So I just finished mother 3 and I think it has one of the most preachy messages I have EVER seen in a game!

So I just finished mother 3 and I think it has one of the most preachy messages I have EVER seen in a game!

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Isn't this the game where some fag buttfucks you until you're psychic?


Yes, the fag is a hermaphrodite too to add on to it.

What message were they preaching exactly?


Mother 3 is one of my favorite games ever. I think you're just getting a simple "technology is evil" but it isn't. It's about loss, the loss of innocence, the loss of values, the loss of loved ones, and the loss of humanity. But in the end humanity is given a second chance.

Mother 3 tries too hard to be sad.

in what sense is it preachy

I thought it was a pretty funny game lad

Well To be exact in the story the pig Nazis give the cowboy town things like "TVs video games kitchen tools store hospitals schools Jobs etc" and basically turning the cowboy town into a modern day town. To sum it up "TECHNOLOGY IS EVIL AND CAPITALISM DOESNT WORK!!!!!!!"

It is. It has a message though. It has both humor and a message.

terrible interp senpai

But how did you play it if it's never been released in the west before?

>some fag buttfucks you until you're psychic?

I got the English fan translation

It's more to parallel Lucas's loss of innocence rather than preach a political message.

come on you know that's bullshit when you think about it

Not really, a lot of ingame imagery helps with this. Including the gay buttsex giving you psychic powers.

it wasn't just about "technology being evil," it was about modern life in the metropolis, and all its trappings, leading to the devolution of humanity, which can easily be argued to be true. I mean, global IQ rates have been decreasing uniformly for quite some time now. Also, Millenials are by far the most retarded generation humanity has ever seen, with SAT scores dropping sharply across every subject since 2010.

Itoi was right

IQ is bullshit that isn't real, you are correct though on your point.

>gay buttsex giving you psychic powers
seriously, when was this?

one of the Magypsies touches you in a hot spring and you learn a new PSI power

It's a "muh dark headcanon" from idiots. All Ionia does is push Lucas' head underwater to nearly drown him. The rush of almost being drowned awakens his psi.

>So you want to be a wizard, kid?

>Also, Millenials are by far the most retarded generation humanity has ever seen, with SAT scores dropping sharply across every subject since 2010.
Not me though, I'm very smart

>IQ is bullshit that isn't real

>very smart
What is your job user?


The only jab that wasn't full of shit were the happy boxes. But that's captain obvious as far as criticizing modern society goes.

The worst offense was demonizing money. You can't get much more ignorant than that.

>being smart
>having a job
Pick one

Well I mean obviously intelligence exists, what I mean is saying stuff like "my IQ is 112" or whatever is bullshit. You can't assign a number to your intelligence.

You're just not smart enough to understand
>29/16 time signature
>in a game where normal attacks are rhythm based

I think you're looking too far into it. The game is just about rspid modernization, I don't think Itoi intended a genuine communism message.

I really loved the combo system but I wish they did more with it. One enemy, the beaten drum, has the ability to change the current battle song. That's such a cool idea but it's never used in a boss fight or anything, just a enemy.

>My IQ is 60 but that's bullshit! I'm smart!

We didn't play the same game then

Before, the village had no money and people didn't buy or sell things, you just took what you needed from the shop for free(each according to his need). And everyone just did what they could to improve life in the village and helped each other with no compensation(each according to his ability). It was a utopia.

And then after the timelapse, we see a parody of a capitalist society.

Maybe communism and capitalism aren't the right words. But it's still butting heads with similar ideas and it's still just as dumb.

If you take multiple IQ tests you will never get same number, intelligence can't be qualified by a number.

It can, and yours isn't very high :(

You already proved you have a lower IQ.

But IQ is bullshit and doesn't mean anything!

Maybe you should go to a MENSA meeting near you one day and tell the folks over there they aren't truly intelligent

>iq is bullshit because a little variance

Very unreasonable.

unless you're about 35 or 40 years old, you count as a millennial as well.

suffer with us

Are you sure we aren't just testing more people now? Who was IQ testing in the ghettos in 1960?

It's about the trappings of modern society making the world more complex, and the loss of innocence. The whole town of Tazmily loses it's innocence when exposed to modern ideas and devices, and life there becomes much less simple.

And Porky's empire doesn't represent capitalism as a whole, it's just the extension of everything wrong with porky in particular.

this rhythm is making me angry. mankind was not meant to make this.

>Completely ignoring the loss of innocence among the town and its people
>Ignoring the greed that was created with by the Pig Armies propaganda
>Ignoring the damage done on the the environment and the wild animals
Nigga you dumb

>being NEET is smart
IQ is a measure of intellegence more through maturity, than actual knowledge, so it's rough, but not impossible.

> I mean, global IQ rates have been decreasing uniformly for quite some time now.

That's because all the highest birth rate nations are in Africa..Niggers are growing in millions while white people are declining

you're ignoring half the game with that reasoning

Shut the fuck up Soren

>criticism of capitalism on any level is automatically bad


IQ is pseudoscience, just like eugenics

everytime i think about Mother 3 i think of all the Kumatora /ss/ stuff Noill did before he moved on to psuede-kemono stuff.

Well the american SAT scores are further proof that everyone is uniformly becoming more retarded. In 2015 they reached the lowest ever in 10 years, since they increased the score from 1600 to 2400. In 2017, they were even worse

This graph is laughably fake.

That's not wrong, Itoi is a member of a marxist Japanese Revolutionary committee and has been considered "anti-Japan" by Jap nationalists.