*presses f5*

*presses f5*

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*slowly dies because its clear valve stopped giving a fuck long ago*

Not just using this site

>halloween will be a month away at that point
>yet another (((community driven))) hodgepodge of shit

Do you remember 21st night of september?

So are the forums gone? The standard format is so much better than the Steam discussion page.

I made this one almost nine months ago ;_;

>Pyro update taking more than a year to come

>Oh yeah, the MYM thing was also a contest to decide if Heavy or Pyro get their update FIRST

>we will have to wait EVEN LONGER for the heavy update

Are you guys ready to stop defending Valve and admit they ruined this game a while ago?

*presses delete local content*

It's still current user.
You can fill out the first two. :^)


fill my white card with your big comic sans font please

Isn't there some big comp event at the end of the month?

Do you guys really think they're going to put out a huge game-changing patch right before that?

nobody fucking plays pyro in comp anyways so whatever man. they probably on't though

No, that's why everyone's pissed off that it wasn't this week because that was probably our last hope to get it this month. Comp shitters ruining everything again I see.

I actually haven't thought of that oh my god

like they give a fuck about i61

Its ok nobody likes heavy anyways

i do
update will be delayed because of comp. They cant have a comp tourney if there is a shit ton of rebalances

that's the point, the update is meant to make him better

You cant make him better, Heavy is stuck.

I mean, isn't that the point of these two updates?

Heavy is just pyro but with bullets instead of fire. Both are characters with really not much depth.

I know his gameplay is boring in essence, but they should add weapons that have high risk/reward mechanics.

I hate how you only ever stock or tomislav cause the other miniguns are shit

i understand that but they are fucking notorious for releasing patchess (that also contains rebalances) before etf2l/ugc matches
i61 won't delay the update, it's valve that it's super late as usual

They will embrace friendly hoovy and give him an item that helps the other team more than yours.
No but really Heavy is fucked there is nothing you can do unless you revamp him completely

>waiting for odyssey
>waiting for tf2
>waiting for mania pc
fuck it I'm so tired of waiting


The fuck


Cares anymore

autists, third worlders, and a guy named bob.

/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can take over Sup Forums.

HEY Sup Forums

you're ugleh



Because heavy has a incredibly shit dps and aim from medium range and beyond. A soldier or demo does his job faster and better, the only way for a heavy to be an actual threat is to have a medic up his ass, but thats more medics fault than heavie's.

The tomislav at least lets him hit shit from more than 2 feet away


>Get killed by sniper
>*damn that guy is good*

>Get killed by sniper
>Check the scoreboard, report that player, play as spy with the cloack and dagger and just stay in front of him, try scout to see if he can manage to hit me, resume the rest of the match with everlasting paranoia

>60 days since the balance notes blog post
>90 days since the beginning of summer
>230 days since 2017 began
>241 days since the last "major" update (Smissmas 2016), which is also when the last notable set of casual changes came along
>369 days since the Pyro won the war
>408 days since the Meet Your Match update

>6 days until Team Fortress turns 21 years old
>54 days until Team Fortress 2 turns 10 years old
>75 days until Halloween
>130 days until Christmas
Is there still hope, lads?

Almost every game I join there's always a hacker and there's always dipshits that say "LOL salty Dewd"

>watching a Scout do Mannrobics
>"Who's fat now, mom?! WHO'S FAT NOW?!"
Scout's VA is a treasure

Whats his job now?

>first two
first one


I know he streams and he does commissions for voice acting

a strange mix of somber laughter and subtle loathing fills my soul.

days until Team Fortress 2 turns 10 years old
I think you mean 19


>natasha and brass beast are fucking unusable trash
>get a good buff in tough break that helped but weapons are still trash
>get nerfed into oblivion in MyM


gotcha FAGGOT

>remember Engineer update
>playing doublecross with Wranger laser spam across the bridge
Boy those were the days

>I've been trying to permanently switch to different games for 3 years now
>Keep returning to TF2 like an abused wife
Just pull the trigger already, Valve, so I move on.

the series will be 19 the game is 10

The Brass Beast was entirely fine with the 20% damage resistance whilst revved up. It's supposed to turn the Heavy into a slow moving tank.

Natascha shouldn't have damage resistance at all, though. Adding damage resistance makes the user of Natascha harder to kill, which is bad because the weapon is designed to be hard to escape from. Having both damage resistance and slowdown on hit reduces both the victim's fight potential and flight potential. A more fitting upside would be something that aids in making the Heavy harder to escape from, such as a "On hit: Speed boost on wearer for 1 second" (154 HU/s, still slower than a drawn Huntsman Sniper at 160 HU/s).

He's joking about the 9 additional years in development.

