filename thread
Filename thread
Is that Linda from sales?
what the kind of hellish creature are they purging
That guy has some serious balls for doing that shit in China.
Looks like more Joe Rogan tbqh fampai
Now you made me remeber the spiderman cosplayer who died like this
>Unbeatable intro boss you're supposed to lose to
Cthulhu's pubes
its canada
what game?
What is this?
Area 51 for ps2
This is a videogame
That's what he said
>That dig will die as that child is growing up
Fuck that guuuuuuy
Eh, same thing.
what game?
is the YPPM still at it?
Legend of Grimrock 2
>Mexican """"people""""
>Black """""""""People""""""""""
need a name
felt bad for laughing
why did that white shirt giga nigga come up behind? did he think his red shirt giga nigga couldn't handle a fucking midget or something?
Isnt moving someone while they're like that really fucking dangerous?
Niggers are always to pussy to fight 1v1, I swear
What a chill bear. I thought all bears where violent, but I don't know. There are no bears where I live.
What's wrong with these people. I've never seen anyone fight like this irl, you can fucking kill someone by sucker punching them from behind the head
>There are no bears where I live.
That's what you think
Fucking China, man. China.
And the lesson is :
Always be armed and take the phones of everyone involved
If I was a gril I would fat guy fuck me however he wants for that, dude deserves it.
>fairy dusting
>[lo-fi hip hop beat intensifies]
>that hand raise the millisecond it leaves his fingers
Everybody dies. Dog's gonna have a good doggy life, give the kid a good doggy companion for their early life, set them up good for the rest of it. Everyone wins as much as it's possible to win with life as it is.
Holy shit balls of steal
Bippity Boppity Boop
Max Payne and Tex have come a long way from NY.
Fuckin fair play to orange shirt guy.
Don't know any of the story behind this but the guy fucking handled himself.
Lol "skyrim combat"
I think it's just black bears that are aggressive. Most bears will only attack if you're near their cubs, or if they're agitated.
Still generally not safe to be around a bear on the off chance that they decide to tear your guts out.
his finger wasnt near the trigger though
western anime is so fucking gay
I'll steal your balls, user
Yes, as is repeated trauma to the head.
NEVER look down the barrel of a gun, user.
That file name killed me
Why would you ever look through a fucking loaded barrel?
How did it even fire when his hand isnt even near the trigger?
Guns have safety for a reason.
Very few of these random comics make sense but when they do they are gold
>nigga gets called out for being a little bitch, even to fucking midgets
>b-but white peeple
fucking niggers...
And that reason is NOT "so you can look down the barrel of a loaded shotgun". Jesus.
heres a (you)
it is if he fractured his neck but i doubt a single hook could did that. it's more relevant in car crashes etc.
Nigger was probably trying to steal something, 100% the black guy probably started it.
You go look down a loaded gun, that's not what I meant.
LARPing in San Francisco.
holy shit, that nigger's fucking dead lol
Don't point a gun at someone, even if you know it is unloaded or unable to shoot.
Do not look down a gun's barrel, even if you know it is unloaded or unable to shoot.
You can keep your finger on the trigger if you know it is unloaded or unable to shoot if its for the photo because it will trigger /k/
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