Discuss this game.
>Good points
>Bad points
>What should be done for Third
Bravely Second
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I like that it's not repetitive as the first game
I don't know how a sequel could possibly live up to the soundtrack of the original, but it didn't even come close.
Good Points:
>realized the idiocy of basically making the player beat the game fucking 4 times, reduced it to basically 1 and a half.
>New Jobs were overall pretty interesting even if some of them were too niche to use outside of groups designed around them, Stats relying much less on Job choice meant that it was much more viable to try out a few things here and there.
>Magic crafting was cool as fuck and I want more games to do it.
>New characters were cool and the story was a lot better now that 75% of the plot doesn't rely on two groups not taking the 3 minutes to realize they were on the same side (Edea's dad is a fucking idiot).
>I still love the devotion to making the characters feel like people. I know the food discussion got on people's nerves but its one of the easiest ways to make a person connect with a character because we can be particularly defensive of our food preferences.
Bad points:
>the weight of making the choices between the two old characters for old jobs is completely lost because A) the game lets you pick each of those choices twice so naturally you're going to want all the classes, meaning you'll pick the different one the second time and B) Some hard choices were made for me because I wanted a class and not because the characters made a good argument for their choice.
>Final boss did the fucking stupid JRPG trope of showing up 15 minutes before you actually fight him, even if he's in a roundabout way responsible for a lot of the game.
>again, some of the new classes were fairly pointless, especially the ones that needed reagants.
if third is even remotely like the first two in any way I'll probably buy it, this series is more or less a guilty pleasure of mine regardless of the flaws because I like the presentation and characters too much.
Second had some nice tracks, but the dungeons made me wish they had the Default's music instead. The character themes were pretty disappointing too.
>realized the idiocy of basically making the player beat the game fucking 4 times, reduced it to basically 1 and a half.
I've seen people say it was because of budget problems and not something they actually wanted to do.
>especially the ones that needed reagants
are you fucking nuts
catmancer/patissier is absolutely broken
I mostly agree with you, but I think the story was a lot weaker overall, the tone of some chapters and sidequests feel a lot more disconnect between each other, I read somewhere that the game had multiple writters and none of them knew what they were doing in the big picture.
The music from the first game is just better (some original tracks are godly, like the Kaiser's theme though), and I would've like playing as 4 new characters instead of just bringing back Edea and Tiz while leaving Agnes as damsel-in-distress and ringabell out of the picture bar some extra sidequest.
I want to replay Second soon though, and try new game-breaking combos, I've seen a lot of people abusing the ghost status like it's the new stilness and the catmancy abilities.
Wait, isn't it? I heard that it's even more repetitive than the first
There are no loops this time.
Not really. You go through a few areas more than once but nothing out of JRPG norms.
There's a little bit of backtracking, but no looping.
Ringabel came across like a cunt in that side quest.
He wanted to murder some demon witch that was holding in a plague and seven evil demons so as to protect everyone, cause she was evil? Was she even evil she just messed with people to give them a little push. And then killing her releases all those demons.
What was his problem?
Who was in the wrong?
Both of them were jerks. Like, Seriously Alternis, Why.
The writers.
Hype as fuck ending. I get off on that slightly meta but not completely blatant shit.
The fact that NG+ mode is wholey different is great and you've got to commend a team that outright puts it's big twist in the fucking subtitle, two games running.
Ringabel was always a whiny cunt.
Wizard spell crafting is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in videogame.
but who was foundar?
Agreed. It was a really good mechanic.
I stopped playing when I hit a side quest where I could either side with the white mage woman or the banker, I couldn't decide who to go with.
Pick what you feel you need at the moment since you can get the other job later in the game.
There's less back tracking than the first and you can skip dungeons you've already been through. It makes that shit so much more tolerable. Plus the one "loop" you do immediately leads into new shit.
Thanks, that shit left me really indecisive.
>not siding with the jew
the home of one family shouldn't stand in the path of a city's prosperity
I liked the story. The choosing between sidequests was interesting I think. I really miss Revo a lot especially after I beat the game. Ryo is good but not as good as Revo. It felt weird having no concert to watch and that was the best part of Default. I really hope he comes back for Third or maybe Sup Forums can meme him into composing for Third.
