What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

Stupid fucking name


Name a few cool names.

Not enough cards. Everyone went back to Shadowverse.

Instead of developing the core gameplay, devs listen to reddit and focus on fancy shit.
>make fully 3D animated premium cards that eat performance on most expensive PCs
>develop a full blown single player campaign with voice acting, quest, exploration, choices etc.
>spend probably well over million on a CLOSED BETA tournament with a 100k$ prize pool
>instead of listening to people who really know CCGs and have experience, devs sit with amateurs in an echo chamber
game is overall very unoriginal and without any passion, artstyle, UI and menu look very generic and there is literally no Witcher feel in it
just pure moneymaker with lootbox/card packs/gambling system because they can't have a year without releasing anything now

what gwent so wrong?

Cool cards
Wim zam
Blood master
Cut king


anything other than gwent

Good game, shame the developers take 4 months for one patch.

Wimzam's a pretty good card game name. I think this user is on to something.

Shit, I meant for a new meta

I have no idea what were they fucking thinking releasing their first multi game ever on three platforms at once with a totally hack team.
And they even wanted a fucking crossplay.

>open beta comes out
>all the changes are terrible and barely new content
>redditor yesmen act like it's the best shit ever
>game dies after a month
good. any reddit pandering game needs to die

removing faction passives was a good change desu
too bad everything else was fucking shit
i liked my cards to be simplenow everything has synergy with 50 other cards in 20 different ways and if all three appear they also do some super fancy shit
it's a terrible design in a game where you need to be precise with how many points you will get after each play
you literally have to guess

I occasionally play it, but it's incredibly grindt and tedious, and frankly it gets boring after a few rounds.
Then again, I guess that's the case with every online card game.

Gwent is fine
its just you have the feeling there is a single guy working as a whole developer team
its a simple card game and yet the patches and fixes take forever

some more communication with the playerbase wouldn't hurt, too

>implying weebstone isn't fucking dead

are you kidding me cut king is the hottest card game around get out of here with your zimwam

they literally take half of their ideas from the gwent subreddit, you can accuse them of many things, but not of a lack of communication with the fans

everyone thought the season will end after 2 months and it took them 2 and a half months to give us the exact date

fuck you Kevin

SV has been pure shit since ToG. Even the /vg/ threads are slow af now.

>half of their ideas from the gwent subreddit
>other half from Shitlemen
no suprise game is so garbage

its basically uno or go fish but with animated card art.

If you aren't playing hearthstone, you are playing a dead CCG

hearthstone regularly pulls in more viewers than league of legends, how on earth is it dead?

>reading comprehension