Stormy winter fryday night

>Stormy winter fryday night
>Alone in your room, you can see the rain from the window
>In your bed, covered with a warm blanket
>Having a delicious hot cup of chocolate
>With the gamepad in your hand
So what console/game would you play in this situation? I remember playing Okami, God Hands, Rouge Galaxy, Silent Hill, RE for hours back in the days. I miss those days...

fuck off


playing vidya in bed isn't comfy in any remote sense of the word unless you have a ceiling mounted display

and even then it's unappealing since you can't turn your head a single degree or your headphones will get in the way


Yea you keep telling yourself that Mr. 1999

Sure, headphone boy.

I want darkies to leave.

oh shit i forgot headphones weren't invented until just 5 years ago
how embarrassing


It must be difficult being this wrong all the time.

Is the Sup Forums boogieman still a meme if niggers actually believe its real?

This is just not possible anymore.
I could have done that 12 years ago, with my GBA SP. I would have redone Metroid Fusion.
Now, I'm just not calm enough. When I'm not at work, I'm thinking about my life and my next job, since of course I am hired for a limited time. I am stressed out.
My mind is not at peace anymore. My gf, who's working since longer than me, tells me that I'll never be calm again, and that I should get used to it, and that's adult life, and that it's normal.
I miss the good old days, when I thought my worst problems were actually problems. I miss being scared for an exam, I miss making new friends, and I miss trying to look cool in front of her. At least I have her.
I am not fit for this society, at all. At all.

Fallout 3 or New Vegas
Those games have insanely comfy environments

The rain pounding against my window will never ever be "comfy". It's fucking miserable!

Used to play final fantasy tactics and ff7 eating homemade cookies and hot chocolate. I miss those nights.

Then go into a different line of work dipshit

I am in the same situation... I am 24 and I had a daughter recently... Not currently playing videogames... And I don't have a work (my gf and gf's mother convinced me to leave my job, security guard, because it's too dangerous, I worked in a really shitty place) I am really stressed for not finding a work


It's loud and it's constant.

Ha, I am, my 2nd Master will be done in 3 years.

Gosh, a daughter at 24. I am 27 and it's not planned at all, we are at least waiting to have stable jobs. Also I am a pessimistic type, and I don't want to give this world to my children.
I hope you're a happy father.

probably dragon quest 7.

what nigger shithole are you from

>tells me that I'll never be calm again, and that I should get used to it, and that's adult life, and that it's normal
Sounds like a real stick in the mud, eh, user? Try to enjoy yourself a little.

Of course I am happy with her. I was going to call her Cereza because of Bayonetta, but my GF didn't want that name

>Not having rains in winter.
No, where the fuck are YOU from

shenmue 1, when its also winter in-game

>With the gamepad in your hand

Thanks. I am, but that deep feeling never goes away, whatever I'm doing.

Heh, you should have insisted

>tfw bedroom has no window, is in a basement, and technically breaks housing code but it's much cheaper

I did, but "we are not going to call her after a stupid videogame" and then we discuss

A basement bedroom can be really comfy if you do it right

You just have to force yourself to think about it. Do whatever it takes, but just ignore it. You will be fine, not every bit of your time has to be dedicated to doing workshit and prepping for more workshit. Just clear your mind.

game of remembering how shit your life is

*force yourself to NOT think about it
very important word that I somehow skipped over, whoops!

Dropped. I'd be playing on my comfy couch with the keyboard and mouse

>not lining the upper edges of the walls in LED light strips

I mean this is a double whammy since Sup Forums has a hate-boner for this game and this word, but BotW is absolutely fucking comfy. Just chilling and exploring, finding the odd korok, talking to people, finding shelter from the rain...

Stardew Valley, in the Autumn or Winter season ideally.

>live in the south
>anglo genetics
Where do I go back to?

this post made me remember beating the first MGS on a day school was canceled in a a snowstorm and I was in fact drinking swiss miss with marshmellows. nobody else was home either which was very peaceful because I grew up in household of angry people.