Meet your Match was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.

they've frequently said they don't prioritize releasing the update on eventful days, they just release update when it's ready
besides MyM

I want miss Pauling to bully me by making me suck on her sweaty toes

>The Brass Beast was entirely fine with the 20% damage resistance whilst revved up. It's supposed to turn the Heavy into a slow moving tank.
It was not enough. It was still shit and you would be better off in every situation with stick over it.

oh. i guess im the fool

>We might get halloween before pyro update
I will fucking laugh to death

>no halloween update this year
>no nothing this year but some cosmetics for christmas
How would you feel ?

about the same as the last two years where the exact same was the fucking case except of course for BONUS DUCKS which was like getting kicked in the balls while already down.

>The very first christmas event valve gives everyone 1 free key to use
>Valve now: Oy here fellow fans have some cosmetics!
I don't care anymore. I still have that key.




>Here at valve, we don't even have to hire designers anymore, we have stupid suckers making us free items, and we just give them a nice shiny hat they can flaunt around in trade servers and a very small cut of the profit!
>New weapons? We'll put them in a crate!

wait, they gave out a FREE KEY?

I mean, to be honest, I like the stuffed stocking more.
Then again, I didn't play on the last christmas event, did they give anything that time?

I dont feel like booting up tf2 but yes

>not one, but TWO flare guns that are not only basically the same and take next to no skill to use (i.e. fire and light 3 people on fire for fucking nothing)
>Axtinguisher is still fucking worthless
>powerjack is in that list of weapons that need serious reworking because they're only pulled out to move faster, which is insanely lazy balance (GRU and whip need this fix too)

fucking come on guys.

i would

same here. These competitive happy fucks are the same ones that whined about the sticky nerf and had it changed within a fucking DAY saying in broke The meta. if the meta changes, you GIT GUD AND CHANGE WITH THE META YOU FUCKS.

>wait, they gave out a FREE KEY?
they did, I just so happened to play TF2 for the first time during that time and I remember thinking its some common thing and I unlocked a crate and got a normal weapon from it

T-tonight is the night?

ive been considering paying and hosting a server on my tiny little island just so i can set up the server so that it shuffles all players to different teams 5 seconds before the match ends. people would have no choice but to play here and accept that no matter well or bad your team does winning and losing is literally roll of the team shuffle dice

It's already far too late for that, valve developers work from 11 am to 2 pm with a 2 hour lunch break whenever.

>he doesn't enjoy mowing down scrubs as an overly enthusiastic russian man
Sometimes you just need to enjoy things for what they are.

>people would have no choice but to play here
no, they would just play on another server. did you forget you don't have a monopoly on servers?

connect; password vidya

>on my tiny little island
>play on another server
lol. enjoy 250-400 ping

they would just pool money and get their own servers or just host a listen server

>be regular on a server
>the same sniper always scores insane headshots on everyone with the Classic (or whatever that TFC rifle is), even the most unlikely ones
>spectate him
>he misses all of his shots, dies, then goes afk until I join a team
Something is fishy, or I really am getting paranoid.

I feel that this is an appropriate song for this thread

That change in June 2014 made the Stickybomb Launcher absolute shit, though. The damage was halved for the first 2 seconds, meaning that it couldn't put out much damage even with great aiming. It also meant that Demomen took longer to take out Sentry Guns as you would have to wait for the bombs to ramp-up to viable damage.

The change they made in December 2014 was actually well thought out. It reduced the blast radius to about 92% of what it originally was. Then they made it so that aerial stickies had 85% of the blast radius (78% of what it was originally) unless they travel far. It made the winbombing ineffective for bad players whilst requiring the best players to up their game to consistently put out high damage stickies. Demomen with perfect sticky aim were uneffected.

>checks to see if there are any tf2 servers with under 200 ping

nope. guess no one has.

where the fuck do you live

Then what makes you think anyone on the Isle of Man is playing a decade old game with no servers?

because we stick together for any game because we have no other options

ill know half my servers players by name and address and ill still fuck with them lol

also if i do it, ill be hosting one server for each of the top 5 games

>mfw 3 hour long game of arma 3
>team shuffle at the last 5 seconds

>96 days until I celebrate my 10 years of playing this game
Say what you will about how shit the game has become, but it's still the best investment I made into a piece of entertainment.

why are tf2 threads so slow ;_;

I bought TF2 for full price the day it came out, I have about 11 hours in it total.

Shit game for shitters

nothing new to talk about

its okay user I'm sure theres tons of casual games out there for you

g e t i n h e r e

Get in here scrubs, no spread/crit server and less fucking meme maps!

the games barely got more players then football manager 2017, shits dead as fuck yo

The speed penalty is what makes the brass beast garbage, along with the incredibly long rev up time. By the time you get anywhere and get revved up, you will probably either be dead or have no one to shoot because they heard your slow ass and ran away. The damage resistance doesn't even matter, if you're not overhealed it's only an effective extra 60 health. Which can save you, but not very often when it takes forever to spin down and get moving.

>crit server

Why does Sup Forums complain about how valve shitted a perfect game with great balance and style yet goes ahead to play on fucking mario kart all crits servers?

Fucking cancer gamemode