Why are other players so mean to me in online games? Why can't we be friends??
Why are other players so mean to me in online games? Why can't we be friends??
It's a test. If you can hold your own intellectually you become their god.
Because you are a mentally unstable weeaboo tranny who is overly emotional
lose weight anime retard
It's tough love. Git gud or git out
quit sucking at games faggot
when i was younger and playing online games i got nothing but compliments from older men because i didn't suck like you
This. If you don't grow a thick skin, just do us a favor and drown in shit.
fuck off you low test faggot.
pls stop being mean to me I did nothing wrong!
I try
Because you post this faggot shit on Sup Forums a dozen times a day instead of actually making any attempt to git gud at vidya because you actually have no desire to play games but rather socialize with other desperate losers
quit trying to act innocent when we all know you masturbate to extremely degenerate porn you fatfaggot
They're nervous around cuties like you so they say things they don't mean!
but ive been banned for a week! I dont know who's been pretending to be me
I fap to vanilla stuff im not a freak. Im not fat because I work out!
>vanilla porn is still degenerate
my point has been made that you're not innocent in the slightest fatty
...touche, lolifag.
You're not sucking their cocks. If you suck their cocks, they'll be nice to you.
Post your butt pleass
im not fat and im not a lolifag
but im not gay
I want to bully an anime poster.
Do you want them to be nice to you or not?
whatever you say dan schneider
but I dont want to suck dicks
Because you act very bullyable. This makes you come across as generally weak which, in a game setting, is definitely not a good thing to be. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who they're pretty sure will slow them down or end up getting them fucked over somehow unless you can offer them something else like ERP or whatever.
Please no
but im not for bullying
Well, everyone can admire a nice ass, you said you work out, why don't you start doing squats?
user please I said I work out
Looks like you don't really care if they're nice to you. I gave you the answer, if you don't want to do it, then frankly, you deserve to be bullied.