>Shit story
>Low enemy variety
>Piss easy bosses
>Unmemorable soundtrack
>Levels become boring before you've even finished them and they get re-used in side missions
Thank god the combat is much fun there's bags of loot, otherwise this game would have nothing going for it.
Shit story
this is a correct analysis but people will disagree
Pretty much.
Nobody was complimenting the story though, it's widely accepted it does it's job but that's about it.
I'm just baffled by the praise the game got. Literally nobody will remember it in the years to come.
>Baffled by a game set in the Golden Era Japanese history is given praise.
The game is pretty good, but what drew everybody that wasn't there for an Onimusha fix was there for Darksouls in Japan.
The premise alone would be enough for many to give praise to the game.
Not gonna lie though, the game has the best representation of that Oda guy.
Disagree about the missions becoming boring before you finished them. I don't see the problem with them being used in side missions either.
As for bosses some are fairly decent unless you cheese them.
Enemy variety and diablo loot is what brings the game down.
The only bosses I've had any kind of trouble with so far have been Onryoki and Umi-Bozo, and I've just beaten White Tiger. I like the visual designs for most of them but they're just not interesting fights.
Nioh is just a watered down NG with loot/stats tacked on to appeal to Souls shitters
itt: butt blasted pc cucks
people got excited because the demo made the game seem great but they literally used all the enemy types in the demo levels. there was no progression in the game, just more of the same
Because it's weeb Dark Souls, the two things Sup Forums loves the most.
>Because it's weeb Dark Souls, the two things Sup Forums loves the most.
I should love this shit as well. I dig weeb shit and Dark Souls.
A lot of people compare NG to Nioh but I don't see it. NG had a combo system similar to fighting games, Nioh has two attack buttons with no directional inputs. If anything It's a faster dark souls with more indepth combos.
But saying this game is like NG? fuck no. This game doesnt even have jumping or any real launchers.
Yeah, it's still my GOTY though. Good combat can carry anything.
Yup i was so hyped for the game but i dropped after i beat umi buzo mostly because of your last point
The closest the game gets to NG is using Tonfa or Odachi for stance-dance.
Fair enough, it's each to their own. I'm still enjoying playing the game, but I'm just pretty disappointed.
I wish the dlcs had more content. The new difficulties are fun for the new grind but the new regions are really bare bones. The season pass doesn't have a lot of content unless you like grinding.
I've not even finished the main game so I can't really comment on it.
I'm waiting for the goty version with all dlc
I have 300 hours on the game and I still have fun with it. I would rebuy it for pc if it ever came out. The game has a lot of pay2win aspects with ps+ which is pretty bullshit.
That's interesting. I assume the only reason you had problems with Onryoki was because you didn't know how to play the game well yet. A lot of people tend to have problems with Yuki Onna as well.
You're in for the mid game which has a lot of the easy bosses, there are a couple of challenging ones like Ishida that awaits you if you don't rely too much on omnyo spells.
The first DLC also has a bunch of bosses that are borderline bullshit.
But yeah, with shit like omnyo spells that decrease their defence, sloth, lightening status, second chance and living weapon you can basically cheese everything without any dedicated build.
I got up to the crow man and stopped playing a long time ago, I think I ruined the game for myself with lmao2kat + spear. Is there cool shit after that guy? How are the DLCs? Are the new weapons any fun?
Pretty much. I was only a few hours in and I was still figuring out hitboxes, movement speed, etc. I destroyed Yuki Onna on one attempt with minimal effort though.
I look forward to those later bosses. I've not delved into omnyo spells too much so hopefully the game will push back a little more.
Odachi are great, they are fucking beautiful and their combos become stance-dancing.
Tonfa are pretty cool, but are ultimately outclassed by every other weapon.
I made this post just after beating White Tiger.
P2w, how so? Do you mean gear from revenants?
>Unmemorable soundtrack
now hol the FUCK UP
No idea what he is talking about, multiplayer just rewards glory, which is pretty useless outside of cosmetics.
Unless he is talking about needing ps+ for co-op.
