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ruby eating cookies


Ishiwatari should've fired Mori to prevent this disaster. Mori is not mentally healthy.
Re-evaluate your fucking life

Ishiwatari became Miyamoto when they went back to the shitty #r balance for Xrd because that's the last game he worked on.

you can only pick one

pls show armpits

None of them. Weiss if you put a gun to my head

I pick best girl yang

Shouldn't Weiss be prnounced "Veiss" since it's a German word?

Depends if German exists in the RWBY world

>rwby and homosuck are going to be Sup Forums topics soon
why does Sup Forums just radiate cancer generals?

Yang, not even a question. Weiss is a nice runner up though.

What happened? Quick rundown?

Mind if she joins the fight?

none especially if their voices were exactly the same

There is a tag team battler by arksys. It has characters from Blazblue, Persona 4 Arena, UNIEL, and RWBY. No one expected the last one.

What would you expect from a tumblr colony?

>No one expected the last one.
We've known for ages that Mori wanted to do something with RBWY so it wasn't that unexpected.

Back to /trash/ where your general is at.

>all japanese voices
>suddenly english

Apart from that it looks good

>mfw I'll get to crush RWBYfags online who never played an anime fighter before and only got the game for their shitty waifu

I was expecting a solo game. Like P4A. Not something like this.
Although I do like a crossover more.

I wouldn't worry about voices, RWBY characters have jap dubs, and you'll be able to pick eng or jap dub in-game.

>mfw I'll play as two RWBY characters just to taunt you

All this thing needed was Kancercolle and 2hu to be the perfect waifushitter containment game

>its been almost a month and people are still using this as a bait thread for constant shitposting
More news fucking when?

Everytime I see posts like this I wonder how people are gonna feel if they lose to a RWBY character.

Do people even care about those anymore? I thought Fate was the premier waifubait series these days.


only if Bang is playable. I want to see how much she gushes over him after she mistakes him for one of her erotic manslut ninjas from her book

I don't understand this thread, is that ryougi?

no nose

>tfw you will never ass fuck Weiss before throwing a couple dollars her way and calling her daddy's little whore

It's the Rube.

>you'll be able to pick eng or jap dub in-game
I hope you are right.


I swear she had the best character design of the original lineup


>that webm on the artist's blog showing off his blushing tech with her

Hindsight is 20/20.

>Ruby realises she has boobs
She's going to be crosseyed all day over that thought

>tfw you will never get weiss pregnant out of wedlock and watch her cry as her father disowns her

Literally made to get BLACKED

dont lewd the rube

You realize the only thing that horrible show has going for it is waifus, right?

Waifus are not for lewd

ruby easily


>no Guilty Gear characters
Thank god.

user, your waifu has become so used to the BBC she feels nothing from you anymore. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

If he would stop with the nigger/cuckold shit then it would be good

I haven't seen seasons 3 and 4 yet.
Tell me what I should think of them before I watch them.

Rage and disappointment.

There is no way she's 14

>Season 3
Actually decent pacing and plot development which is ruined by some of the worst fights and animation in the entire series even though it's ironically the fighting tournament arc.

>Season 4
The exact opposite of Season 3, except the fights are also shit aside from one.

>Season 3
The season where everything goes wrong
>Season 4
The season where absolutely nothing happens

Jokes on you, my waifu is Yang.

>season 4
it's a snoozefest, the only decent piece of action is qrow vs tyrian

Or it would've been if most of the fight didn't happen in a house you can't see the inside of. Or ruby fucking everything up because muh helping.

>ruby fucking everything up because muh helping
Should have told the kids what his Semblance did. Ruby would have been just fine had she just kept shooting from a distance.

>Ruby would have been just fine had she just kept shooting from a distance
>"Don't come any closer"
>Comes closer

The only thing volume 4 did is make Ruby look less like jailbait, she actually looks 16 instead of 13 going on 14.

I mean, the show is based around the protagonists being actual, literal, retards.
Were any of ozpin's plans any good? Or was he just completely incompetent?

sounds bad

At this point it seems like he expected everything to happen, it wouldn't surprise me if has been pulling the strings since the beginning at expected the rest of the characters to act like retards the whole time so kept acting so mysterious and smart.

so what the fuck is a combat skirt

>salem and ozpin are on the same side
>she just wants him dead because she can rub his nose in it after

He knew about Penny yet let her fight somebody whose her direct counter, he guilt'd Prryah into taking the maiden power despite her hesitation and confusion and this lead to her feeling guilty about what happened to the other fall maiden leading to her developing guilt to the point she committed a pointless suicidal move by throwing herself at someone who just killed him and the other maiden.

