Don't mind me, just the best skating game of all time passing through

Don't mind me, just the best skating game of all time passing through

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Can I play as Wolverine?

PS3 emulation needs to succeed so that Skate 1 world can be imported into Skate 3.

is the original better than skate 2? I can't find a trustworthy opinion among normies online

SSX is betta

Thats not Skate 2

skate 2 looks like hot shit and is not realistic

Skate 1 world is amazing because they hadn't gotten lazy in design yet by allowing you to walk.

no, 2 is an improvement of 1: same map but with new areas and more tricks

meanwhile 3 is a different map with the largest amount of tricks (which make it the best to me)

i'm sorry ? walking is the best thing that happened to this game

do you even skate ?

walking is janky as fuck in skate 2. I assume all three games are worth owning though

Not a skateboarding game but a boarding game nonetheless and probably the best one of them all.

Walking means they no longer had to think about designing a seamless map with multiple ways to access locations on your board.

That's not Underground 2

It's funny people born in 2001 believe this, come back when your shitty simulation game scores 10 across many magazines and singlehandedly makes skateboarding into a beloved sport at the time, young man

reminder that there are currently 2 skate like games in development for pc

Hahaha, just a fad; THPS2 remains as the best scoring and loved skateboard game of all time.

THPS2 sure did have the best soundtrack though:


agree, walking in 2 is fucked up but 3 manage to make it way better

but accesing cool gnarly spots by walking is an important part of skateboarding.
Beside, the game design is pretty realistic knowing that many spots are real life spots

That's not Skate Man Intense Rescue

I kinda liked 4 a bit more. But because I only owned 2 and 3 and are tired of them, so I emulate the ones I didn't have.

hyped as fuck for project session

i didn't know about the other one, but seems cool if well finished

skate is the greatest skateboarding game of all time. thps1 is probably the one that made the biggest impact tho. a shit ton of skateboarders both amateur and pro only started skateboarding because of that game.


Child, this simulation game didn't collect perfect scores like Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 did, in a time game reviews actually mattered.

The pro skater series is kiddy shit. I like it, grew up with it, but something as simple as grinding feels a lot more satisfying in skate than it ever did with tony hawk

>in a time game reviews actually mattered.
dont kid yourself, game reviews were always a joke

THPS3 is better than both of these though.

this. tony hawk peaked with 3.
>4 was just open world trash and had horrendous mini games
>thug had stealth missions and racing missions that alone doesnt make it the best
>thug 2 wasnt even a skateboarding game
>thaw was just tutorials and classic mode was barebones as fuck

I can appreciate how the first game was more grounded to reality but I can't go back because getting off your board & 2 & 3 was a big game changer.

Not even the best skate game.

What ever happened to this series?
Did it's dev go outa business?

EA killed Black Box Games.

>Activision forms new in-house developer White Sphere Games with the same guys from Black Box Games

I'd honestly trade a testicle for Skate 4. I remember not liking the physics in Skate 3 compared to 2, but god damn, I've been wanting a current gen skateboarding game ever since the current gen started

Which one of you fags always did this online hall of meat?

I did a differently glitch, you held down the right trigger but not all the way, do a footplant or something, and then the same result. That might actually be that glitch but from the air.
I usually just did that mode with friends though where we all did it

Skate 1 was probably the closest experience to actually skating with friends in real life than any of the other games.
I'd go out skating with friends, come back and hang out in game. It was really focused on that aspect imo. It wasn't like Tony Hawk where you'd focus on a whole level, it was more grounded. You'd spend hours around a random rail with friends just nailing tricks.

It was a good experience.
Then Skate 2 came along, and it just left a bad taste in my mouth. It felt like it was a Saints Row game or something. Nothing felt personal, and it felt more focused on a large area rather than individual spots.
It's hard to really explain the feeling.

My dude.

Skate 1 & 2 were great.

Then Skate 3 came and tried to force uncomfy multiplayer down my throat.

How much time did you spend at those spots? I still remember a few locations that me and my friends would go to and do tricks for awhile. I never played Skate 1 in great detail though so maybe that's why I didn't have a problem with Skate 2

Why wasn't the Skate 3 universe connected?

It's just three small circle maps, where as Skate 1 and 2 was a flowing free-roam world.