The thinking man's Final Fantasy

The thinking man's Final Fantasy.

Was Ellonne a Sorceress?

Did Rinoa really become a Triple Sorceress at the end?

I played this game once I think eight years ago and I don't remember the story at all. I member the playable character being right about everything.


>Did Rinoa really become a Triple Sorceress at the end?

triple? Where'd you get that from?

Would WEAPON have stopped Sephiroth if Cloud wasn't able to?

Keep in mind, Mako energy is a natural resource for the planet, and has mad ancient world defense WEAPON'S for thousands of years before we ever met Cloud.

It's the silliest Final Fantasy.

thinking about how many cocks it sucks maybe

Rinoa absolved Edea's, Adel's, and Ultimecia's Sorceress powers by the end of the game.

Or well, technically not Ultimecia's, as she gets stuck in time and transfers her powers to Sorceress Edea, making her a double sorceress at the start of the game.

So, I guess I'm wrong in that question, and it should be asking if Edea and Rinoa are truly both Double Sorceresses at points in the game.


Ellone wasn't a sorceress. She just had a special ability. Like a prodigy.

FF8 is essential fedoracore among with Majora's Mask and Nocturne.

I don't think they stack, so much as just..add to the power of the sorceress who absorbs the power. Ultimecia seemed to have the power of all other sorceresses, so for a bit, Rinoa would have been powerful as fuck.

Then again, they change time, so..who knows.


Ultimecia had her own power standalone, and through Junction Machine Ellonne, she was able to enter other Sorceress' in time.

But, they have to transfer their power before death, as we see in the cycle of FF8, where Ultimecia ends up at the orphanage, and Edea states that she's already a sorceress, and will collect Ultimecia's power too, as to protect the children.

But, then either that power, or both of those powers transfer to Rinoa at the end of Disc 2, and then Rinoa also collected Adel's power.

Alright, so we have to accept that Ultimecia is not Rinoa, but if they had written more towards it, then FFVIII would inarguably be the greatest Final Fantasy, right?

>Ultimecia had her own power standalone

but it's all the same power.

That's not Final Fantasy Tactics.

Ultimecia lives in the far future and lived a life of persecution. It's a retarded idea/debate.

Divided into 1/3's if I recall.

Which leads there to be three total powers to go around, I couldn't imagine those powers actually being able to stack, or transfer to someone who already had power.

Which is why I need to replay the game, and understand who is where during the Sorceresses transfer of power.

Edea starts out as a Sorceress from as early as we can see her in the game ever.

Ultimecia's powers get transferred from her to, 'presumably' Edea while Squall, Ellonne, and everyone is in the Orphanage.

So, I don't think Edea actually got those powers, I think they went to Ellonne.

Then Edea loses her Sorceress powers in Disc 2, transfering them to Rinoa.

Which gives us Rinoa, Adel, and Ellone as the sorceresses for the current gameplay time period.

But, then Adel dies, and time gets compressed, and shit gets fucked up.. I need to see those scenes again god damnit. 'Cause that all happens so fast, and I don't know what the fuck.

Alright, /ffg/‘s no help: How come Squall doesn't gain stats from junctioning? He used to but now he's not. Am I doing something wrong?

Well, the power was once one, and came from Hyne and got transferred into "potentials". Edea always got her power from Rinoa. Which is why she existed while Adel was alive, but dormant. The power was there, but..sort of..dead.

It's basically the same as how it works in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

They're no help because you're a retard. Give up all video games.

>main LI is the super villain from the future

would have been way more impactful, especially the whole Griever thing, and pretty unique, yeah

>way more impactful
>going to the end of time itself, where everyone is dead, to a conjured castle chained to the ruined earth and fighting a witch with the power of a god

how much more impactful do things need to be?

This is the shittiest list ever. Everyone from 13 not being in shit tier invalidates it.

This is true.

This is a terrible list. Zidane is an awfully written character who makes his party worse characters by association.

>Silliest FF

You clearly haven't played the one that's essentially a harem anime with alien werewolves and an evil tree whose arch nemesis is a turtle.

Where would 15's characters fit in here?

no idea, I've not played it yet.

If you're thinking exclusively about hitting yourself in the face with a brick I guess, sure.