Worst console of all time?

Worst console of all time?
>most games have framedrops out the ass
>clunky online system, need the gamepad to navigate the eShop
>loud disc drive when playing Xenoblade
>the gamepad hinders most games and adds very little to others
>Virtual console selection is pure garbage, even after they added GBA and DS games they didn't add any of the GOOD games
>no exclusive Zelda, unlike every other Nintendo system
>not a single good JRPG
>every game is now available on PC or Switch, literally no exclusives

it does have super smash bros 4 at least

switch is worse than the wiiu imo

I've never seen so much bullshit in a single post

instead of shitposting go out of your basement and do something useful, you're wasting your life here

>its bullshit because I say so
Thanks for your input Nintendo drone. Why don't you specifically point out what's wrong?

I mean, the N-Gage, Ouya, and Virtual Boy all still exist.
No shitpost about the Wii U can still hold a candle to those.

nah your just stupid that's all
let me demonstrate
>the only games which have framedrops out the ass are lazily ported third party last generation games
>it does have a clunky online system, i'll give you that, but it's free
>playing xeno on the disc
>use the pro control like a normal person
>why do you need virtual console? just emulate, or buy the original console
>we got a Zelda, i don't know why your autismo needs it to be exclusive
>get some taste, and yes there a few good JRPG
>it seems you have no more excuses to continue to shitpost

you see my friend, it seems that you made the mistake of buying a console that didn't meet your expectations, but that doesn't make it the worst console, in fact it's the best console I own from this GENERATION

>>the only games which have framedrops out the ass are lazily ported third party last generation games
And Bayonetta 2.
>>playing xeno on the disc
>>use the pro control like a normal person
not every games lets you
>just buy the original console bro
not an argument
>we got a Zelda
We got the Switch's scraps
>there a few good JRPG
not exclusives ones


For all it's worth it still boils down to the fact that I've had tonnes of fun and spent more quality time hanging out with friends and playing smash than I've spent on other platforms.

Over the last couple years it was always the one thing to fall back on with my mates. Instead of studying for our finals we'd all just get together and play smash over a couple beers.

Shit was so cash.

Not even the worst Nintendo console.

SNES > NES > GCN > Wii > Wii U > N64.

I had some friends like this but I felt like they were just using me for access to Smash so I cut them out of my life.
Now I don't play Smash with anyone.

>install into internal storage
>you got me on that one, but I know you and I know you ain't gonna play all those games you call shit.
>I still don't understand people wanting to pay for badly ported roms on these systems, when you can have the authentic experience on the original hardware and play it the way it was meant to be played, or maybe you're just underage

N64 is better than the Wii U

>>install into internal storage
I don't buy retail games digital, that's retarded. I wouldn't have enough HDD space for it anyways.
And no wanting exclusives and good FPS is not autism.

>puts n64 at the bottom of the list
opinion discarded

>Pretended to be friends with you just to play smash

That seems like a stretch user. Are you sure you didn't just cut out people that genuinely wanted to hang out with you and smash was just a convenient medium for that?

>Not hacking your Wii U to turn it into the ultimate Nintendo emulator

I don't know, maybe. They only ever wanted to play Smash and smoke my weed and I got sick of it.

if you can't do something so simple as buying an external HDD and/or Using Haxchi the you have no right to whine about it

>dude just spend $50 on a HDD lmao

>dude just spend $60 on a single game kek

You're saying I should spend $60 on the game PLUS the price off a HDD.

>Not wanting to light one up and bum out playing playing video games with mates.

Though honestly, I can see how that would get tiresome if it's all they wanted to do, and understand wanting to segregate yourself from a group like that. Shit tends to hold you back to some degree. So fair enough.

I enjoy doing that its just that they never offered to bring their own weed or anything and when they would go out to do other stuff I would never get invited.

>Wii U 6/10 console. It's okay.
>Hacked Wii U 10/10
I can play GameCube games on this shit.

My PC can play Wii and GC games better than a Wii U, why would I do that?

things needed for hacking a Wii U

>Wii U
>Internet conection
>a brain


>Wii U pro controller, for optimum gaming experience
>external HDD, for keeping all those gaems
>a screen (if you didn't have a screen you could still play most games on the pad

It wasn't really that expensive and if you think the HDD is too expensive buy a usb thumbstick at less than the price of a game
Got more excuses?

>buy a usb thumbstick
Those are shit for gaming, the constant reading and writing means they corrupt really quickly.

A WiiU not on current firmware.

also this most people don't have hackable Wii U's anymore

if you're too poor to buy an SSD or an external HDD, you're gonna have to suck it up.
I did for a while

I could buy one but why should I have to? Why can't Nintendo give me a decent sized hard drive?

entitlement? it would drive up the cost and Nintendo doesn't sell at loses

I'm still confused why I'm supposed to be playing Xenoblade digital instead of a disc.

you can play in your ass if you wanted to, but if you have the choice to install into internal and thus avoid the noise from the disc drive (that you where whining about) and also those annoying pop ups.
but it's your choice
me I pirate everything

A 5.5.2 exploit is now out. So there isn't an excuse, really.

>A 5.5.2 exploit is now out.
why lie?

>he's still at it
>making these threads every few hours/daily

If you're not saging and reporting these threads, you're part of the problem.

muh boogeyman

Hi OP.

muh OP boogeyman

fret not my friend
for those who own a Wii U will always at the front lines backed by the truth in their opininions in these shitty bait threads, he is one and we are many

>me I pirate everything
Can you pirate amiibos though?

Why do you think it is impossible for someone to own a Wii U and still dislike the system?

sorry, but i don't like toys
neither do I play long enough each game to require additional content locked behind figures
especially when i've got an infinite amount of games at my disposal

Yes you can just use your phone app that spoofs amiibos or make NFC tags for $2.

I have no phone

it's not imposible but it's a trend you see qhen you frequent these bait threads everyday
most people are content with what they bought or at least what they paid, and i won't deny that there are people unsatisfied with the console and the way Nintendo managed it, but they are clearly a loud minority, especially when you consider that most people that bought the system, even after seeing the droughts and poor third party support are in fact loyal Nintendo fans.

It just baffles me that so many of you are perfectly fine with getting treated like absolute shit from Nintendo. Some of you have stockholm syndrome so badly that you went out and bought a Switch day one even after getting dicked with the Wii U.

That's how life is user, or do you think that you hang around with people without gaining something? Everyone has assets and that's how you get friends. I'm pretty certain than when they get cars, some of my friends will stop hanging out with me, and it doesn't matter, their asset is being funny.

Yeah I get that but isn't it supposed to be an exchange? They never brought their own weed, never offered to bring me munchies or drive me through taco bell

Look at the response in this thread
Then look at the responses in this thread And try to tell me with a straight face that this board isn't Nintendogaf

Well yeah, and I read that they didn't invite you to anything too, so fuck them. That being said, you could have asked, user.


I guess so but I don't really like imposing myself on people like that