As far as PvP goes it is p2w, but not because of ps+ but because the high-tier gear are locked behind difficulties only unlocked by DLC, and the matchmaking has no sense of balance.
You can only get a lot of umbracite from doing random encounters. Umbracite is incredibly useful for tempering equipment to get the correct stats you want. It's pretty much required for endgame. There's some later missions in the game that will give umbracite on completion but it's only a one time thing. Random encounters give you a guaranteed umbracite for finishing + a chance for every monster to drop some as well.
Playing online also gives you insane amounts of glory which you can use to spend on all sorts of useful things. Also there's no level cap at all for random encounters so you can summon a level 500 guy to carry you through an entire mission within minutes.
They added the new PVP mode that remedies that I believe except for access to the new weapon types. I haven't tried that mode out so I could be wrong though.
>How are the DLCs?
Depends what you are looking for. They add a new weapon type and difficulty each, so if that sounds interesting check them out.
If you're just interested in the new missions you might get disappointed, both of them are around 3 hours including all side missions.
I really wanted to like this game due to how much it reminded me of Onimusha, but the main thing I really disliked was the weapon loot system. I really didn't enjoy constantly having to swap and manage such a large collection of weapons at any given time. The bad enemy variety was a pain, too.
Maybe they'll fix some of the issues in an inevitable sequel, but I ain't touching it if it still has a loot system.
it's still better than bloodborne
Not like you have to even think about the loot system in standard NG, just sort by highest level and equip that and maybe check its weight type if you want to keep your mobility in check.
My favorite part of Nioh was collecting kodamas and guardian spirits
>all untrue shit made up by angry p.cuck soulsniggers
Get over it already. Get a grip on reality, it sold as much as Bloodborne ie soulsfag's crown jewel.
It's easy to edit your save and play online. I've ran into a few people doing impossible damage.
>complains about pc players dissing nioh
>disses bb in return
Why is this such a common retarded complaint? Have you never fucking played a game like Diablo before? You don't EVER need to sort through the low rarity shit you're picking up. You press one button to dismantle or sell it all after you run a few missions. If something is interesting or worth looking at, you'll know it because it'll be at the top of your damn list
Not even a huge Bloodborne fan and I disagree.
Where did I diss BB you dumb fucking faggot? I said it sold as much as BB despite being the FIRST installment of its IP and the first game anyone has cared about from Team Ninja in a long while.
I wouldn't shit on another excellent PS4 exclusive, because the moral of the story is that Sony ALWAYS WINS
I'm a console peasant though. Also, calling someone a liar isn't a good counter argument.
the problem with random loot is that it takes away from exploration that the game should be offering to potentially find good uniques off the beaten path. it's not like the game had good enough level design to offer decent exploration, but if it did, it would have been fucking sweet. RNG loot is a meme that should never exist for a game like this
The entire game would be better if it just wasn't an rpg. TN doesn't know how to balance their own game, you can kill any boss in 1 hit with stupid as fuck builds.
>m-m-my opinions are important!!!
If you really feel like anything said in the OP is at all an actual argument against the game you're an idiot and should kill yourself
Depends on what you value. BB wins in music, presentation atmosphere etc. But I think Nioh has better combat. That makes them really close to me.
Enemy distribution is a problem though.
I'm still enjoying the game, I just quickly things about it that are detracting from it overall. Look, it seems like you're a big fan of Nioh, so I'm sorry if you feel personally attacked by my post.
>stop letting me have fun and experiment with builds!
>I want to be shoehorned into clunky boring playstyles like muh souls games!
wow, is this the mind of a nugamer?
Sure, a relatively minor flaw. But of course on Sup Forumseddit everything gets blown out of proportion and is called "dogshit" when it's got one or two issues, especially for Sony game.
You mean you just parroted opinions you've heard before, I know. Keep on doing what you feel you need to do to fit in, I won't judge you laddie
i see not all are drones thanks for reviving my hopes on vee
moth best wifu male
>he agrees with me so he must not be a drone!
The story is fine, enemy variety can be a problem but is alleviated by the combat and some enemies having new moves, the soundtrack is great and the level design is fantastic.
