Combine the last game you played with the last anime you watched and make a new game out of it.
Combine the last game you played with the last anime you watched and make a new game out of it
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Sorry, I grew out of anime like ten years ago.
Factorio and boku no hero academia
Could someone help me with this one?
>Hell Girl
>Persona 5
It'd just be Persona 2
>Dead Cells
>Precure Mania
Sounds fun, senpai.
Sorry, I grew out of video games like ten years ago.
>nichijou souls. Scholar of a regular schoolday
You play as a young girl attending the local school only to find it infested with hollows so now you have to fight your way through it to kill Nashandra who is trying to take over the school. Alongside your quest you will meet various other lost souls like nano the robot, therefore immune to hollowing, who's only aim is to replace her mechanical parts with body pieces from her enemy's, or yukko, riddled with madness, trying to find her lost drawing pencil
>Yu Yu Hakusho
I haven't even seen enough of the anime to know what this game would even be
>Aho Girl
>Sonic Mania
Well, Aho is a fairly competent runner. I guess just have her run around like a ditz collecting bananas.
Then stop posting here and go live your mature life you mature adult
>nano the robot, therefore immune to hollowing, who's only aim is to replace her mechanical parts with body pieces from her enemy's
That's perfect
triggered much, manchild?
So hearthstone with anime girls?
>Isekai Shokudo
lol wut
>Valkyrie Profile 2
>Little Witch Academia
That could be fun.
Stardew Valley and Castlevania.
It'd be farming to stay alive and maybe feed the village whilst also fighting demons and vampires. Neato.
Stein's Gate and Mount and Blade Warband
Dunno what to make of this
>Detective conan
So murder mysteries in space japan
>Dragon's Dogma
>My Hero Academia
suppose it's just Overwatch with chinese cartoon heros instead
VtM:B and Eromange Sensei
O-oh. This is how it is, then.
This but with TF2 instead
>prisma illya
>World Of Gintama
This shit would write itself
>Dragon Ball Super
Hey wait a minute
>Mahoujin Guru Guru
>Neverwinter Nights
If only, it would be absolutely amazing.
>Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
>Pokemon SM
I'd dig it if it's either Touhoumon with FE characters or having the Royals act as ISland Kahunas
>Bang has at least 3 levels of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan
Anarchy Reigns with spirit people
My Hero Academia and Monster Hunter
Probably be pretty bad
>Battlefield Bad Company single player
>Turn A Gundam
Preston and the gang go on silly adventures hijacking various mobile dolls as they try to get to the moon
I got nothin
Sounds fun
>Scrapped Princess
>Enter the Gungeon
You play as the scrapped princess and have to fight through a dungeon of Mauser's faithful to find the gun that can kill the past and erase the prophecy regarding your birth. The whole enemies are named after guns meme from the anime is very fitting.
Rimworld and Quanzhi Gaoshou
Dystopian cyberpunk syndicate game where you manage a team of 4-15 professional gaming cyborgs that also engage in corporate espionage and assassinations against other professional teams. There is a bit of a "football manager" aspect to it too. There are 4 seasons in the year that changes which city the multiplayer aspect is taking place in.
>New York,
>Hong Kong
As more cities are developed and rolled out more seasons will be slotted into the yearly rotation. If there are micro-transactions - they are only cosmetic (have to appease the publisher overlords)
You learn skills like the job system in FFIX - off weapons for your class itself. Skills cultivated in the "Real world" transfer in part to the competitive digital world and vice versa - but you can have individual members of your team specialize in real-world wet work or competitive drive.
I could go on but it might be too long.
>Nodame Cantabile meet Street Fighter III Third Strike
A gorgeous 2D sprite fighting game, with musical instrument based special attacks. Instead of smashing cars and parrying basketballs you have to punch orchestra members at the right time to perform well..
>Darkest Dungeon
>Berserk (1997)
I really can't think of anything.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Panty and Stocking... HOLY SHIT!
>Tenshi no 3P
Defeat evil magical lolis trying to deceive you with rock music.
top-down dota style survivial game with a map 10-20 x larger than the dota map. Instead of 2 teams, you could have 5-10. Think DayZ meets dota. - One of the teams are the serial killers - the rest need to find that team and take them out - but you are competing against each other. Taking out non-serial killer teams doesn't get you anything and is balanced as a waste of resources - but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Serial killer team can embed members into other teams - not sure how to sort the mechanics of this - maybe all teams consist of 4-6 members where at least one may or may not be part of the serial killer team.
>Battlefield 1
>King of the Hill
10/10 would watch
So Co-op Crypt of the Necromancer I guess?
It's literally just an TF2 Monogatari Reskin.
>he still watches anime
Isn't it time you grow up a little, OP?
