Is there any game where bow is actually a good, viable weapon?
Is there any game where bow is actually a good, viable weapon?
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In Oblivion and Skyrim it's the most broken form of weaponry imaginable.
Nioh, Bloodborne, Horizon, warframe?
Sup Forums won't shut up about warframe lately. I wanna try it but all the armor I've seen for it looks like shit. Is there any class that actually has cool armor?
Monster Hunter.
I played RE4 mercenaries a while ago and Krauser's bow was pretty sweet.
sry, i only played like 30 o 50 hours, didnt click on me so..dont know much about the game. but i used the bow
Especially World, where even though you'll still have to switch out your entire set for every monster, at least you won't have to leave the server to do it anymore
the LOTR movie games, particularly two towers. Hitting an orc from distance with your bow felt really satisfying
Mount & Blade
Well, MAGIC BOW is in Dragons Dogma, but im not sure that really counts.
if they make another elder scrolls they should seriously just remove it
Ranger in dragon's dogma.
Are you having a stroke or just retarded and don't know how to type?
90% of AAA games have the bow being some mythical God weapon capable of sending enemies flying into a wall.
>they should remove...
I don't remember archery being that good. Skyrim you have a point, the stealth archer meme is stupid. Even combat archer is pretty good provided you get something like Zepher that can spam arrows pretty quick. Not to mention while less broken it's infinitely more fun than hiding around.
Monster Hunter Kelbi Ultimate.
that or you get the crossbow with it's stupid 100% stagger rate
Monster Hunter...
Dragon's Dogma
Guild Wars.
In Dragon's Dogma the longbow has the highest damage output in the game if you use blast arrows
Good old hunstman
Any FPS that includes them usually has them as a one-shot-kill weapon. Also many turn-based/tactics RPGs where bows have infinite ammo can be cheesed with the right ranger strategy.
They aren't really classes, more like characters with different abilities and many have cool designs
If you think it looks like shit though, stay away. Game has good gameplay but the entirety of it is a same grind which doesn't appeal to everyone
>daedalus stormbow
>holy arrows
they're right tho. killing strawmen doesn't prove a thing, it's just a sad outdated form of comics.
Path of Exiles... before the more recent patches anyway.
I'm finding it harder to think of games where the bows are useless.
Its not armor its a warframe. Also what platform do you play on?the game has a pretty syeep learning curv and it helps to have a guide ill introduce you to it on ps4. (Its best played co-op with friends or solo.
My psn-> Daroth_Arsona
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
Resident Evil 4
Also, Path of Exile. Bows are the most broken thing in the game even with the supposed nerfs.
Always played with bows in POE, still perfectly fine
>only type of combat that isn't complete dogshit in TES games
>is probably hard to code or something
Ranged combat confirmed for removed from TES VI
Final Fantasy Tactics archers are pretty good til like the 70% mark of the game.
>its not armor its a warframe
wew shill calm down its not a contest
Warframe's actually good. I thought it would be a grindy shothole but it dosent feel like that because gameplay is so good. Also the cinimatic quests are solid. Not to metion them adding a okm open world segment to each planet in future updates
>5cents has been deposited into your paypal account
The issue with stealth archers in ES is there's literally no reason not to do it.
>I want to play a barbarian swordsman
>The bandits haven't seen me yet, so I'll get close to them while sneaking
>I should begin combat with a suprise attack before rushing into melee
>And I want the initial attack to be as strong as possible, so I'll use an enchanted bow...
10 levels later and you're exactly the same fucking stealth archer again.
>good bows
Next you'll say snipers in warframe are worth using. Single target a shit.
>He doesn't know about the Lenz
>dread crit builds kick out 1mil dmg
>rakta cernos gives you energy and has good stats its also fast
>Lenz can 1 shot lvl 150 corrupted bombards
Demon souls.
>morion blade
>dull cat ring
>long compound bow
>destroying even bosses at long range.
I guess all souls got good bows.
Monster hunter
Killing monster without getting touched.
Fire emblem fates has powered archer units.
Isn't Sniper the most overpowered class in Tactics Advance?
Nah, assassin or dualcast summoner probably is
They're good in A2 though for their great str/speed growths though
Bow is shit in almost every MH game until you get close to endgame.
You are doing something wrong user, you are supposed to run with a two handed axe and shouting
Just use an iron bow for the whole game. Do barely any damage but I high levels do cool stuff like knockback and stun.
Or disable high-level abilites like sneak attack damage with console commands.
No it isn't, in 3/4 it has one of the highest dmg outputs of all weapons consistently throughout the game. You just need to apply coatings and pay attention to the bow type for optimal shots
The new Tomb Raiders
But even fucking Conan the Barbarian sneaks around in the movies.