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Oh wow that shit is not out yet
Id laugh if they cancelled because low sales
We busy, "we do it" remember?
>you will never know who redfield is
I'm curious what the final season pass DLC will be.
maybe they figured out that it made no sense at all and are heavily backpedalling in the story department.
>save the franchise with a pretty good game that's not 100% action
>bring back the 200% action rock-puncher character in the dlc
What did Crapcom mean by this?
>Save the franchise
I've bought all the games and I didn't buy this one. RE6 was the best selling in the franchise and while shit at least it was fun. This game was just pure trash.
you're braindead if you think RE6 was fun
RE7 was more profitable. Also, no one cares about your shit opinion.
RE6 is the best selling game in the franchise. Keep enjoying your shitty outlast clone, it didn't hit sales target and you will see it go the way of DmC.
>RE6 is the best selling game in the franchise
Oh shit I guess CoD is the best FPS series ever made.
And transformers is a great movie franchise
you shit on 7 but like 6
i want to shake your hand and punch you in the face at the same time. go away.
stay a while.
>I didn't play it but it's shit
What did he mean by this?
To be fair he said he didn't buy, he could have pirated it.
Best selling does not mean best game you twat.
It was delayed in fucking april to "an unknown time" because it was pure shit. Chances are it's never coming out now, if it does, it'll be with the PC VR release.
As far as developers are concerned it is.
I like 6 and 7 a lot
But 6 is better
you're entitled to your opinion I guess although people are free to call you stupid
its free so they pretty much dont care
Imagine being this made about videogames, jesus.
7 was shit, why do people like it? RE going back to horror should be like the classic games. RE7 is just another boring walking simulator clone. Modern "horror" games are boring. I'm glad RE7 performed poorly, the game was just sad.
I want to love and care for Sherry!
I gave up and sold RE7, since it didn't sell much it seems like Capcom has just given up on it.
I hear it gonna bee fun 30 minutes of gameplay.
>top tier is mostly teenage girls
>bottom tier is old hags
Like em young huh? Also you liked surviviors but not dead aim??
I liked Dead Aim more than Survivor 2, I just never got around to updating it
>low sales
Capcom are such jews. The sales weren't even that low.
Capcum sure knows how to make their game franchises go down ant hill.
>that's literally supposed to be Chris
I hoped they recognized this was a dumb fucking idea.
Outbreak games aren't canon though, I think it was the director for the second game who said it.
Nobody ever said they weren't canon, and I believe the antidote for the T-Virus found in the second game is mentioned in Heavenly Island.
Also, the games don't contradict anything in any other game, and multiple games reference characters in Outbreak
Chris has changed every 5-10 years anyway. Im more pissed off that everyone got straight on the "im Redfield" memes, but nobody was mad about Jill's dumb new face in for Revelations. I was NEVER mad at Voth becoming the new face of Jill Valentine after 3 basically popularised her short bob haircut.
He kinda resembles his old REmake self. Just with chubbier cheeks.
? that was pretty tame, did you mean to reply to someone else?
I don't see what's the problem. Looks like a bit older original Chris. I prefer that to the fridge who punches rocks.
Chris being jacked made sense storywise. Him being skinnyfat doesn't
>Chris being jacked made sense storywise
Did you even play CV? He was skinny in that game and wesker beat the shit out of him. Him getting jacked in 5 made a lot of sense.
Wesker kicks his ass in Code Veronica and is running around grabbing bioweapons and being a terrorist. Wesker also tried to kill his sister and took the body of her potential boyfriend.
So, he made gains so he could be able to fight Wesker.
You could justify Jill being naked and having double D's all of a sudden. Doesn't make the story any good, just that you can justify it.
If that's how they viewed it then 7 would've been just like 6. Get fucked
Except Chris had a plot related reason to get jacked, as explained by
The Chris in RE5 looked more like the original. If you had him shave and lose the tan then you could see a resemblance.
They have to release it, people have already paid for it.
But it's free...?
It doesn't make sense actually. Ever seen the body types of the best special forces in the world? They aren't gear monkeys. Look at how S.A.S guys are built, THAT is how Chris would be fitness wise. Size is not density and strength.
>The Chris in RE5 looked more like the original
I disagree.
Have they ever fought a man who has superspeed and can toss people across a room? In the world of Resident Evil, it made sense for Chris to get jacked so he had the strength to take on Wesker, because when he looked like an average soldier, he got his ass handed to him multiple times
S.A.S dont go up against BOWs with super human strength. Chris specializes in monsters that can easily overpower a normal human.
>get ass kicked in CV
>get jacked in response
>continue to get ass kicked
>even Jill kicks his ass now
>only beat him thanks to fucking up Weskers dosage
Bit of a fuck up really. He also lost his looks in the process.
>in that tier
Nigga, she may have been shit in the game but she is fucking delicious, that ass notwithstanding.
I hear that it's going to come out alongside the last season pass DLC, just so they can blow it all out in one go and increase talks.
