Project PlaySmash

Project PlaySmash

The successor to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

Sceduled for an October reveal, with the gameplay reveal at PSX. Expected to release Fall 2018.

Characters in the demo include

>Nathan Drake

Stages include
>Crash X Horizon Zero Dawn
>Persona X WipEout
>Tearaway X Vib Ribbon
>PlayStation Arena

The CG trailer will be Kratos, Morgana, Crash and Aloy fighting in a forest.

Gameplay will now feature life bars. Characters now have only one super attack (like the level 3 from the previous game). The game is more fluid and fast than the first game. Along with the artstyle being more unified.

Note that this info is compiled from a journalist who posted on Sup Forums who has seen the demo.

The original leaker said that the CG trailer will be in October, then this week Sony announce a Paris Games Week conference in October.

Also the trademark for PlayStation All-Stars got renewed.

Get hyped Sup Forums.

I hope the game isn't shit this time around.

I like the idea of Sony Smash, didn't like how they executed the idea in the first game.

Oh Yes! Can't wait to see my boy sackboy become a killer again Lol xD

I hope


are all playable characters this time.

And honestly, Morgana from Persona 5 isn't even that bad of a rep, that way, the black make sit much more recognizable than regular anime characters desu

I hope Agumon from the Digimon series gets put in

Please put 2B

There have been so many god damn rumors about this game, and this rumor sounds like the best one.


if Sony Santa Monica isn't working for PSASBR 2, I wonder if Fat Princess and Emmet Graves are gonna b put in again. Hmmmm.

Where is the real leaker user when you need him. I got more questions for him.

That's what everyone wants to know.

Right! Lmao XD

Crash Bandicoot
Coco Bandicoot
Neo Cortex
Spyro the Dragon
Sir Daniel Fortesque
Heihachi Mishima (Kazuya and Jin as costumes)
Kazama Kiryu
Okami Amaterasu
Kratos (Papa Kratos as costume)
Solid Snake (Big Boss and Old Snake as costumes)
Raiden MGS4 (Gray Fox and MGR as costumes)
Katamari Prince of Cosmos
Dante (Donte FUCK YOU as costume)
Vergil (Vorgil the Fedora Wearer as costume)
Kat from Gravity Rush
Ratchet & Clank
Jak & Daxter
Sly Cooper
Parappa the Rapper
Nathan Drake
Sir Gallahad
Cole MacGrath (Delsin Rowe and Evil Cole as costumes)
Colonel Radec (Echo or Lucas as costumes)
Sweet Tooth
Cloud Strife (Sephiroth as costume)
Sora (Riku or Terra as costume)
The Good Hunter
Yu Narukami
The Chosen Hero in Fluted Armor (King Allant as costume)


I Gotta ask if when he said about a PSASBR reveal at October, if he meant the Paris Games thing


Sora wtf man he deserves it way more

If this game is real then holy shit I'm going to be hyped. Crash, Spyro, Noctis, and Morgana is already a way better 3rd party lineup than the original.

And those stages sound awesome.

For my newcomers (Top 5) It's gotta be

Chimera Hybrid = Resistance
Agumon = Digimon
Lil and Laarg = Escape Plan
Knack = Knack
Abe = OddWorld

If that Final Fantasy 15 thing with Noctis is true, then RIP Cloud Strife T_T

Maybe this PlayStation All-Stars 2 can be a good game?

Gameplay featuring life bars is great. Much better than the system from the last game which made the game boring and stale so quickly.


They need to add Kazuma Kiryu in the game.

Hopefully GameArts will be better at communicating with the fans this time around. Superbot was fucking terrible at doing that.

I hope Knack joins in alongside Aloy as the PS4 Reps. Hype!!!

Sounds bullshit, but I would like to see them take another shot at making a smash game

I hope Lara Croft, Dart Feld, and Abe come in PSASBR 2 as well

Gonna copy and paste an interesting post I've seen before on another thread.

I've decided to do some digging myself on Marza Animation (the company who apparently is making the CG trailer). All the stuff they have the rights to say they worked on is on their site, but according to some resume's they have done work on FFXV and The Last Guardian, but don't mention any of that on their site. The leak has said if Sony doesn't release the trailer by October then they do not have the rights to the trailer and Marza Animation is allowed to use that in theri portfolio. I saw one person's resume which said the last thing he worked on was a "Ad for game" before he left the company in March this year. Which is weird, since all of their other stuff is titled except for "Ad for game."

Once again, we should all take this with the grain of salt. GameArts has denied that they are involved with this game (why would they confirm it in the first place if they are). Also the current leaker said that they have different ideas for the name of the game. The recent trademark filing could be coincidental or not. The leaker did say that he doubt that it is PS Now related since Sony always has the rights to resell the games they own on PS Now so they wouldn't need to trademark filing to do that. In my personal opinion I think the trademark is very coincidental.

But for now, we just wait till October and see if this is true. And if it is, you'll probably never hear me shut up about this game.

Oh Yes, That's Sick!!! XD

How does it sound bullshit?

the leaker did say that GameArts will be denying anything saying that they're working on a PSASBR 2. So, The Perfect Counter for him Lmao XD

Or they could just be telling the truth you fucking autist.

I wonder if Evil Cole is coming back if SuckerPunch still has those feelings towards Cole MacGrath in general

Why are people still believing in shit rumors that are so obviously fake?


