So this is the power of Blizzard balancing and the cries of casuals... Impressive

So this is the power of Blizzard balancing and the cries of casuals... Impressive.

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Hog can still combo things, you just suck at aiming.

i am so glad i dropped hog for dva

I dropped maining.

>walking backwards after the hook connects
found your problem

I dropped the game

I dropped a load in ur mum.

ur mum dropped u

If that Roadhog was any good at aiming that M2 would have killed Widowmaker in one shot.

you dropped 40 amerifat burger dollars on a shitty game

enjoy that buyer's remorse ;)

Good. Now we can actually play half of the cast in this shitty moba

>see Widow be wildly out of position and basically standing still
>Shoot widow close to half hp with alt-fire
>hook and blast her close range
>survives with 50 hp and gets healed by a mercy

He literally did the best he could.



>press 1 button
>get a long range 2 second stun on someone that has a gigantic buggy hitbox that can go through geometry because blizzard cannot code for shit
>incredibly easy to land hook
>guarenteed 1 shot kill after landing it

overwatch is a fucking trash game made by people who cannot balance ANYTHING to save their life - see: every online game blizzard has ever made aside from starcraft 1 from 1998

the origional release widowmaker is the most overpowered thing i have ever seen in a videogame yet she went untouched for months and i honestly cannot understand how overwatch has such a healthy playerbase when the game is so ineptly balanced and how they release 1 new class/map every few months yet they shower you in lootboxes to jew you out of money

what a shit company

This game's dead. Better sell your accounts while you can.

Roadhog is literally the hero for casuals.

Insane heal to allow for bad trades/bad play.
1 shot capability off of a hook with a hitbox the size of Africa.

"He literlly did the best he could"

Roadhog can still one-shot 250 and lower HP characters with an M2 headshot, if he was any good he wouldn't have needed the hook. She was fucking standing still for fucks sake.

You have Doomfist now. 1 hit kill unavoidable charger every 4 seconds, supports mains surely enjoy this :^)

But it's fair now!

unironically casuals
If you tell them the game is goty they wont second guess it

Headshotting is too hard to do on heroes like Widow and Tracer. Their head hitbox is the size of a nail. Best thing is to do what he did. Shoot, hook and shoot again.

Sure in a perfect world he could have headshotted and all pellets would land on her head. But if everyone had perfect aim then everyone would play Widow and Mcree.

>Blizzard changes Roadhog because it turns out instant kill skills are not good for the game nor is it fun to play against
>Then proceeds to add a character built around this idea on a shorter cooldown

What the fuck wrong with Blizzard.

I hate doomfist so fucking much because my team will never, ever aim at him. I play zenyatta a lot and the second I see the black bull charging at me, I know for a fucking fact that the soldier next to me is going to sprint off to save himself while I get culturally enriched. Discorded he will die in like 2 seconds, but nope. they gotta let him charge up that loud as fuck rocket punch and pussy out.

>be widow
>stand near on point aiming at the ceiling
>Roadhog can't even kill me
Lol, is this what the shitters wanted?

>characters with an M2 headshot
Do you mean if you get the blast directly in their face and land all the pellets?
If so that's retarded to even consider an if situation. You'd have an easier time playing any other class and getting better dps than that.

and he had 100% pick rate in comp games

guarenteed kill that was hook + shoot + melee that required zero skill

Are you implying It's hard to headshot as Roadhog from pointblank when he has a large bullet spread?

Yes now it's fair and now you have four minutes to react.

It's heroes of the storm balancing but with overwatch.

Do you even know what pointblank means?

I don't have any
Nice projection though, at least I'm not bad at the game

And he was still fun to fight because free ult. Funny how that works

I've done it numerous times, thanks to Roadhogs RoF it's even easier to do it.

>We gotta nerf hog because getting insta killed isn't fun
>Next patch add le black man of one shotting
Bravo blizzard.

Tbh he is hard to catch, like Genji. Better double jump but every 7 seconds (upper), no refelction but armor for every special that hit your team, better, faster and far more dangerous dash.