>Parasite Eve 2
>Aho Girl
I don't know how that would work.
>says as he post in a japanese imageboard knockoff
>Made in Abyss
>Phoenix Wright
It's a VN about people that go spelunking in a big lovecraft hole in the world.
I dunno, doesn't sound that great. Probably would be better as an actual game
>Accent Core +R
That sounds amazing
>Dwarf Fortress
Megaman X Jojo's
Basically the same. X goes around fucking up dickwads stealing their powers
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Ball Super
So no change really. Maybe a better soundtrack.
>Little Witch Academia
Cute witches being humanities last hope against ayy lmaos?
Make it happen.
>Danganronpa 2
>Danganronpa 1 anime
as if you can leave Sup Forums
>symphogear AXZ
>symphogear XDU
Uh, we get 3.5 and the swimsuit event animated?
Nerf Nanami, she's input reading.
Sounds like fun i guess...
>Black General San
>Ultra Despair Girls
General san is DESBAIR but also conquers the world? I dunno this is weird
>4 out of 4
>Koe no Katachi
>Persona 5
Romancing the cute deaf girl.
I now remember that General San has an anime. I now also remember said anime was made for mobile phones.
Why, Japan. Why.
>Elder Scrolls: Legends
>DBZ Kai
So a Dragon Ball TCG. I could enjoy that. Hell I'd enjoy that quite a bit.
I played Streets of Rage 2 last week and watched LastMan this week. Does that count? Haven't watched actual anime in forever. The combo would basically just be a beat-em-up with Richard punching everything.
>DaS 3
>Detective Conan
I guess I will solve some cases for the undead, fighting the perpetrators.
>little witch academia
So basically Sekirei.
>Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
>Assassination Classroom
Sounds like a huge ass mess story and genre wise. Literally the only thing they share in common is that one of the protagonists crossdress one time.
Cowboy bebop
I don't know how that would workout but i want this.
>Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
>Guilty Gear Xrd
That sounds fucking rad.
>Persona 5
So basically just Wild Arms?
>watching anime
fapping to waifus online is the only useful thing to come from anime
Who the fuck watches that garbage for the """story"""
>Assassin Classroom
>DotA 2
Every hero working together to defeat a world-destroying alien, as he teaches them how to do it properly.
I'd watch it.
>Everything in LWA is very star/spaced themed
It all makes sense now
>Sonic Mania
I am fascinated by the possibility of fast presented to me.
>Made in Abyss
>Guilty Gear Xrd
Loli Millia and Robo Ky descent down the 8 Lobbies of Hell, starting from new Players spamming Special Moves as Sol all the way down to Johnny's that immediately bully you into the corner then do 80% of your HP off of 1 confirm.
>SLink involves stopping a suicide attempt
>Breath of the Wild
>Maid Dragon
Pretty much the same, but everyone's a cute girl/bishie guy
>Dragon Ball Super
pic related sums up
Just pic related.
MK Shaolin Monks
Calm down friend, it's a prototype like the one nyaruko san has. It's just supposed to draw attention so they can know if enough people are interested in actual anime with proper budget.
Here, proofs.
Made in Abyss and Xenoblade Chronicles
>it's just Made in Abyss but instead of descending into a cave it's ascending a giant corpse
>Planescape: Torment
i don't know
> Way of the samurai
> Jin Roh
What the fuck would that be like?
Encouragement of Climb and Darkest Dungeon. It would be amazing. Keep the game play and difficulty of darkest dungeon but make it a lighthearted thing with a stable of teenage girls climbing mountains. The darkest dungeon would be Mount Everest. Not sure what the enemies would be. Perhaps animals and representations of environmental factors? No weapons, just different kinds of outdoor gear.
Holy shit, the anime is out?
When will the the guy make a new chapter?
Sonic Mania and Owarimonogatari... wtf did I just create
who is this semon demon and why are shark teeths best teeths
>Splatoon 2
>South Park
>Dark Souls 3
If you read the manga, would you recommend that our the movie?
Battle royale between magical girls.
>Super Smash Bros
>Love Live
The entire fucking internet will explode. Neogaf will cry that """pedo""" anime girls are in Smash and that Sakurai is catering to creepos. Infinite memes will spawn. /vg/ will permanently invade Sup Forums and get away with it. Smash threads will forever become idolfagging bases. When autism meets autism you will only get a hellbending experience.
>LL and Smash
Stop user, I can only get so hard.
Better yet, make it an aidoru crossover, like smash is a ninty crossover
>smartphone isekai.
Super easy mode bloodborne with a harem and smartphone I gues.
>Guest Stars: Empire Cast
its a souls clone of 7 deadly sins
>Power Stone 2
>Dragon Ball Super - ToP arc
It would just be another Power Stone with Massive Battle Royal mode