Why aren't you writing about the Miami Mutilator right now, user...

why aren't you writing about the Miami Mutilator right now, user? He's more sophisticated than those stupid copycat killers with their stupid mask. You don't need a mask when you have thick skin like me.

Other urls found in this thread:


because he killed best boy

But the real best boy is possibly alive

biker is a faggot

did you hear about the miami masturbator ?

i wholeheartedly agree and im totally not the op.

Bah, Tony only wanted his 15 minutes of fame

He's my favorite in the game desu


This sequel was a mistake.
It only made the "fandom" get full of tumblr normies and memes.


See what I mean?
Horrendous and bastardized one-sided characters just for the sake of memes and tumblr attention.
Dennaton should've let the first one die a hero.

Pardoposting was a mistake.

I think you're wrong. A lot of the fans are shit-eating memers, sure, but you can't let that change the way you see a game. I actually liked the second game more.

I mean, come it's not like these characters are super deep and developed.

The sequel was the devs doing whatever experimentation they wanted before killing the setting.

Okay but what did you like more about the sequel than the first one ?
The characters are all "Oooh super badass and edgy", they made pointless plot lines that lead nowhere and took time from the interesting ones.

The Son was the best character.

I skipped EVERY piece of story in the two games, but I really enjoyed them.

Just soaked in the atmosphere and music and fun gameplay.

>Killed the hitman
>Best boy

>Killed the hitman
but he was the only one that didnt kill the hitman

The whole point is that life is pointless.

oh for real?
ill have to replay the level

The game should have been about him and expand on his side of the shit

You sound like Pickle Rick user.

Nigger what?

>Rick and morty invented nihilism

The point is that nihilism is edgy and gay.
They made a gay game to coin in the edgy autism surrounding the web nowadays.

Wtf are you talking about? Quit shitting up a potentially fun thread with your buzzwords.

>good thread
>it's nothing but memes and shit talking the game

>memes are bad

>"lel xDDD MEMES amirite ?????"
Upvoted friend!

I miss /hmg/ lads.

I believe that Detective Manny Pardo is the greatest Hotline Miami character of all time and if you disagree you are obviously a brainwashed Jacket Jackoff. Jacket isn't even that good of a killer, he has already been outdone by the mysterious and enigmatic shadow killer, The Miami Mutilator. Sound scary? Well, it's a good thing the master detective Manny Pardo is right on the case. However... this may be too much... even for a man like him.

HM2 was shit

petition to make another hotline miami thread on vg

did detroit user do it

do what?


thread is up on /vg/ enjoy

yeah dropped.

Get over yourself, fag. Those things were always there but the numbers increased because the game and its music were good. In the grand scheme its not even that popular.


i don't play shit game

The only thing that really ruined this character for me was that his levels were really annoying to go through.