I like how she just left half way through because she didn't even care and her entire argument was "muh nostalgia"
Some guy who wanted to fuck a fox loli.
I needed White Mage my first time through that quest for its Passives, then went Merchant for my second pass and felt satisfied.
He leaves anyway cause he has to deal with Khamers fuck ups.
It's not like the game is really that hard anyways, I won it with Dark Knight/Pirate/Blademaster/White Mage squad. Nothing else was really needed, except maybe for the optional Ba'al fights.
That's because with our localisation the second time around always has a better ending by default. I'm pretty sure.
I cheesed with exorcist and wizard+astrolgian buffs. Especially with bosses that restore themselves to full health you can just reset back down again.
Nah our localisation had better endings everytime, I think. Honestly what was the fuss about that anyways, people were screaming how that was removing content, when actualy it just didn't make us play the game four times to get all the good ends.
I only recently finished Default and I've just ordered Second, really excited for it
Oh was that it? Good. Although with the murder mystery does he really get away both times?
It's a great game. Hope you enjoy it. You should watch the Bravely Default concert on YouTube if you haven't yet. It's amazing!
Yes, the joke being that they become Sherlock Holmes and Lupin.
Yeah I checked it out the other day, cool as fuck especially the accordion player rocking out during Serpent
>Good Points
>>Art Direction, specifically the backgrounds of the cities/towns, and very specifically only that
Applies to both games. Shit is bargain bin at best.
I've read that some want Second redone. I wouldn't mind a redo but not now. If the Bravely series gets remade, that's when they should redo it
Revo is the accordin player. I love him
>Second game is named after the pay to win mechanic from the first game
Well, it's a bargain bin Final Fantasy, what did you expect? It's stuff for little kids and manchildren, if you wanted good gameplay you certainly would buy or play stuff like that, I've played better Imageepoch games than the BD games.
Almost like they were hinting at it right from the start lolololol
Except it was pretty important plot point. Kinda like Fairy Flies.
I think the pay to win mechanic was only in the second version of the first game to set up for the sequel.
"FAIRIES!" ~Mr. Crocker
>final boss is illuminati hacking the players game
>final boss was the menu screens all along
>only reason you played the previous title was because illuminaties side kicked tricked you into defeating her masters rival.
most kino 4th wall breaking ever.
*Upside down Bill Cipher
>Party member in sequel will be a walking save point.
Ringabel will be protagonist
Nobody in their right mind would side with Alternis regardless of their political beliefs. He was advocating for surefire bankruptcy of the Grandship without actually solving the issue but rather postponing it for a few weeks at best and making it even worse later on.
Either Ringabel or Edea will be protagonist or antagonist.
From the prophecy during the end layer Edea has the best excuse to fight all the asterisks again.
Alternis the ultimate commie
I sided with him just to beat up Khamer again.
IDK about Edea being a playable character again. I think she may be holder of the Templar asterisk based on the Templar sidequest in Second
>final boss uses the pay to win mechanic
>Bad points
That cover arouses me and there is no porn whatsoever of that fat-bottomed, androgynous Tiz.
>Good Points
>Improved Combat
>The party is more likeable this time imo
>digging more of the designs this time
>Bad Points
>the music
>the story isn't as good, not bad though.Wiat, did magnolia even do anything about the ba'al threat or was diamante it?
Why doesn't this loop what's wrong with you.
I had a lot of fun with Bravely Default, but i wouldn't touch Bravely Second when i learned that Revo wasn't returning to do the music.
which is justifiable. time magic is useful, dark knight isn't
Posted from phone
We must meme Revo into composing for Third so Bravely fans everywhere are happy
she'll be the main antagonist in the same vein as Kaiser Oblivion.
she's been made aware of the player's presence since Second, and has to hide a secret from you. You storming Eternia and beating it out of her sets events into motion to reveal the true bigbad
Interesting take on story
He's chained in a basement making songs for Attack on Titan
>QoL UI changes
>Agnes being the new party guide was super cute and was a good way to de-damsel her
>Journal entries are still high quality
>more worldbuilding/lore
>Yew/Magnolia's shitty forced romance was a tumor on what was otherwise a pretty solid game
>choosing asterisks was really inelegant
>aside from a few tracks, the soundtrack is a downgrade
>I don't actually want any more content from a series Yew/Magnolia is canon, sorry Ringabel
This would be cool.
