Staring at a black screen whole minutes to go from station to station is a good idea

>staring at a black screen whole minutes to go from station to station is a good idea
>using a YUGE cargo ship for trading doesn't make the experience any different from tiny ass ship besides having bigger profits
>exploring means approaching a celestial object, waiting for automated scan to finish and nothing morethan that.
>Fighting is the only decent activity

What the fuck is wrong with Braben and the fanbase that defend this fucking slow, simple as fuck, boring grindhouse?

Other urls found in this thread:

i'm the guy who listened to people saying this shit for years then went and bought the game anyway

Don't forget to mention the best one
>To upgrade from a starter or beginner ship, you need to grind out 5 mil credits to buy a decent ship

It was great when bounties were broken as fuck and you could grind out 10+ mil in a day.

Because the vocal minority of the game's fanbase (stupid space trucker dads) who want a casual relaxing game complain the moment anything fun is proposed

Also the combat is completely shit and impossible

Just wait for Star Citizen bruh.

>Wait till 2486

Is Sup Forums right about this game?

The combat is better if you turn flight assist off.

>Waiting for Starch Shitizen
>When X4 is in development

actually the combat is great it's just you have to spend like an hour traveling in order to find a place where it's actually fun to fight

>For you to have fun with your friends you need to buy my DLC guy.

If frontier bothered to add some depth to their mechanics the game would be so god damn boring. Even trucksim has enough elements like following the rules of the road, gas consumption (fuel hardly matters in elite) and rest, the most you have to worry about in elite is getting interdicted but its easy to escape.
hell, if they just made docking more difficult by making the speed at which each station rotated it might make things a little more challenging

>made docking more difficult
You obviously don't smuggle. Launching yourself into a station opening, running silent with all systems and engines disabled and hoping you didn't mess up the trajectory or crash into something is pretty thrilling. Actually, probably the only thrilling thing the game has to offer.

Ok, I get it, it's shit. Now name a good space game. I never played one and everybody talk like all the space sims except X3, but X3 is a economy sim

What's the difficulty if you use heat sinks?

Are there any games in the genre with decent single player campaigns other than Freelancer?

Yeah, that pretty much nails it. I can't really put vast amounts of play time into the game in one sitting - maybe an hour or two at most. Over time, though, you get better ships/weapons. I've recently been carrying passengers to and from destinations for a decent amount of credits. To me the game if for relaxing and winding the day down.

>bought during steam summer sale
>get drunk, boot the game up for the first time
>they barely explain anything, cant get my joystick to work
>trying to approach some shit in space, cant figure out how to stop
>cant figure out how to navigate the menus in the cockpit and their absolutely retarded hotkeys
>drift away into the endless darkness
>close the game, i'll try it again later when im sober
>load up the game a few days later
>cant make a new character to go through the shitty tutorial again
>cant delete my first character
>stuck with my ship drifting around, no idea what the fuck im supposed to do or how to do it
>spend at least an hour trying to figure shit out on my own
>make no progress, only drifting further away from whatever the fuck it is im supposed to do

that was my experience with elite dangerous. what a shit game.

You might be retarded.

no u

How do you think I feel?

I keep trying to drop the fucking game, but the fact that it's the only reason I ever bought a HOTAS means that if I want to play with it, I have to play E:D.

Why can't we get another space sim?

>tfw this is just steam's counted hours and you actually have almost 4 weeks of total in-game time.

I was confused too at first. I didn't know how quests work. I remember accepting one quest, when I first started, where I had to destroy what looked like an entire fleet of giant ships by myself in my small sidewinder. I ended up just trading endlessly until I bought bigger and bigger ships which brought me some satisfaction.

>being retarded

Descent 1/2, Freespace, not much else.

Freespace and Descent both have source ports and active modding communities.

>literally frontier elite 2 with modern graphics

Only hope now is X4 being good.

>MFW No Man's Sky will ultimately be better than Elite Dadgerous and Scam Citizen

>building empires and fleets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and your ship meme

>Why can't we get another space sim?
Battlefront 2 is coming this year

I agree, and they need to add a proper multiplayer. not some flying ball multiplayerã‚‹

>simple as fuck
when I was looking recently saw some steam reviews (good and bad) saying the game is grindy and has lots of problems but is pretty good sim and it takes a while to get used to, is that pure fucking bullshit?

