New details when?

New details when?

Nintendo doesn't give a fuck?

Why should they give a fuck? You'd buy it if it was Shit and Piss versions.

Considering the fact that they're distributing Salazzle, a pokémon everyone can catch no problem and isn't special in any way, at GameStop I'd say that yes, Nintendo has given up.


Last few games they spoiled fucking EVERYTHING and it made the entire game a bore until you get to the endgame.
Would you rather have that?

It has to be female only with a low percent chance of getting said female. Kids don't have the patients to do it so GF will just give them out instead.


I rather at least know the premise of what I may want to buy instead of waiting too long after it comes out and being spoiled on Sup Forums

Everything in moderation, user, I just want to know the key differences between it and S/M to judge if it warrants a purchase or not. You realize there's a middle ground between giving enough info to get people excited and spoiling literally everything, right?

I would prefer that they don't say a single thing about it. Total radio silence. Make everything a surprise.

last bit was lazy ass lycanroc form

unless they have something fucking amazing waiting for later thats about it

Pretty much this. GF has a LOT to prove if they want to try and sell me the same game only a year later.


>it doesn't even have any unique moves or even Shiny

why would anyone trust gamefreak after how abysmal gen 6 was. There's absolutely no excuse

what is it tho? is it a revamp of the same game? a sequel? why couldn't just make it sky or stars or something that it's just one game? were sun and moon so shit that they there was a need to redeem themselves through this?

They will end up revealing almost everything prior to the release anyway.
Then everything else will leak through the demo.
People will still believe there's more and refuse to cancel their preorders.
Seriously, when even the fucking Masuda himself is telling people to lower their expectations you'd expect people to get a clue.
Can't anyone see? GF wants to be free to make random low profile shit like Tembo but Pokemon printing money will makes Nintendo hold them hostage indefinitely.

I would love more debs to consider that approach for games that they know already are going to sell.

I loved back in the day, buying a game with no knowledge or it's content, and then diving right in. Especially when that game turned out to be great and it was before the internet so you had no means of learning more about the game.

Sadly that magic is completely lost.

>when even the fucking Masuda himself is telling people to lower their expectations
That was about Pokemon on Switch

I'd assume kids don't have patients because they aren't doctors.

They better not reveal anything at all.

Seriously, they reveal so much of the past 3DS games before their release you have nothing new to discover when you play. Still mad they revealed Deoxys was actually catchable in ORAS.

Won't you feel stupid when you spend $40 on the same game you got last year, now with 5 extra Pokemon

So it's confirmed it's a rehash and not a sequel?

segafag please go

All I can find is that it's an "alternate storyline"


you shouldn't either.
Pokemon hasn't been good since gold and silver.

This. Dumb stupid consumer cunts.

>same adjective for both versions
