When was the last time you played a good single player FPS game?
When was the last time you played a good single player FPS game?
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>good single player FPS game
I bought Postal 2 for $.99 yesterday and am playing through it now.
DOOM 2016.
Titanfall 2 also had a neat campaign as well, but while good it wasn't the stand out feature of the game more of a supplement.
Resident Evil VII. Other than a PS2 copy of TimeSplitters II, it's the only one i own anyway.
I played Deus Ex a few days ago for the first time.
>Resident Evil VII
he said good though
hopefully with GMDX mod
but deus ex is not a fps, it's a rpg in fp perspective
Oh ok. There are none then in that case, and FPS games are a meme genre that only casuals like since 2007 and the downfall of modern gaming. Remember when MGS4 took the absolute piss out of the growing generic state of gen 7 by pretending they were going to make MGS another genric iorn sight simulator?
Fuck FPS games. They suck a dick, whats so great about false perspective games where you double tap a mouse crosshairs on the screen to fire a gun?
try playing unreal, quake, FEAR...to see how fps games of yore had outstanding map design, mechanics, weapon and enemy design, music and TECHNOLOGY.
>using JAPANESE fps attempt as an example of a bad fps
Bioshock 1
Stalker: Call of Chernobyl
play bioshock 2 then, it's a better game
But i had way more fun with REVII than any FPS i have tried to pick up before. It's not that i havn't played any growing up, i have. I just don't like it as a perspecitve. I don't like it in RPGs, i don't like it in GTAV, i just am not really fond of it. Especially when people say "it's the most immersive bro" fuck off, i don't move on a strafe axis with my hands outstreched in front of me at all times no matter what like a fucking zombie. Anyway, thats just like, my opinion man.
Gameplay wise sure.
Never. I dislike the genre as a whole. Half Life, Bioshock etc.
sounds like you need a better desk bro
i don't play on PC bro. And if i did, i don't want to sit at a desk to play games. PC is built for FPS and grand stradegy, and i don't like either of those things.
>try playing unreal, quake, FEAR...
All shit
why are you even here
Because OP asked a question and i answered it. REVII. Just turned out no one liked the answer.
Post more of these edits please
MW2. Kind of a guilty pleasure but fuck you if you don't think 1&2 were fun.
I played like 10 minutes of Republic Commando yesterday
Rogue Warrior
Best $3 I've ever spent
Doom 2 with smooth doom
I unironically had a blast with D44M.
rage or the third stalker game
neither was a masterpiece but they were "good"