Satisfied, I desperately need this game in my life just to admire planets and solar systems, scoop fuel directly from the stars and explore the far reaches of the milky way into deep space

if you like looking at "hidden" loading screens while going from instances to instances and love grinding then this game is for you

>he bought a HOTAS for E:D

Try to get into flight sims?

it's a complex game, actually. the problem with it is that there's no atmospheric landings or walking around. combat is actually really cool and tough.

it is a slog and that's why a lot of people don't like it. i think it's fun though, and 2.4 will add enemy aliens to the game.
exploration is dry, but going to different nebulae, neutron stars, or other celestial objects is actually fun.
the ships are cool and all have different engine sounds and cockpits.

>buys complicated but accessible simulator
>gets drunk during the only time it requires your full attention
>can't set up joystick despite it being about the easiest game to set up flight controls

Maybe you should try a new genre senpai, what do you even use that joystick for if you don't have the patience for elite?

There's 2 decent fighters below 1 million.

>still a better love story than Scamcitizen
I backed both, still own both - ED has tons of issues by modern day standards - but it's essentially the "eurotrucker" simulator of space games. That's its flaw- it's a very polished "niche" game in all honesty - but it's also old-school in its execution.

Nah brah.Maybe better than Erectile Dysfunction but not the BDSSE.

The only decent way of making money are community goals. Prove me wrong.

Aww yeh boy

Is that some M2000C?

what game this that ?

DCS World

Don't get me wrong, Scam Citizen isn't a bad game, but it will never come out completely.

>DCS World
I would love to play that game.
But Holy fuck.
DLC Is to expensive for me.

the flight model / combat and sound design is the best thing about this shitty game though

>not decent

Quince, nigger.

You bet

Wait for a sale

You missed the age of amazing sales but you can still catch some good one
>tfw no more MiG 15bis for 8 dollars


you've forgotten X stillbirth already now haven't you

>Only one utility slot
>Three small hardpoints that force you to use those super powerful weapons that only have enough ammo for like one fight.
>If you even touch an enemy ship your ass gets blown up with the force of a supernova.

It's really comfy to play in VR

When I need to wind down, I boot up Elite and do some leisurely space trucking while watching anime on a holo display in my cockpit

If I want to have fun I jump into my stealth Clipper and gank traders

Get good, not even joking

The combat is great

>You missed the age of amazing sales

AW FUCK. seriously?

NMS, ED, and SC are all shit games with grand """visions""" that will never ever come to pass. Saying any one is better than the others must be postfaced by "for now."
Also why is "postfaced" the antonym of prefaced instead of "suffaced" when they are prefixes and suffixes respectively?

Yeah they stopped it in like 2015. Pick up Flaming Cliffs 3 when that goes on sale though, it'll be like 15-20 bucks for like 6 planes.

None are clicky cockpit but it's the most bang for your buck in terms of content in DCS

Because it would be suff-faced or sufffaced which looks stupid as hell.

Also forgot to mention stop by /simg/ on /vg/ if you ever want help/advice about flight simming

You could also just skip the embassy and go straight to reddit.

ah yes because so much flight sim discussion happens on Sup Forums, the bastion of videogame discussion

it's boring and it's turning into a mess

No, because /vg/ is just reddit lite and offers all of the Sup Forums memespouting with none of the insightful replies.


thank you for details

Not quite. Engineering your ship (overpowering it, basically) is pure korean MMO grind.
Its mechanics are just too damn simple they make it boring. Vast as the sea and deep as a puddle.

Combat is the only thing going for this game.

No worries lad, hope yo see you in the sky

You can make 5 mil in half an hour in a Hauler by selling scan data from terraformable planets

There's no excuse

I spend a lot of time fantasizing about Volition getting the rights to Freespace back. That would be the second coming of the messiah for me. Off topic but not a lot of opportunities to talk space games.

it's hamstrung by engineers and the shitty carebear community

you can still do that, but why bother? endless grind to buy a bigger ship so you can keep grinding?

It's horribly grindy if you want to get the best combat ships and fully kit them out, you will probably need hundreds of hours to max out a Federal Corvette

But you can get a decently equipped fighter (viper 3 or vulture) in a day or two, and be capable of taking on most 1v1 PvE encounters

Or if you want to do exploring that's basically fully available from the beginning

I want to go bugblasting and bounty hunting and the grinding you need to do to get a decent ship is ridiculous.