Penny and Pyrrah's deaths are on him as much as they are on Cinder's.Mercury and Emerald's. Not that it matters to the lather two, they're definitely going to be killed off in volume 5, there's absolutely no reason to keep them around when you have fucks like Tyrian and Adam and the white fang now. Even Neo is confirmed alive and to appear in volume 5 and she's far more useful and popular than those two idiots. I especially hope Mercury dies as lamely as Torchwick did.


>Not Platinum


>Even Neo is confirmed alive and to appear in volume 5 and she's far more useful and popular than those two idiots.

Not only that they have been hyping up her heavely, mostl with the whole thing that haven't seen yet what she's capable of and Roman always kept her in check.

I can see Mercury dying, but I can see Emerald getting some redemption arc because she looks like feeling guilt sometimes about the shit they do, but probably will die in a dumb way for Cinder or even being killed by her.

You're also forgetting that his first response to a wide scale attack that he knew was targetting the maiden wasn't to try and ambush the attackers - which would have been simple, considering he knew the target. No, his first response was to attempt an untested procedure that would definitely kill the maiden and possibly kill his designated successor.

Or how he never once fucking looked into the possibility of having his intranet compromised by the attack on the CCT tower.

Or how his call to amber got her grimm'd. Or how he leaves the investigation of a suspected terrorist cell with enough dust to blow up a city to a bunch of 17 year olds.

I honestly can't think of one decision he made in the show that wasn't a clusterfuck.

>as lamely as Torchwick did.
Pls do not bully the Torchwick, he deserved better.

Ruby was made for BBC

According to both Salem and Cinder he is supposed to be a very arrogant man.

Crowd reaction is better:

This guy could destroy every single RWBY character including the dragon and silver eyes and Salem.
Jayoku Houtenjin!

What's wrong with those to game.

>He knew about Penny yet let her fight somebody whose her direct counter

Cinder rigged the matchup though, Oz had no control over that.

Every Blazblue character can slaughter just about every RWBY character. Don't forget all the seither/ArsMagusMagicScienseshit that the Blazblue characters use.

He could very easily have stopped it. He had to know that penny getting torn apart because pyrrah used too much juice would have been a lot more demoralizing than some bullshit 'we're having technical difficulties' followed by 'the contestant from atlas had to withdraw at the last moment due to medical reasons'.

Speaking of how grimm are drawn to misery - how the fuck is atlas still around? They have companies being mustache twirlingly evil and laughing at the suffering of a huge portion of their population and they somehow don't have a giant wave of supernatural monsters beating at their gates 24/7?

He didn't know that Penny was a android, and Cinder hijacked the match making machine.

all at once

Is Hazama the Madara Uchiha of Vidya?

>died by having her lungs burned out via an arrow lodged in her spine through her ribcage
You could even hear her death rattle. I want Cinder to die horribly.

Once jaune gets his bullshit reflection semblance he'll probably rip her apart.

Her own fault for walking into a slaughter instead of just crushing cinder with the fucking gears in the office.

Doesn't Atlas have a massive fucking military?

I like that they are blocking that weird as fuck claw with the logo

The weirdest thing is seeing this and realizing that there are people who actually unironically follow and enjoy RWBY.

A powerful army and natural protection

Not only that, but she went without backup too. Still want Cinder to bleed out without any limbs.

>subfag: I only watch anime in its intended language
>also subfag: this english series would be better in a language I can't understand

Yeah, but grimm are completely relentless. Atlas would eventually just run out of bullets if things are as bad there as they're depicted.

They aren't even from Sup Forums. These faggots were too cancerous for Sup Forums and were thrown into (the) /trash/.

Hazama? No.

Terumi? Sure. You can't even touch Terumi's true form unless you conveniently happen to have a Deus ex Noel laying around, and even then you can't put him down for good unless you happen to have a sword that can literally erase timelines and cut off his source of power. This isn't even counting Susano'o who is an actual God.

The only person who can straight up injure him without the Noel/Hakumen assist is Jubei, and that's only because he has his dead brother's eye which allows him to perceive Terumi's true form without needing Noel as a proxy.

Why DID they build somebody like Penny? The fact that they offered no explanation for it only helped Cinder fuel more doubt and more grimm. Why did Pyrrha pick that fight with Cinder, she killed Ozpin and Amber easily, Pyrrha's suppose to be smart, she had to have known she was walking to her death, it bothers me, she died for nothing when she could have been riding Jaune's brains out by now. If Ruby had reached that tower even a minute later she never would have activated those silver eye powers meaning the dragon would kill everyone with grimm swarms and Cinder would be getting the fuck out of dodge as she got what she wanted. If you're gonna kill a character at least have them go out knowing they accomplished something or were going to accomplish something.

I keep forgetting Hazama and Terumi are "separate". He's literally Touhou levels of bullshit OP it's not even funny.

I thought penny was supposed to be their way to control the maiden powers. Suck it out of the current holders and put it in an android that is literally incapable of disobeying orders.
But that would bring up even more questions like why they didn't suck amber dry earlier.