>80 million dollars
>4 years
>unable to deliver finished product
>gets fired
>people blame Konami
80 million dollars
Let's be real
Ever since Metal Gear Solid got a sequel, the series has been continuously failing to match the success and positive reception of Metal Gear Solid. MGS2 met heavy criticism for Raiden's section of the game. So right away, he had failed to satisfy the hype of the fans. And each game, going all the way up to MSGV, just let people down. And every time, they still bought the next one anyway
MGs2 is still a good game though.
I'm actually impressed by this. They made a new graphics engine from fucking scratch.
>100 million dollars
>6 years
>postponed twice
>turned into multiplat before release
>finished game was still GOTYAY and selling like hotcakes
Yes, Konami are just fucking idiots.
What point are you trying to make?
So is MGSV. In few years, probably after Death stranding people will revere V as some mythic masterpiece.
V > 3 > Shit > the rest
Only faggots think otherwise.
It doesn't matter, only MGS1 and 2 are canon anyways.
I think when he said, "Yes, Konami are just fucking idiots." that was the point that he was trying to convey to you.
fuck Kojimbo
I already stated my point:
Konami are bunch of pathetic, impatient morons, who pushed out a golden eggs laying goose prematurely.
>people are surprised that Kojima can't make a good game and can only make shitty movies
Who would have thought?
>4 years
try 7
>So is MGSV.
The thing is, Nintendo had a Console to sell along.
>le game is unfinished meme
Stop this shit retards. The "unused content" in Africa and all those cutscenes were never meant to be completed. Kojima put them on the disk for literally anyone to access to induce the Phantom Pain effect he wanted players to experience.
Why do you think you don't even need to mess with files or saves to reach the cut content? It's not hidden in any way at all. The game was finished, it was just shit.
PW was released in 2010.
After that, it was mostly developing the Fox Engine, after which the proper development could start.
Assuming you're referring to Switch, then no.
Had they released BotW in time, it'd remained as WiiU exclusive.
No. Shut up. Kojima brought a shit load of money to Konami. Regardless of critics or whether you like Raidens ass or not, MGS 2 and 3 were commercial success. They fired their golden egg chicken in the middle of what could have been another commercial success. Konami is just dumb and want quick cash from shitty mobile games or pachinko machines.
They deserve to wither away and be forgotten.
More like 7 years
>The "unused content" in Africa and all those cutscenes were never meant to be completed.
Apologists like you are pathetic.
They only released it for WiiU cause people went apeshit after they scrapped the multiport idea.
It's still obvious that the game was
a. delayed cause of the switch
b. better funded because of the switch
Yes, and during that time he was blowing Konami's money, a lot of the times on not so important stuff - like hiring Hollywood actors, having dinner with Hollywood directors, snorting cocaine out of some random dutch slut's vagina, licensing 80s songs that no one ever listens to in game, as well as blowing money on facial capture technology that ended up not even being impressive.
What am I defending?
Certainly not Kojima. He's a fucking hack and was exposed with MGS4 and Peace Walker.
He gets too much undeserved credit because the fans come up with all these insane theories but when people confront Kojima about them he's always like "you guys are crazy". He's a complete simpleton who just wants to make movies.
You aren't wrong, Kojima bit off more than he could chew, but it's more complicated than that.
If Konami wasn't bailing out of gaming, MGSV would have gotten the money and time that was needed to deliver. Its sales exceeded its budget by many times -- TPP alone made $180m IN A SINGLE DAY. So imagine what could have been done with $120m. If Konami intended to stay in gaming, we might have seen MGSV story and mission DLC for years.
Also, the last year or so of the project was plagued by fighting between Konami and Kojima, as well as turmoil within Konami as a whole. Not the most productive environment by any means. The blame is not 100% Kojima's.
Look, Kojima is a hack, but Konami is a total shitshow too
Play Peace Walker 100% and tell me MGSV's missons are worth a damn.
>They only released it for WiiU cause people went apeshit after they scrapped the multiport idea.
Citation needed. That's the same as claiming that TP was a Wii exclusive and only got a "port" for GC.
>a. delayed cause of the switch
No, it was delayed because they wanted to do the game justice and not rush it.
>b. better funded because of the switch
it would've funded them just as well later on, and at that moment too, as the surplus WiiUs would've been sold out in no time.
>Yes, and during that time he was blowing Konami's money, a lot of the times on not so important stuff
...like making one of the biggest games ever?
You kids seem to really stand up for the literal Nazis of gaming industry.
>What am I defending?
He went on the record saying it isn't their fault and that Konami gave him total freedom this morning's interview
>...like making one of the biggest games ever?
>b-but it's big!!!
yeah and it has nothing to do in the world
fuck you for defending open world garbage
literal cancer
You are fucking miserable.
>yeah and it has nothing to do in the world
Was I talking about the world?
It's becoming more and more apparent that you Konami-shills don't even know what goes into making modern AAA games.
How the fuck can you say the game is finished?
>chapter 2
>repeat of old missions
>liquid and mantis steal a metal gear
>the end
>hurr durr kojimbo wanted you to feel the phantom pain so he finished the game with a 10yo kids travelling the world with a metal gear with zero explanation
The game is a unfinished disaster, people claim the gameplay is great but it really isn't, the mechanics and the fox engine are great but the level design and open world is garbage.
not an argument m8
I'm sorry you got conned.
Then what are you talking about, if not space? Story length? Because that certainly isn't it. Equipment variety? Again, certainly not. Soundtrack? Well, that can't be it either.
Explain yourself you tool.
>not an argument m8
Arguing with an idiot would make me an idiot
>No, it was delayed because they wanted to do the game justice and not rush it.
Just like you need a citation for this.
>it would've funded them just as well later on, and at that moment too, as the surplus WiiUs would've been sold out in no time.
Or this.
It was only a rumor that its going to be canceled but it would fit, giving people a reason to buy a switch.
And they surely spent more just because they had to port it and upgrade it for the switch, you just wont find any source for it but its obvious.
Also the delay is most likely blamed on said port and upgrade.
Not to mention no return to the Camp Omega, no Motherbase customization or proper exploration either, some major plot points and devices that are introduced are never utilized thanks to cut content...
>Then what are you talking about, if not space?
Creation of big-budget, cinematic AAA videogames, that still are videogames, and have an open, dynamic gameplay, an MP functions, etc.
Yes, the world is just one of the many MINOR parts you need to create.
Like shown, Nintendo needed 6 years and even more money to bring us Zelda BotW, which shares many similarities with MGS5, yet lacks the photorealistic art-style and Hollywood actors. And nobody thought it to be "too much" or "risky".
>Kojima spends time drinking and fucking Joost instead of developing MGSV
>Konami lets him because he is important for them
>With years and many delays they get impatient and force him to move his ass
>Kojima bitches everywhere that Konami won't let him have his "artistic freedom"
>Konami does not care, forces Kojima to finish the game and fires him, warning every other company that working with him is a nightmare
>still they are bad guys and Kojima is good
I've loved Kojima since MGS1 and even I think your pathetic
MGS 2 and 3 are great. Just because Kojima doesn't fill his games with fanservice it doesn't mean the games are bad.
People who dislike MGS2 just because of Raiden are extremely petty. Snake is still a playable character and a major part of the game and the core gameplay is just as good if not better than MGS1
ooookay but did u rike it?
well nintendo didn't have to put up with aonuma partying and flying from country to country trying to convince ryan gosling and scarlett johansson to be in his game