Monster Hunter

What are the chances of it getting localized?

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MH World was literally made for the west. That's why we dont't get this to not cannibalize the sales of MHW

Do you really want to play this again?

Personally, I thought this was the weakest in the series.
But that might have just been me being burnt out from 4U.

Not him but yes I fucking do want to play the definitive version of something I enjoyed. Why they're not localizing it is beyond me, it's some pseudointellectual corporate doublethink where they believe that bringing over XX would impact the sales of World in a negative way. I'm also not going to fucking import this thing when I can't even transfer over my progress from Generations on 3DS, let alone read what's being said. It's retarded, and I encourage anyone who says "support the series by importing" to die painfully, as doing that genuinely does nothing to tell Capcom that we want the game.

> it's some pseudointellectual corporate doublethink where they believe that bringing over XX would impact the sales of World in a negative way

This is what really drives me nuts. I'm probably not going to buy World even though it looks very pretty, but I'd definitely buy XX if it was localized. Unfortunately I can't "vote with my wallet" or anything like that unless they bring XX over, and if World doesn't do well Capcom is probably going to throw up their hands and go "oh looks like the West doesn't like MH, oh well".


lol, you bought a switch for MH

do you need it localized? I thought switch was region free. can't you just buy it from the eshop, and use the website to translate any items you don't know?

Everyone who played Generations is incapable of transferring over their progress, so they have to grind everything back.

>Proper MH finally on a console again

>No localization because they don't want to compete with Casual Hunter Worlds



they came outright and told us no they have no plans now or in the future too

Doesn't the Switch have no region lock in place?
You can import a Japanese copy. Not like the story matters.

well fuck. and I guess using a hacked 3ds to install nip xx, create a save, save edit a bunch of shit and transfer to your switch account, probably won't work.

not that I condone cheating, but I can't think of any other possible way(probably wouldn't work, anyway)

These are Monster Hunter fans we're talking about here. They're too stupid to understand concepts like importing.

I'm a retard and I did too.

Luckily for me I like Animal Crossing and have a PS4 Pro and good PC.

Moderate, but no chance until Worlds hits out here. They aren't going to cannibalize sales of their new flagship.

It probably would work, but it's so roundabout that I'm not going to fucking bother.

There is also literally nothing wrong with cheating unless you do it in a multiplayer game to give yourself an edge. Hacking in your progress in a game where you already got it once is not a bad thing.

Please die

>Not like the story matters.

Because everyone loves translating ching chong just to find a what materials they need to upgrade their weapon

>They aren't going to cannibalize sales of their new flagship.

Nigger, anyone buying XX will also buy World

There are sites for that. It's not perfect but its better than nothing.

this. why would I not buy both? they're not even the same game, when you look at them side-by-side.

also, I'm not really expecting world to be a hit. normie chads are going to carry sales for the ps4, so prepare yourselves low rank carting and rage quitting.

I'm only buying it on PC if I end up having people to play with. I wanted XX more from the start.

Capcom is dragging their feet with XX here because Gen was a hit in Japan but not so much in the west, compared to 4U. It's probably not a "never ever" situation, but none of us can say for sure

They're pretty high, it will just not be for another year. This would have happened anyway because we get Monster Hunter games localized on a delay. The only reason they haven't announced anything is because World is coming first, which is designed from the ground up for the west with the localization process during the development cycle so it has a simultaneous worldwide release. XX will come sometime after that.

>to not cannibalize the sales of a game that won't even be on the same platforms

When nintenfags stop asking about it.

Are they just being coy nips or have they confirmed there will be no western release?
I may import a copy but I'd be pissed if they released a localized version later on.

You will no matter how much you cry. Playing XX shows that you will play anything, including world.

It would be good to have a HD version of the game with the most monsters ever yes.

Will the Japs even buy this? It doesn't have many preorders and everyone's already been done playing XX like 7 months ago

the only thing terrible about XX is not nerfing the evade arts, at least it doesn't let you run while healing, let you access your box mid quest to refill potions and items, give you free traps and bombs all over the map that hit for 10x a lv3 GS slash, let you move while shooting, etc

Get the demo on the Japanese eShop, fight Valphalk and go play some other game.

That's litteraly the only good thing about XX.

It lifted the resolution limit it had in 4ds and upscaled everything else, that's no HD.
They did HD in 3U for WiiU and XX looks worse.


XX a shit
World a shit
last good game was 3G

>aquatic hunts
No thanks

>he didn't like Flooded Forest Lagi fights

mah man.

Underwater combat brought the much needed depth to exploration and hunts.

who cares? MHW is where it's at, no more of this faggy animu hunter arts shit

>he says as they integrate arts into regular movesets and as finishers to combos

not to mention the IG air dashes keeping you in the air indefinitely as long as you have stamina

Who cares, just import it. That's what I'm doing. I don't need to know the text to shoot monsters in the face.

It was at the Japan Expo in France, so it might at least get a french release.

>it might get localized into another 3rd world language
Wow, how exciting

>monster hunter: fetch quest
hopefully not

Atleast they can come up with their own language and not just use another counties one like lazy fat asses and then dumb it down.

>he thinks French isn't derived from Latin
European education.

He means that burgers took the Brits' language and can't even spell it properly. French isn't Latin, the burger men actually speak English but have issues with too many letters and butcher normal spelling in certain words.

I'd say 50/50, but only after MHW comes out

If MHW was made for the west then Capcom have nothing to fear by localizing XX.

If anything, they'll end up with the World sales they would have gotten plus the XX sales

The general consensus among long time MH veterans is they are going to skip this lazy cashgrab because most of them have already played MHGen on 3DS.

Plus, they aren't gonna buy a new console solely for the G-Rank rerelease of the worst MH game after all. Nothing is lost if the game weren't localized, except to Switch owners.

That's why no one bought MH3G or MH4U right?


Both MH3U and MH4G are legit good games, that's why people don't mind shelling their bucks for them.

But MHX literally took a huge dump all over the franchise with the introduction of cuhrayzee ebin Shonen anime moves and MHXX jumped the shark by introducing over the top shit like rocket booster Valphalkmon and more shonenesque HAs.

Which explains why they both were much maligned by MH veterans.

I will, I never bought G because fuck the 3ds.

I guess I feel the same way. I liked Gen, yet wasn't heartbroken when Capcom canned XX's localization.

This. Fuck jet monster.

Now, the rock Fatalis with glowing weakpoint for massive damage that's also a volcano, killed by using the axe that transform into a sword that explodes, or the animal-controlling acrobatic stick and the shield that becomes an axe that does parry explosions and giant shockwaves, used in a literal anime story and against a walking oil bomb, ha - THAT'S realistic and cool.

Opinion discarded