>literally all Sup Forums drone parrot opinions
>"not all are drones"
>being a trap faggot
>replying to yourself
As expected, bet you're an ironic nuweeb too that loves "le Nep and Little witch academia"
>all these buzzwords
>all this console fanboyism
Take a chill pill bro. The only person calling the game dogshit here is you.
I'd recommend buying it on sale some time in the future. It's mediocre but can be fun. Also, waifus.
Enemies get new moves in Way of the Wise, the 4th time you play through the game.
Otherwise, the big skellies you battle in Isle of Demons and Demon King Revealed play exactly the same.
This is coming from the same game where people cried and whined about how impossible the game was prerelease while ignoring 80% of the mechanics, causing the game to be chopped up and simplified in an attempt to appease them. Not many people are capable of just thinking about their options.
Loot does the opposite, it ensures that any hidden items you find will always be relevant because of how many different things they can offer you and the number of ways you can sell or trade the loot. Also the first time round, items are set anyway. The idea that this game has bad level design is the real meme and I really want to know where it came from because it gets parroted nonstop.
It used to be much better balanced. People bitched about it because they can't handle a balanced game. The RPG aspect is a big part of the game, removing it would be just as bad an idea as removing anything else.
>you can kill any boss in 1 hit with stupid as fuck builds
you say that like it's a bad thing
They get them long before that, though it's mainly the oni that have them. Waiting until Way of the Wise to add new moves is stupid though especially considering what was removed already, though at least it's in there.
>Also the first time round, items are set anyway.
I don't know who told you this but that is not true. Each spot has a pool of items that can appear. You can pick up the Yasakani Magatama the first time you play through the bath house or it can be your 10th time.
Parroting opinions? The only complaint I heard prior to buying the game was that enemy variety runs low later on. You seem really upset about people not gushing over every aspect of the game.
Did they change that in 1.16? I haven't taken the last patch yet, but before that I could still run circles around onis in WotD without them ever sitting on me.
Also I used the skellies as an example since they got a new spin2win move.
I think the moves might have just been added, regardless of difficulty
I played through the game. In main missions they're set. Maybe not all of them are but there are definitely places that have the same items.
I was mainly referring to the slam and how the later variants get different projectiles. I haven't been spun on by a skelly so I don't know if they're restricted to Wise or not.
Aside from key items needed for the missions, Kagatsuchi's magatamas and the different locks I don't think any of the loot is set.
I don't like the loot drop system, I prefer when bosses drop unique loot. Being able to get any set anywhere isn't satisfying.
>started way of the demon
>suddenly there's black phantoms from souls games
I just like the constant feeling of progression. I think there's something satisfying about constantly seeing your numbers increase.
Much of it is, some might not be but it just randomizes entirely when replaying the level. Some obvious examples are the locks and most things on Isle of Demons.
You get more new and unique equipment the further you go through the game though. Many types of equipment aren't available until later regions.
WotW is even worse
The number of buffs they get double and they're pretty brutal. The most annoying removes all of your status enhancements if you get hit.
Surely you mean elites from Diablo games, right?
they really, really took a lot from diablo's formula
It's arguably more diablo than it is souls.
Which is exactly what it was marketed as
wheres the fun end game content?
Since they aren't going back on how the game used to be for whatever reason, their only option now is to focus much more on the loot and power creep aspect. It works to an extent but originally the game was in perfect balance and far better for it.
I played the alpha and I really don't see what you're talking about.
The game would have been trash if weapons had the kind of durability they had in the alpha, for example.
the only thing the game is missing are unique items. The closest thing I can think of are some helmets and accessories that would fall under that category. Everything is either Base item or set item, there's no really fantastic item drops that are widely different from the rest.
