's your rank if you're so good with all the characters you should be GM oh god don't tell me its your team holding you back lel.
If you actually think SR is a meaningful metric in any way, you're a shitter. Ranked is for tryhard faggots and Twitch streamers who feel the need to prove how EPIC MLG PRO xDD they are.
it measures the only thing that matters in a team game, games won. Obviously you haven't won that many or you wouldn't hate ranked so much. Its quite literally the only way to play OW
>Fortunately, when we do put you in a match that we know isn't a 50/50, we adjust your SR gain or loss based on your calculated change of winning. So if you did get placed into a match with only a 20% chance to win and then you lose, you shouldn't lose much SR.
And that's not even the most recent info, at the start of last season they intentionally changed it so it rates you 500 SR lower to give the shitters a sense of progression. SR is literally meaningless as a metric of skill, Blizzard treats it as another form of Loot Box.
>cerberus photos
Surely, such a creature can only be found at the gates of Hell
>stuns her
>can leave at any time
>anyone who stops moving has stunned themself by this logic
I just want some good Mei skins, for fuck's sake
>can still be charged
>lasts literally half as long as meis invincibility
t. low plat
All you have to do is say I was wrong. Damn man.