ITT: Games only millennials will understand
ITT: Games only millennials will understand
I finished that game after pirating it, I was almost able to look past the ehhh writing for the comfy art but they fucking cut the game off immediately before winter, the comfiest season of all. 2/10 would not play again.
there's not a lot of people older than 40 posting on Sup Forums
that game is shit by the way
cringe writing.
people shit on that game for all the wrong reasons always. There's barely any socialist propaganda from it's (seriouesly crazy) creator. The game is hot garbage and noone should play it, but just because it's a shit story that goes nowhere.
>had to mute all the comments for the soundtrack videos I put up for this game
These people are fucking unbearable.
What were they doing
Why does this game trigger alt-reichers so much?
It was just basic bitch comments you'd see on any big youtuber's channel.
And furries.
I don't have enough patience for that shit.
>I don't have enough patience for that shit.
You just publish soundtrack videos, nobody cares what you think and nobody associates you with that content. By disabling comments you also won't purge anything and won't change anything
Not to defend furries here, but you're obviously think too much of yourself.
Thats wrong though unless you mostly hung out with Gregg like a pleb
No it's not wrong you fucking faggot, not even counting the fact that there is no gameplay.
It's just poorly written and full of padding
Everytime mae and her homo wolf friend talk I want to fucking bash their heads in, it's like they engineered mae to have the most obnoxious dialogue possible.
I'm a millennial and I didn't understand it. I hated every single one of the characters.
I fucking knew it, whats with the brand and name chance you memelord, copyright strikes or something?
Reminder that if you're posting here, you're likely a millennial yourself.
>Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.
And why does anyone care about your over the top analysis?
Because you are projecting your own faggotry
you've actually taken the time to make this post. you are a degenerate
But there are tons that are 17 and younger.
I thought it'd be funny to change my name and profile picture so when I post new videos people would be confused as to who the fuck I am and why did they subscribe before
Idiot, minors aren't allowed on the site. Lowest age is 18
That's not what millennial means
You're right. And that's why the underagefags won't understand this game.
Well, it fucking took me a while so mission acomplished, your old videos were gone so I only managed to know it was you by the avatar and name being so memey. What even happened to the fallout 4 and undertale videos, those were dome really good shit.
Uranium fever is still up and the Undertale one was unlisted, but I made it public again.
I privated a lot of my videos because I thought they were cringey.
I enjoyed it mostly because I have the same problem as Mae
Also having a friend very similar to Gregg contributed to it
>tfw Gen Z
>tfw my generation has to sweep up all the shit the millennials cause until they're all dead.
Reminder that people who classify themselves millenials are hipster cry baby reddit fags and if you relate with them you are also a faggot.
Well, im glad to see you are still kicking and having a good time lad, keep it up, you are one of my favorite dudes to watch from time to time.
>Gen Z
You got to be 18 to post here son. Don't pull that, "OH BUT 1995 IS GEN Z," no according to the U.S. census Millennials are between 1985-2000.
January 1999 was 18 years ago bud.
Thanks, Its nice and kinda weird to know I have a fan
Whenever it comes to generation naming there's always a grey area between the ending date of the generation prior and the starting date of the next.
1999 was before 2000, I'm sorry common core failed you
Still not Gen Z.
Thats why I said U.S. census, I think it's a reasonable decider as they're the ones taxing us.
if you are over 18 and you are still posting on Sup Forums you are the one with the problem
I haven't seen anything on this game and I've heard its very story oriented so I haven't really looked. Is there anything its similar to?
That game art screams Tumblr