This year's biggest blunder?

This year's biggest blunder?

*dabs on you, HARD*


>literally just a graphically improved version of original with matchmaking
unless you think the original game sucked shit or was in dire need of change (it wasn't), how is this a blunder

Wait until the first nu-Blizzard balance patch to ruin everything you love.

Oh shit, is it out? How is it?

what have you done with your life?

It's just the original with redrawn art assets, from HUD to units. Portraits had the greatest liberties taken, in some cases a lot like Kerrigan and Jimmy looking more SC2-ish. Audio is identical. game even has a toggle that lets you play with original graphics just upscaled.

Threadly reminder that you are not the target audience, the Korean market is.

matchmaking is already dead, it's impossible to find a game

>year's biggest blunder?

I don't think they were expecting it to be a huge success

There was a bunch of games that were hyped up to be the next Overwatch or whatever and they were complete flops

I don't think any HD remaster sets out to be the kind of massive success of an original title

On one hand I like how you can actually tell units apart on a modern monitor now, on the other hand I'm not sure if I like how they turned out. It's like looking at a girl after being shitfaced, and sobering up and realizing she looked horrible. Is the higher resolution worth it?

How exactly does the word "craft" fit into the series' narrative and universe?

Is there any kind of crafting or crafts in these games?

You craft stars, much like how in Warcraft you craft wars.

The few people that still care about Starcraft multiplayer probably went back to SC2 because it has a lot of quality of life improvements like no control group limits and whatnot over the original game that everyone is simply used to now and don't like going back to how it used to be.

Craft is not about crafting, it's about "the craft of..." as in the occupation, or profession, or activity. Craft can also mean ship, so a starcraft would be a ship that sails the stars. I seriously hope English isn't your first language.

???? I have not had any issue finding matches and my MMR is already pretty high.

honestly I loved brood war, so playing games, comp stomps, and use map settings is a blast, but the matchmaking is just icing on the cake. for $15 I consider it an insane steal to play original starcraft in all its glory.

most of Sup Forums hates it just because they suck at the game. its pretty sad desu

user, I think it might have been a jape, I hope..

hope so

Already forgot For Honor, Ghost Recon Wildlands or Mass Effect Down Syndromeda?

it's to remind people it's more fun to think about strategy rather than spend months fighting your own unit ai so they buy sc2

>you dont craft stars



infinite unit selection and giant blob pathfinding is in fact NOT a gameplay improvement. git gud

Hey, if you think it is fun, the sure, it is fun to you.
That does not make sc1 pathing not broken.

I've definitely accepted the fact that they are extremely different games, and require different skills. I think brood war is sick. It's just not at all how I would want a strategy game to be. It's a great game with a ridiculous ceiling, but never being able to actually do what you desire to do isn't what I have fun with in games.

Honestly I prefer BW's style but some middleground would be nice. SC2 has really floaty movement that is way too well pathed, units clump into big death balls that flow over the terrain, meanwhile in brood war a vulture or dragoon will find its match in a ramp.

Git gud fgt

did they fix lost temple balance in default? i know korea had a balanced version of the map.

if only I would grind out a game I don't enjoy playing so I can finally tell Sup Forums my feelings about it!

nah. That's just how I feel. It's not like I'm trying to act better than the game.

They do clump, but you do not always want them to clump. SC2 does reward micromanagement.