What's the most entertaining Let's Play of this game?

What's the most entertaining Let's Play of this game?

I usually prefer playing a bad game with a friend than watching someone else play it, but this shit is so broken that I'd rather have someone who's actually funny commenting on it.

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I'd say DSP, but he acts so try-hard and cringy during his playthrough

The original SA LP

Sup Forums will tear me to shreds but game grumps

They can be funny sometimes, especially in the jontron era.


the only bad parts of this playthrough is when they start silver's storyline (or around that episode) since at that point they're clearly fed up with the game

Pokecapn? If so, yes.

and each other
the only laugh i can remember past that point is when they do the silver v sonic fight from silver's POV

lookit these blacks!

I've watched 3 whole LPs of this fucking game, but I haven't actually played it myself. At this point, it kind of feels redundant since all jokes have already been made and I'd just think about how much funnier it seemed when watching someone else do it.

Pokecapn. Most people play up the "going crazy" part but those people were legitimately going insane from sleep deprivation. It is glorious

Which one was the funniest?

>That fucking mach speed section during the train level
>That fucking billiard segment
I felt bad for them.


I'm still hoping for Jon to come back as a guest to finish it.

I quite like when Retsupurae played through it. Took forever though.

Pokecapn probably. They're Sonic fans so it hurt them more.
I also liked the Slowbeef/Diabetus playthrough.

>the singing when they finally push through the final part of the last level
I can never hear Man Down Under again without thinking of that moment.

I like game grumps. They're the only LP I watch. Their sonic adventure dx series is funny as hell.

>They're Sonic fans so it hurt them more.

That's the best. I don't like when the people playing are obviously just trying to shit on the game at any chance. It's like the current Adventure DX playthrough on Super Beard Bros, Jirard loves the game and tries to defend every flaw but Alex is always criticizing the clearly broken parts, while praising the good parts. The jokes are much more genuine.

It's funny as hell how in the original Pokecapn LP, they game over during the first mach speed section or whatever and are sent back all the way to the beginning of the game because they didn't save and half a decade later, Game Grumps do the exact same fucking thing.

>This entire section from 16m onward

Im not sure theres an LP that didnt spring that trap, even the Sonic autist that is Clement did it.

It happened to a lot of people who played it

Does anyone remember which episode of the GG LP it was that they talked about cryptoids? I'm getting a kind of Mandela Effect with this shit, because I clearly remember hearing Jon talk about the Mothman sometime during the early parts of Silver's story, but I can't fucking find it.

mandela died in prison, end.

>Pokecapn screaming "WHYYYYY???" as he gets fucked over by homing lasers followed by Medibot singing "ALL THE BACON IN THE WORLD COULDN'T SAVE YOU NOW"

Was it kino?