Seriously, what went so terribly wrong?

seriously, what went so terribly wrong?

Would be so much better with a mouse

generic open world RPG

The game has no soul.
The game hits every mark on every triple A game trope on the check list.
Nothing about it feels original or at least a fresh twist on old idea.

The game makes me feel like play anything else because it had no impact on me one way or the other.

It was the definition of mediocre.

>make setting with cool robot animals
>entire narrative and story is about human drama

>89 on Metacritic
>Over 3M copies sold
>New Game+ and Hard Mode patched in free
>DLC drops in November

More like what went so fucking right? At least Sony doesn't charge you for fucking hard mode a la Metroid and Zelda. But you faggots don't care, as you gladly pay defend shit like this on a daily basis.

generic garbage, nothing more

very little went wrong actually

Buyers remorse is strong with this one

Average middle of the road open world rpg. Only gets brownie points for muh diversity.

I don't even own a PS4 but nice try. I just call the bullshit Sup Forumseddit doesn't want to hear.

Was released near Zelda so you insecure fagolas can make threads like these.

You wasted your money, just forget about it

>hey guys we copied the exact same thing Ubisoft has been doing for 10 years


>but its from SONY and you better stay in our good graces if you want access to future sony content

10/10 Greatest game ever!

get cancer

I wasted my money on a lone 3DS and a mid tier PC? Oh woe is me.

Yet so fucking boring to play.
why don't better games get this treatment?

The gameplay just isn't fun enough. It's not uncharted level of bad but still

Everything just feels kinda meaningless in this game. All the places feel dead as well.

Pretty much this, it's a beautiful game but completely empty, it mimics everything open world games have done in recent years ..... and that's it, the game doesn't try to give those mechanics and elements its own flavor, there's no identity ad at the end it's just another generic open world that tried too much too be something else instead of trying to be its own thing

I bought this recently because I was sort of curious about it. I actually enjoyed wandering around the world and killing the different machines. Problem is there isn't much variation to them, and you just use the same strat on every single one which makes it really repetitive after a point. Once I killed every machine I basically just stopped playing. The story is whatever, the characters are unlikeable and they didn't make me invested or care about anything, which is another reason I dropped it, didn't hold any interest with me whatsoever. It was honestly better then I expected, but still not that good. I really dont get people who praise it as if it's some sort of god send.