That's not all the time and on command, like any other hero.

He didn't melee after the m1

>Roadhog can still one-shot 250 and lower HP characters with an M2 headshot
Actually, that's statistically impossible. Roadhog shoots 10 pellets, with a new damage of 6 per pellet - which makes for 60 damage if all hit. Combined with a headshot makes 120 damage, which is not enough to kill even a Tracer. Roadhog relies on at least 2 or 3 face shots to maximise lethality.

So... No. You're wrong.

fuck blizzard

>getting insta killed isn't fun
God I hope this isn't their reasoning.
Christ it's probably one of the most fair Insta kills in a game I've seen.

>spotted salty roadhog main

>get hooked because lol lets give the hook a fucking retarded huge hitbox
>lets also give the guy a shotgun that can 1 hit kill most classes after hooking
>instantly die

truly a fun fight. it was all skill as well, it had nothing to do with the gigantic, laggy hitbox that he threw out and randomly hooked you with and then didnt even have to aim the followup that kills you

overwatch is garbage and the people that still play it have zero taste in videogames

Jesus Christ blizzard.

It required skill to play hog and not instantly die against anything like skilled opponents. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence didn't just stand around in the open waiting to get hooked, they played off of barriers and cover. Meanwhile any time you try to do anything soldier is raining bullets into your titanic head hitbox. Not saying hook wasn't strong, but it certainly wasn't overpowered, as to die to it required making mistakes or being retarded.

>D.VA mains
Always the worst players. That's the only character they ever know how to play, force them into another roll and they will fail every single time. D.VA requires nothing more then a pulse to play. At least you had to be more conservative with the old defense matrix.

>1 hit kill most classes after hooking


You know, the classes known for their mobility, often referred to as the "squishies"?

>Be Roadhog
>Hook somebody
>Walk backwards before shooting
>Complain they didn't die

Can someone explain to me why it is that the majority of upper tier players say that Doomfist is balanced "because he has to dive deep and has a huge hitbox making it easy to focus him", but 50% of the game I play, no one does anything about him and he's allowed to run wild, decimating my entire team and then casually flying out without any retaliation?


Every. Single. Day.

>force the entire team to be completely passive lest they get instantly killed by hook+shotgun+melee combo
>completely nullify 1 person per fight due to the power of the hook combo


Get good, don't be a retard and run in his range. Christ he was a joke hero when I played against him on release.
An ult battery if anything.

Has Roadhogs movement heal buffed helped him any?

Skilled opponents on other heroes actually took skill.

To be a skilled roadhog takes about 2 hours of quickplay.

argumento invaladito

>out of position
God forbid anyone be in line of sight of Roadhog for 66 feet.

These """""""upper tier players """"""" are retards

i dont play this shit anymore, i dropped it a long time ago due to its fucking awful balance so i was talking about pre nerfed roadhog which apparently was 'fine'

>still playing overwatch
Just drop it and move on like literally everyone else with taste.

>a tank

I regret this shit game

The direction they're heading is almost like they want it to be played as a MOBA instead of an FPS

Sure there are heroes that can be played with some skill but it doesn't fucking matter anyways

Casuals and lootboxes, that's really the whole answer. People play the game to gamble with gacha boxes, they don't play for a finely honed competitive experience.

>force the entire team to be completely passive
just gang up on him

>play one of the only two classes in the game that can actually make hooking take slightly more effort than aiming in someones general direction and pressing a button

>wtf hes a joke lmao

Don't listen to anyone below grand master, and they are also biased as fuck.

he shoots 26 pellets you fucking tard

It is, Jeff said so.
>Players think that every change we make to hero has the intent of buffing or nerfing that hero. Changes to heroes are usually made to make the game better. That’s what we were trying to do with Roadhog. Our goal wasn’t a nerf – our intent wasn’t a nerf. Our intent was to try to remove a behavior that had become “not ok” with our player base – the one-shot combo.

