Robbie Rotten now replaces the main villain of the last game you played. How does it play out?

Robbie Rotten now replaces the main villain of the last game you played. How does it play out?

HAHA ebin memes

>Paper Mario

my sides ahha goddamn OP xD

>nigga wants to make friends
>doesn't want to compromise his lifestyle or personality
>would rather change others around him to see his point of view than alter one thing about himself
Based Robbie.

Why do nerds always have to be passive aggressive when they see shit they don't like?

because they grew up without a positive male role model and are now just women with dicks.

>Pillars of Eternity

How does it play out?

>Played Injustice 2
>Robbie Rotten is now Superman and/or Brainiac

haven't played Phoenix Wright in a while but he would be a grade A prosecutor

I have no idea

>Sonic Mania
>Nothing changes

>BF1 army of Robbies armed with semi-fictional guns and dressed in purple trench coats?

The ghost of Robbie Rotton and his wannabe villains now stalk the streets of Daggerfall attempting to be the best villains but failing. Their antics cause the emperor to send you to deal with the Lich Robbie by putting him to rest.

LISTEN HERE you autistic little fucktards, i know what does and what DOESN'T make a good thread on Sup Forums, and this IS NOT quality. quality cringe maybe.
>but le passive aggresive Dxxxxx xDD
theres a reason you're blocked

this isn't twitter, sweetheart.

they're hoping that their wicked intelligent nihilistic sense of humor will give you such an epiphany that you'll prostrate yourself before their towering intellect and beg for forgiveness for having the temerity to make a thread that clashes with their sensibilities

I mean he perfectly fits with the heavies. Especially the magician one where it can shapeshift into other characters.

Game became cancerous

I played Doom, so nothing really changes, you still just shoot everything until it dies.

Here's a little lesson in villainy
This is going down in history
If you wanna be a Heavy number one
You have to chase Sonic, Tails & Kuckles on the run

>beats stage 4 cancer

What's TBs excuse?

Isn't his diet fucked?

>Sonic Mania

Would Robbie Rotten survive in the world of San Andreas? I don't think he's smart enough to stand against street gangs.

>Fable TLC
"Jack" usually seen as a trickster in ye olde fables so I could see Robbie as Jack of Blades.

robbie rotten is a void lord now


Touhou 16
What kind of Youkai would Robbie be?

>Rainbow Six Siege
>Robbie Rotten on defense
>Lays banana peel and net traps
>Operative is knocked prone when they are stepped on

Fuck yes.

heart of iron 4
He will join the axis and kill some jew

oh boy i beat cancer