Let's talk about the Assassin's Creed franchise

Let's talk about the Assassin's Creed franchise.

What went wrong? And how would you fix it?

AC 4 was repetitive garbage and Sup Forums praises as the best AC instead of the best one.

>And how would you fix it?
Just let it die

That's a very sexy woman. I wish you could play as a cute black girl instead of a guy.

Eh, I prefer AC 2 over Brotherhood. I liked having multiple cities that were different than just one big city. It's a shame in my opinion that every AC continued this trend for the most part.

don't fire the backbone of your series, Patrice desilet

>What went wrong?
Patrice Désilets departure, AC meant to be a trilogy, they saw an opportunity to milk the franchise and here we are now.
>And how would you fix it?
the damage is done, its beyond fixing, we will never how it was supposed to end

The last time Ubisoft gave us a playable girl in an AC game they gave us Evie Frye. She looks hot for the most part. But I hate her voice actor and those fucking freckles. Plus, her writing is atrociously bad.

Animus was a good twist in the first game but now it's that slow, dull part everyone hates.


Assassins Creed Unity is underrated since it was

>To ambitious in both gameplay and graphics
>Everything leading up to the game mislead people since a majority did not play Rogue and thought the assassins would be behind the revolution
>Terrible launch bugs

The bad Unity had made people ignore its good like the improved missions,combat,customization, and setting

Make a chinese game that isn't a spinoff but uses the same girl from the spinoff.
Have her infiltrate places as a chinese whore.

AC already had a good female protagonist but she was locked to a vita exclusive and forgotten.

Unless you count the chink who people apparently like too

Ass Creed was always shit with 2 and Black Flag being about the only ones worth playing.

They also made me super fucking hyped for the modern setting storyline in AC2 with all the symbols you collect to piece together a video about the past. Too bad it didn't live up to it.

It actually got ported to Steam.

but it was still forgotten.

No thank you. I'd prefer to play as an asian beauty. Please set the next AC in japan with a cutie waifu plz.

Unity would be better if it was like its cover where the story follows a bro team of assassins

Is she the only protagonist who doesnt use a hood?

dark soul's combat would fix everything about it

That sounds stupid.

>What went wrong?
The shitty Ubisoft formula and boring combat that became increasingly easier with each sequel. Storywriting also kept getting worse, with AC1 being unique if rough, AC2 being great, AC:B being good, and the rest not worthy of mention plot-wise.

>And how would you fix it?
Write a story that is good and make actual combat very lethal without dumb instakill parry shit. Make side quests actually meaningful with plot and quest rather than tedious challenge shit. Add an interesting central mechanic to each game, like how Brotherhood had the brotherhood system and Black Flag had the sailing.


Faggiest taste my autistic duder.

ancient camel toe

Ill never understand the love for AC2 shit was super shallow

ACB is good though

literally know nothing about the assassins creed in egypt but here is an autistic list of ideas i wish they implement

>primary weapon is a slaver's whip and a khopesh
>throwing spears
>indiana jones-esque whip parkour
>the protag is a priest of sobek and wears a crocodile headdress over his hood + can do some magic AC shit with crocodiles
>they include as many african animals as possible as threats

>>the protag is a priest of sobek and wears a crocodile headdress over his hood + can do some magic AC shit with crocodiles

>Jump into Nile
>Swim up under dock next to restricted area
>Get guard's attention
>Make a fucking crocodile lunge out of the water and drag him in

>Underground, flooded crypt like in the older AC (2?)
>If you fail one of the jumps you fall into the water
>Giant crocodile in there like the one in Indiana Jones and The Emperor's Tomb