Modern Warfare Remastered

I just noticed that this game got a standalone release.

Is it worth getting? Do people still play the multiplayer?

From what I read on Steam it's one horrible remaster.

>$40 for a 10 year old game
>hardly any cheaper than infinite warface legacy, which includes this game plus iw and GOAT zombies
>no DLC included (again, 10 year old fucking game)
>bastardised to hell and back with supply drops, camos, DLC guns etc

Avoid like the fucking plague. This is the biggest rip-off Activision have ever pulled. I would have considered it if it was $20 with all DLC included, but this is just insane.

I was just happy that i didnt have to spend my money on fucking Infinite Warfare

Another corporate threaf

Thanks for the insight user

It's alright on console, apparently a mess on PC. Beware there are crates and ugly ass guns not from the original game.

Whats the difference between the console and pc versions?

If u can find it for around $25 on console it is a lot of fun. Healthy online player count as well. It is shit on pc

>supply drops in CoD4

Burn it with fucking fire, activision are the biggest fucking jews.

I bought the Legacy Pro MLG edition on sale.
The campaign is exactly the same but prettier, MP now has lootboxes like all fpses have to have 2017 but its mostly the same as well. It also has prop hunt on the playlist which is kinda wierd and cool at the same time.

Not really sure myself since I've only played it on PS4. Doesn't seem like anyone has anything good to say about it on PC though, one thing I remember being said was the online community is really small on PC, much smaller than the regular CoD4 community right now. Maybe no dedicated servers either?

It's current year, no fucking CoD game comes with dedis.

CoD games still have system link and bot support to this day, wierds me out that activision is doing it.

-It's $40
-it doesn't come with all the maps
-You need to buy the dlc maps AGAIN
-They've added new weapons, skins, and stupid shit in supply drops, meaning you'll see people walking around with bright pink weapons that aren't balanced or meant to be in the game, and you'll probably never unlock it cause RNG
-Looks meh as it is for today's standards
-it has a cancerous community still

They did add a few fun things like prop hunt but it's not worth the price tag. Wait till it drops to like $15 maybe.

What if I was to buy it for campaign only, how does it hold up to the original?

Im worried that no one will be playing it anymore that far in the future

I bought this game for the single player mode on veteran and loved every minute of it just as I did back then
Got bored of multiplayer after a few hours, to be expected when playing alone I suppose

People still play the original cod 4 on 360 my dude, it'll still have players down the line.

Pick it up on sale and play the campaign, it's breddy gud

>having dedicated servers

I wouldn't even mind the DLC weapons so much if they took that as their cue to fix all the broken shit about MWR. Removing Stopping Power and Juggernaut would fix SO MANY fucking problems with the game it's unreal, but they said they wouldn't because they didn't want to mess with the game. Well you're messing with the fucking game now, so do the whole world a favor and take them out or nerf them hard.

Doesn't the original CoD4 have dedicated servers?

>Bought it when it came out alongside IW like some fucking retard
>It was actually pretty good
>Pick it back up when my friends buy the standalone version
>New, very overpowered guns that were never in the original
>New camos to appease the retards who think spray painting an M16 with rainbow colors looks good
>Old DLC being resold at full price
Fuck this game

it's worth it if you can get it for $10

last time i checked it was full of modded lobbies and aimbotters, not sure how it is now.

its a cheese machine.

spawn, die, repeat: the game. the people who play it are people who have apparently no lifed it since 07' and know the spawns by reflex.

i literally put my controller down and started recording. my longest time alive was around 7 seconds. on crash. standard team deathmatch. (inb4 i suck, go ahead and play it, prove me wrong)

bought the legacy pro ed for 49.99.
the best part of it isnt even MWR, its the goat Zombie mode with based David Hasselhoff song covers.

Remember when they said it would never be released as a standalone game and you have to buy 2 games if you ever want to play it?

Don't support this kind of thing.

Yes, only for PC though