>>exploring means approaching a celestial object, waiting for automated scan to finish and nothing morethan that.
Oh yes, fully agreed. It should at least require one or two orbits around a planet to fully scan it.
Seperate geological scans from atmospheric scans and the search for biomatter. Introduce scanner hardware with different features and limitations. Man, make this shit more interesting.

Yes, actually

The combat is fun, why would doing it over and over again be a bad thing

Teach me how I fucking do this

>People ask for a realistic space sim
>Frontier give them as close to realistic as it could probably get

Fuck off retards.
Go back to wanking over Star Citizen that will funnily enough be the same fucking thing but on a different engine.

Buy an advanced discovery scanner and a detailed surface scanner

Fly to these planets:

Go back to civilization and sell the data for 600k per planet

>have billions of credits
>nothing to spend it on

Any space sims extremely similar to Elite Dangerous in terms of exploration and size that can run on a potato?

EVE Online

One of the older Elite games. Maybe Elite Frontier II

I wouldn't say never.Devs have proven that they are capable over and over again ,but its going to take at least 3 more years before they implement every single stretch goal .

one of x games?freelancer?freespace?
It's good


None of them are on the scale of Elite Dangerous.

He wants a Space sim that has a fucking Galaxy to explore.

Elite Dangerous simulates the whole Milkyway.

It was a clusterfuck because it was built to be a x360 game, and still has major problems and fuckups, but it also improved a lot over X3TC, especially trading.

Anybody going to XCON?
I really want to find out what's cooking for X4

I'll add that Rebirth is so much better now after the patches and expansions.

They listened to the fans feedback.

Tries to,but but there's no real diffrence between 100% or 0.00001% it would still be too fucking much to explore

desu, it's still ruined for me.

initial experience killed any hope for me to like the game

Still not that great.
Fleet control is ass.
You can only fly one ship.
Universe feels small despite not being.
Trading is the most unintuitive thing ever.
In fact just about everything in Rebirth is unintuitive.
And there's no ship descriptions as far as I can tell, so I have no idea if the ship I just captured is a fighter or a freighter.
Can't tell by looking at it because all ships look same.
And why the fuck are there different kinds of cargo?

>realistic space sim

>without any interesting quests or storyline
>with no real "economy", only a dynamic economy that the player can barely influence
>players can't fly capital ships
>players can't build stations/ships/goods
>players can't affect the game in any way that's not Community Goals
>community goals are basically a variation of X mission with a small backstory
>"Exploring" is basically eat thousands of loading screens and clicking on the "undiscovered planet"
>trading is basically eating thousands of loading screens doing rare goods runs that you easily find on the net
>combat is grind, pray for RNG, get a few hundreds of millions to fit a combat ready vessel, even NPCs are enginereed, so people without engineers are basically fucked, combat and flying the ship is the only interesting mechanic the game has
>every station is copypasted (MUH THOUSAND STARS GALAXY, ITS TOO BIG)
>if you want to know any of the story you have to buy the books

yeah, it's so realistic it's like real life, shit and unfun

Not really.
Great new games were never in flash sales and we still low prices on great games regardless. They are romantizising how amazing the sales were.

The phenomenon is the same as people complaining that 95% shots in XCOM are missing "all the time", about 1 in 20 shots misses, seriously firaxis???

you buy a scannerworth a million credits and a frameshift drive worth another million first :^)
Then in galaxy map there is a tab in which you can filter out red stars and protostars. Only rocks orbit near them s it's worthless.
When you jump in a system fire the scanner, open system map, if you see clouded or or earth-like planets select them and get close enough for the automated scan to activate, let it finish and you're done. When you have scanned enough dock into a station, select universal cartographics and sell that shit. Don't get your ship blown up in the process or you lose all data and can't sell anymore.
Profit are higher with the 500,000 credits Surface scanner installed :^)

There you go, literally wait for a star system to load, scan, get close to a planet, rinse and repeat.

The game doesnt have loading screens you moron.

If you set a course for another system and go into super cruise and put max thrust up etc. You can get to the other system without using the frameshift drive. It will take days but it's do able.

How'd you get a holo display? I assume either mod or you had to pay for it?

External app called OVRDrop

Works in any VR game but only really makes sense in ED