Wesker is a fucking mutated mad man with supernatural powers. Gains isn't gonna stop Chris Chadfield from getting his ass handed to him
All that muscle mass still means he is gonna gas much faster, and he still has to move with equipment over long distances. Anyway, getting jacked didn't fucking help did it? Anytime they fought hand to hand he got rekt. Chris getting roid mode was the same as batman doing more pullups to fight superman.
Resident Evil 7 is GREAT
At this point i'll be happy to see any kind of Chris
regular army are quite lean because for one they dont get enough food lol
secondly they will basically be using their bodies to hold the guns to shoot anyway and be on long marches so being big doesnt really help
easier to vault and hold on or jump when you're not massive
third and very importantly a lot of special forces and professional life long-invested soldiers are very buff reason being they train their bodies for a different set of scenarios
basically you're a faggot when it doesnt matter either way
anway I can tell you for a fact a lot of eastern-european and russian whatever special forces of various branches are giants because the regime of training and the type of excercises is different
"Redfield" isn't Chris you retards, it's all part of the ruse.
Weaker is such a fucking edgelord i love it. I prefferes it when he was still operator though.
What do you mean at this point? He was in 5, 6, Rev, and 7. You get Chris all the time you greedy fuck.
>regular army
Who we wern't discussing faggot
>many special forces are buff
Except the ones that, you know, are actually good?? Go check out what S.A.S look like. Go see what Royal Marine Commando look like. They DON'T look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Chris does. What a faggot holy shit.
Delayed due to being outsourced and the devs being incompetent. There's leaks everyone over how it was going to play. You were going to be rescuing members of your squad from Lucas' traps. Ended with a bossfight against Lucas. Meant to be a pure action game to appease the RE5/6 fans.
There's a horror focused paid DLC story expansion still to come in Winter that's being made by some ex-PT staff. So look forward to that.
No it wasn't it was a massive bomb.
You idiots think because it sold more then 7 is was a success when it was not it failed horribly because the fucking coat 7million to make! and it only made 4 million back at the time.
Even a year later Capcom still called it a failure.
Action RE is dead you got to accept it.
please you are a fucking child
anyway marine commandos are regular army units, you're basically retarded
And what makes you the authority on this bud? It's pretty common sense that looking like Chris in RE5 (a bodybulider) is not optimal for his line of work. It's what normies think super soldiers look like from watching too mant predetor movies.
This. RE6 had the largest number of staff in Capcom history (600 staff members.) RE7 only had 120 staff members. It was a scaled down production and is making Capcom more money than RE6 did despite only selling half as much.
Also worth noting that over half of RE6's sales were after the game got a massive discount due to being shit. So they barely go anything from the copies that did sell.
Nice joke. Also i just wanted this dlc, looked interesting but seems like it's gonna take a while
this is an 18+ website, check the rules if you don't believe me
7 was an attempt to maintain sales while working with a lower budget and cashing in on the whole P.T. buzz.
I know right
Not an argument, thanks for just letting me win this one though.
Strong forearms are always how i judge how tough a guy must be.
True that. the amount of idiots who think RE6 did well sickness me because RE6 was a failure in almost every form.
when your game costs 7million and you can't even make half of that back you know you fucked up. Its why Capcom went back to horror in the first place.
Despite RE7 no reaching its main goal it did way better then 6 just because it didn't cost fucking 7 million to make that is sad.
>see OP's pic in the catalog
>just asking the same question we all are
If No a Hero is not out by Halloween ill end myself.
Screen cap this.
bizarro post
To be fair how much more ridiculous could the action formula get? Everyone was basically a super saiyan and half the world was experiencing an outbreak. Short of making everyone able to actually fly and turning the Earth itself into a BOW, they couldn't do much to out-ridiculous RE6. It's a moot point though as horror's a way better direction for RE than action ever was but it also helps that it was the time to back off of it anyways.
>Capcom redeems themselves with Resident Evil 7
>Later JUST themselves again by delaying promised dlc with no word
>liking RE6 at all
It was my favorite RE.
It was better than RE5 and...that's about it, really. They're both shit but there's a smellier turd, I guess.
5 was the better turd by far
I wouldn't call RE7 the best but I would put it up their right next to R1 to 4.
the first 3 RE games are the best games ever made and RE4 was revolutionary.
7 is just behind that and I love it for its atmosphere story and gameplay. I need TEW2 already because I am craving for another horror game.
If RE6 cost 7m to make it would have been profitable by at least 2000%.
RE1 probably cost more than 7m to make in 1996.
Planet size BOW...I miss Lost Planet 2 ;_; Fuck casuals for killing the franchise
I can't agree with that, RE5 is one of the very few instances where I thanked God that I finally saw the credits screen so it was over. RE6 actually had enough okay parts and mechanics to where I didn't hate myself for reaching the end. I was glad it was over, but nowhere near as glad as the joyless shitfest that was RE5.
RE1 was budget as fuck. They expected it to do mediocre.
>RE1 probably cost more than 7m to make in 1996
Where the hell did you get that from?
i do that too...feels horrible man
I like new RE 2bh.
It's not like Capcom haven't reinvented their franchises before.