Id probably still hate it but it'd be better if doomfist the hitbox on the charge was more reasonable and if it knocked you straight back instead of looking like it finds the closest wall and sends you towards it

He's hog+genji+reaper with the benifits of all and the drawbacks of none. Best mobility, oneshots nearly everything without even having to aim, and if you're hitting anything you're getting so much bonus health that you cannot die.

>shoot him from behind cover and behind shields and tanks
>what the fuck how did I do this without playing one of those two classes

Play the game.

I'm master rank and I quit the game every season because it's so boring and lacking of content, void of fun etc.
And I regret giving my money to Blizzard.
Doesn't seem like he was projecting with your passive aggressiveness shining through, I think you are the one projecting with your little butthurt quip

tanks shouldnt have the ability to 1 shot people, and when tanks fight it should be a wet noodle fight.

winston, dva, zarya (not at 100 charge) all wet noodle damage.

If you had taste you wouldn't be playing it in the first place.

nah i think i made the better decision by uninstalling and playing far better games

enjoy your casual shitfest of overpowered WOAH SO COOL PRESS X FOR AWESOME IM THE BEST!!!! mobafpsshit

>A tank can't 2v1
How awful

>I have to play a safe game, i can't handle the pressure of losing

Jesus you're the reason the game is shit

Hook, walk forward, shoot at the head, melee. That's literally all you need to do to be good at hog.

Shit game, shit players and shit discussion in a shitty thread

Didn't his m2 do 50 damage before exploding?

that's 6hp over tracer provided an absolutely perfect spread


You are now aware that all of these attacks will connect.

Because it's FUN. Also, are they showering you in lootboxes (even custom games give you lootboxes now) or do they try to jew you out of money? You have to pick one.

>Getting pounded by a big fist
I don't think support mains complain too much, it's just like real life.

>Crouch and aim next to a door
>Wait for someone to come along and peek
>Bodyshot them for the kill
Wow, truly skillful!

>one shot combos are not ok
>releases coonfist which one shots quicker than Hog, and has massive mobility to go with it

really activates my almonds

playing safe =/= not being able to do anything other than camp back as an offensive hero because tanks can outdamage you

11/10 shit balance


Vertical hit boxes for balance reasons are bigger.

It's actually pretty good. I don't know how it'll pan out in play, but it makes you unkillable and lets you either keep up in someones face when they try to bail on the fight or lets you run away and get a better position.

Seriously nothing can kill you through this thing.

I actually think adding loot boxes to custom games was a terrible idea. You have to win to get them, so people end up playing customs just as seriously as quick play. There's no "just for fun" mode, everyone's in it to win.

i really dont get how this game is so popular, just look at this fucking shit

complete casual cancer for literal babies to play and be good at

>play with team
>but this guy whose countering me is countering me

Tough shit.
Reinhardt mitigates you Just as much as road, just a different thought process on the execution.

I'm guessing the ping is like 650ms in this clip

You got your answer m8

dumb blizzdrone

The image on the left is a hit where both of them are standing on the ground but the aim is to the side.

because it's immune to criticism

The main 3 places it gets talked about are Reddit, the forums and here.

Everyone knows Sup Forums shits on absolutely everything popular, you're not allowed to be negative ever on Reddit and the official forums are obviously full of Blizzard fanboys.

I said Doomfist was cancer day 1 and got tons of downvotes, then less than a week later people start posting the exact same things i did and getting thousands of upvotes because he's so bad he actually broke the circlejerk for a moment

>what the fuck why isn't my tank a dps reee

Doomfist and Orisa are probably the worst designs they've done.

Balance reasons

Seriously why do people get upset that hit boxes are bigger than the model.

Haha get fucked retardhog players, your tears nourish the rest of the small population that's left in the shitty game.

>play with team

yeah let's have heroes designed to flank sit back and deal dps with their insane range!!!11!!1!

>Roadhog countering me
be tunneled into a hero that has range and sit behind a rein shield

muh diverse champion play

How you want your hitreg senpai?

Only going down hill

Yeah, it charges the enemies ult like a charm.