At the endgame
would have been nice to see lots of little sets that only have a few pieces too
like maybe just kote and a weapon with an interesting bonus, that kind of thing
>liked the demo because most enemies were humans
>get the full game
>enemies are mostly undead or demons
nothing wrong with fighting yokai
There were so many different changes and factors made that comparing the Alpha and the final release is like night and day. To run off a few examples, healing was shortened by half and the effect doubled so that you can essentially heal four times the amount you used to be able to in the same length of time. To compensate for that and other even bigger changes like back damage nerfs, ki stagger being nerfed and removed from mashing and circlestrafe lock on they turned up the damage on a lot of attacks no matter how out of place it may seem. This made it so fights were hard to escape and required more strategy as it was easier to be hit for less but hits added up, compared to now where you just run around freely and swing, and if you get hit then either you died or you heal and go back in. There's also how broken Ninjutsu and Onmyo are, partly because they weren't adjusted at all when they were already strong before, and offering loot was much more useful as well.
The durability system in the Alpha was absolutely fine and an example of people whining over something they didn't understand while ignoring most mechanics in the rest of the game. We even knew back then there would be a shop, and the description on wooden weapons hints that they could have been a fallback if somehow necessary.
Absolutely wrong.
>The durability system in the Alpha was absolutely fine
durability is never fine, especially in arpg
I beat all the alphas and I don't think the changes were that huge. most of what you listed is the type of thing that punishes shitty players but doesn't really affect good players. By the end of the first alpha I never ran out of stamina or got hit in the back.
>actually defending weapon durability
I was about to contest you but everything you said is correct. The reason why I played it for 300 hours is precisely due to its combat and loot. I don't think the levels are bad at all though. The mission design is more in the vein on Tenchu rather than Dark Souls so it's more of a case of the game being different rather than bad.
Dual Katana & KusariGama were lifted directly from Ninja Gaiden. Nioh's combat is much slower due to the stamina system and lack of special moves. Although Nioh does start to play a bit more similar to NG depending on the moves you unlock. I main Axe, but I use a katana or spear as back up due to the Ninja Gaiden style moves where you're jumping in the air to attack.
I like the idea of each level having a new gimmick, but after spending a while in each specific environment I get tired of them.
And yeah, the combat and looting keeps me gripped. I've stayed up later than I should the last few nights because I can't pull myself a way from playing despite its flaws.
shame to see it so unpopular on here, i'm really enjoying it myself, enemy variety is a bit null and the centipede silver mine level was boring as shit.
Beat Umi-Bozu around twenty mins ago, some of the monster girls are kinda cute like the harpy vampire and rag ghost girl.
What kinds fights come next?
why axe feels so fucking shitty?
decided to do a run with it after odachi and it feels like a little more burst damage is really not a good trade for range and good moveset
>shame to see it so unpopular on here, i'm really enjoying it myself
You'll understand why after a few more missions.
Oh you're just biased and not even giving any kind of halfway intelligent reasoning, ok.
The changes really were that huge and numerous to boot, and have an active effect on determining the flow and priorities of combat. Do you think people would still be mindlessly circlestrafing everything if they were actually punished for it? The whole point of a game's design is to make players improve at dealing with the mechanics to overcome further challenges and said designs are always there no matter how much you do improve, saying that it shouldn't be there because it only punishes the people that haven't learned to deal with it yet is just plain stupid as that's entirely the point, and I sincerely hope I don't have to post it's logical conclusion for you to actually see how silly it is. If those mechanics weren't there then there would be no reason to care or improve, and surprise surprise in the finished product that's exactly the case.
Oh you're just biased and not even giving any kind of halfway intelligent reasoning, ok.
I'm not going to spoil shit. Keep playing.
Also, Tonfas as FUCKING AMAZING. Goddamn, they answered our prayers for a fist-type melee weapon with flying colors.
The bosses as well as the combat depth certainly make up for the enemy variety part. Also the mine level was cool.
Why would you do an Axe run after Odachi? Odachi is, flat out, a better heavy weapon than Axes/Hammers. They're not as slow, their moveset dynamics and options are better, and the damage is just as high (while being able to combo far easier with less stamina drain).
You don't need that extra 5% of stats you might think you do for end game. There are enough completely broken things as it is, 500 extra damage isn't going to make or break you being a God
I just don't think it's as big of a deal as you make it out to be man. I haven't changed that much about my playstyle since the first alpha.
Better gameplay and combat. It's also a lot lot harder