The only sketchy thing to me seems Morgana. There's no way Fatlus would not push Teddie instead of sleepycat.
Everything else seems plausable, although close to the border.

I really hope Crash and Spyro look good in PSASBR 2

The only characters I can remember missing from the first was Wander and Sora.

Uh, who?

Why would Atlus push a character from Persona 4 when they can add Morgana and promote Persona 5.

Sora is owned by Disney, not Square. He'd be a nightmare to get a hold of.

Who what?

No Neptune No Buy

Morgana Ftw!!

I do think Morgana is a good rep from Persona 5, I think he's more recognizable than The Joker/The Phantom being a cat and all :3 XD

Because they're idiots who have been pushing Persona 4-related spin-offs and merchandise all over the place, to a point of actively trying to push Teddie as the new mascot taking over Jack Frost.
A move like the one i've said fits Atlus surprisingly well.

Neptune fucking sucks.

>45 posts
>12 IPs
>All this fake hype, character requests and ironic emoticons

They need this guy.

Lol you just mad cause you know PlayStation All-Stars 2 will be better than any Smash game.

>Doing mashup stages again

No, stop STOP! The stupid eyegasm stages from PSASBR was one of the worst things about that game among other things.

Morgana is from the best selling game Atlus has made as of now

rosterfags are truly the worst

Trying to make a "smash" game is pure suicide. Nintendo came saw and conquered the genre so hard no one has been able to directly compete for 20 years.

This exact same post has been said in every PS All Stars thread

I'm pretty sure you're a falseflagger who doesn't even mean what he's saying

Lol wut?

The mash ups were a fucking great idea. I don;t understand how people could hate that shit.

>PlayStation All-Stars 2 will be better than any Smash game.
user you know for a damn fact you don't mean that

They're annoying as shit when you have to fight against the stage as well as the other players. There's a reason why Smash 4 added FD mode to all of their stages, that shit gets tiring really quick.

I Hope TigerShark from Europe/Spain's PSP originated Invizimals Series jumps in on the Action

Why is everyone on Sup Forums in denial about the PSAS getting a sequel?

Sequels are meant to improve upon the original, plus this game already sounds way better and there's too much evidence that confirms it.

She should get in atleast as DLC. Unlike with psbra1 this gen actually has good 3rd party, there are even rumous about a DMC5.


Hopefully Classic Dante gets in then.... *shudder*

Leaker user said the sequel or successor or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, has a new ost theme. What I wanted to know is who's the composer?

I hope that Chimera Hybrid, King of All Cosmos and Pyramid Head make it in.

Aayy It'd be sick to see Madeon Finale again as well as the Rival Arena stage

>live from paris

pls islam. pls commit another terrorist attack.

Well all we know is that GameArts is developing and Marza Animation is creating the CG trailer.

I also hope the Gravity Rush X Journey Stage Comes in as Well

Reported to fbi


Please don't bring back any of the stages. I'd rather see all new stages.

I really hope Heihahci Mishima returns alongside newcomer Agumon into PSASBR, Bandai vs Namco Would be Phenomenal!!! XD

What Crash are they going to use? was the character being created before knowing that the remake would be a success?

>Reported to fbi
the fbi couldn't stop a terrorist attack if the terrorist told them he was going to do it. this has happened multiple times too.

Leaker user said it's the N Sane design.

OF course would love to see new stages. However, stages like San Francisco, Paris, and Dojo (Especially Dojo) Would be awesome to bring back

Man... Seeing Crash Freaking Bandicoot in this finally fighting all these other PlayStation Characters!... man, Glorious!

Anyone think that this game will actually be revealed at Paris Games Week?

I do, the rumors and leaks are stronger than ever! XD

They better nerf the shit outta Kratos and Kat.

I hope Nathan Drake gets the Nerf as well Lol, drAKe

At least user bring some new information because it's the same old shitpost
I don't know, maybe try to know if MARZA animation studio answer questions on their twitter acount

Why the fuck would they reveal that they are working on a top secret project to a random Twitter user?

I feel like the 7 people who liked the original are so privy to fake information that they make these threads and hope the Leak user tells them more of his bullshit.

They'll eat up anything.

I hope we also see more Female characters in PSASBR 2

Hello Sony Marketer(s)

Fat Princess
Lara Croft
Jen Tate

Why the fuck wouldnt the P5 character be Joker or Akechi?

I just want crash for the next smash

Alongside Persona, wonder if Danganronpa is gonna get a rep. I mean a new game came out so that'd be nice

Anyone who likes PlayStation All-Stars is a Sony Marketer?

Those people don't exist unironically

I wonder if we'll get another Microsoft Rep, perhaps someoneThird-Party from Nintendo maybe?

has someone note that the playstation symbols are made by stars?
What means this Sup Forums?
I will tell you Sup Forums
playstation all STARS battle royale

>Another Microsoft rep

Are you retarded? Go see a doctor cause you're clearly fucking stupid kid.

Also wondering if Ken Levine will give all his BioShock stuff for free again for PSASBR 2

Are you not seeing the emoticons? People don't use those here unless heyre being ironic.

Got Eem XD


Why do people want this game?

The first one was a complete failure and wasn't good at all. The gameplay was awful and Sony doesn't have a good stable of characters to fit in their own fighting game.

I hope the PS2 Trio including Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank get buffed/nerfed/balanced out and all that.

It's because Sony fans want what everyone else has, but made just for them.