No. He couldn't compose for Second cause he had a tenth anniversary with Sound Horizon, his other band
I don't mind him bring absent from Third cause AOT. That fandom is huge and things could get very ugly if he leaves. Beside, Sound Horizon fans should give something up since they caused an upset last time. Linked Horizon should not be having to keep compensating stuff for SH
Well Revo chose SH over LH... But still LH fans gave up BS ost, SH needs to give up something for LH
>better balance, much better dungeon design, some good plot points, that dope as fuck way they made the changes in For the Sequel a canon occurrence
>reused locations and bosses, generally leans on the first too much, worse characterization, new soundtrack isn't as good, fucking gravy
>I want them to do a two party thing
After this anime season the AoT mango hits a wall of ALL TALK, LITTLE ACTION that hasn't relented until somewhat recently. They don't need a phenomenal composer for that.
What is your hatred for Yew/Magnolia?
I still feel like it came back for nothing since they got nowhere and all interest died out. The manga already boring anyways.
You have a point but Revo is way too popular to leave SNK.
Tumblr was live with SNK and a FB group I'm with was extremely and still is lively. Sasageyo got 13 million views on YT. Probably more now
>More interesting character designs
>More interesting enemies/battles
> No lazy late game timeloop shenanigans
>Story is weak, felt like the original vision was scrapped and they threw something else together with what elements they still had
>Sidequests are horrible. BD's weren't great but the dialogue in these aren't even worth reading
>Music (outside of recycled tracks) is pretty weak
>Jobs are generally worse
Not very high hopes for the third one but if anything I'd hope for better lead writers/ a better composer and maybe less recycled content.
If not Revo, then my vote is FE Echoes arrangers or Yuki Kajiura to compose for Third
Tiz/Agnes and Edea/Ringabel were much higher quality/presented in a believable manner. I was willing to give it a shot because Yew was immediately endearing and Magnolia's design is like somebody scanned my brain and designed a custom waifu for me, but like 90% of the time they interacted I was cringing and the game as a whole suffered for it because their romantic tension was in A LOT of scenes.
I get that they were supposed to be mirrors for Altair/Vega, but it was just so hamfisted and killed whatever character Magnolia might have had instead of "insatiable lust for Yew's dong" being her defining trait. If you removed their romance the game would have only been better for it.
I still ship Yewnolia. If Rindea doesn't happen at the end of Third, I will yell at Asano
Good points:
>some very interesting new jobs
>improved combat system to the original
>new music is good
>amazing lore
Bad points:
>while the story is competent enough, the characters are horrendously bad, especially the main characters
>some of the new jobs suck and replace otherwise much better/cooler older jobs (bishop replacing spiritmaster, catmancer replacing vampire, and patisseur replacing salve maker for example)
>it is way to easy to accidently grind too much
>theres barely any moral choice behind edeas quests, you just pick the asterisk you want
>edea is back as a playable character
>a lot of the story seems to have changed in The final stages of the game, tiz's rescue scene feels like it belongs at a later point in the game
>the new music is not as good as the old music
>Magnolia was a terrible character
>food conversations everywhere
>coup de gravy
What to do for third:
>Don't bring back anyone from the old cast back, new characters, the only acceptable returning character should be ringabel as the protagonist
>an old party member similar to galuf to break the trend of using the exact same stereotypes for the main characters everytime
>bring back salve maker and spiritmaster, change catmancer to an actual blue mage, remove astrologian
>new world map
>more meta plot
I'd like to see the land of Wa. It's named after Waluigi and he is the ruler of the land. Lol jk
ever get the feeling its only the same 10 odd guys in these threads?
I'll never be able to unthink this.
Post sexy thigh fairies
I do
Im only in here for Edea thigh posting
It absolutely is. I always say the same shit because there really isn't much to talk about unless you wanna get into fandom autism, which isn't particularly well received on Sup Forums. /vg/ is better for it, but BD could not sustain a threadcount over there. I pick up some new fanart in these threads sometimes, so that's nice.
fate worse than being eaten alive
Well I'm female
Magic crafting was basically taken from this class.
And yes I agree it was really cool