>Nintendo Switch isn't underpow-
Nintendo Switch isn't underpow-
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Don't you have anything better to do with your time than shitpost about a video game console you don't even own or care about? Do you even play video games or do you just lurk in the depth of Sup Forums like some sort of fun police? Get a life man, seriously.
don't get angry
it's fun sometimes to have a bit of consolewars here
Not that I hate the Switch though
I wonder why they did this
Memes aside, the Switch can definitely handle this, so it's on the devs
Most 5th gen games ran at a lower framerate, so maybe it's a callback to that? If so, why not 30fps?
What does it run at on PS4?
>those graphics
LOL Nintendo making a PS2 game.
>bringing sonic mania into console war bullshit
That being said I hope they fix that up.the framedrops didn't happen a whole lot when I played but they were really noticeable when they did.
>this buyer's remorse
glad I didn't spend $300 on a mobile tier hardware with nothing but wii u ports
to emulate that classic saturn feeling
Reminder that the Switch port was outsourced to some Aussie company. Their upside down computers don't translate software well enough onto Japanese hardware.
>a sonic game that isn't graphically impressive runs poorly despite powerful hardware
I think you mean software. Japanese hardware is pretty bad in general on a side note.
>powerful hardware
>powerful hardware
AHAHA good one
why are you enraged at what strangers buy?
It's more pathetic to get triggered by simple shitposting.
it's a rushed port it was developed by other people other than Whitehead
I was watching the credits earlier and it was mentioned Switch and the name of a person specifically
I'm not sure if they meant something else or that the Switch version wasn't developed by the same studios
>nintendo switch
>powerful hardware
wew, i saw DF made a video on sonic mania and assumed it was clickbait since nothing could possibly have trouble running it. i am genuinely surprised.
I know it's not the best system
but for some reason I only know faggots who went out to buy the system.
Why are you enraged at what I think?
Nintendo drone spotted, if this was a shitpost thread about PS4 you wouldn't have responded in fact you would probably encourage it.
They did say they would patch it, so it's not a power issue
the salt is real
Same can be said about you, niggertits. Projection game is really strong here
Nintendo actually cares about us gamers. They created the game industry and have sustained it with creativity and innovation. Sony is just trying to steal from Nintendo to placate their shareholders who they are beholden to learn your histry shitposter
>Same can be said about you
lmao you didn't even deny it
Guess Nintendo fans really are the biggest shitposters
Well, as a comparison, minecraft runs like shit on any pc
Even if it looks like shit, if it's REALLY badly unoptimized it can do that
>Nintendo actually cares about us gamers.
>Thread about how Switch is beating PS4 and Xbone in sales gets 404ed after 3 replies
>This stays up
>Sonnygers continue to bitch about Sup Forums being nintendogaf
I don't see the need to deny something that came out of nowhere user. I'm aware you want a reaction out of me so this is your last (You)
>Switch is less powerful than Saturn
>if it's REALLY badly unoptimized it can do that
Its optimized just fine on the other systems, why wouldn't it be optimized for Switch? Switch is probably just too weak.
You getting upset is worse
Different porting team, at least read up before shitposting
>the mods totally aren't biased towards Nintendo, I swear
That's not how optimization works
Anyways, Sega making a janky port isn't exactly a surprise.
It wasn't ported by the team that made sonic mania, it was ported by the same people who made the mediocre Twilight Princess HD.
Was the name Christian Whitehead? Each version has his name on it because he created the engine Sonic Mania runs on.
I don't know this balantly shitposting thread especially when the devs came out to say this will be fixed later on is still up
Frame rates drop on all 3 consoles during this segment though
And that's poor optimization, has nothing to do with a consoles power
>the mediocre Twilight Princess HD.
Weird, this time last year all I could read from Nintenbros was how TPHD was going to be a good remaster unlike TLOU. Guess that changes whenever the narrative is convenient huh?
this is clearly a programming issue
Hurry up and post more falseflagging Wojacks so we can get this thread deleted
no problem
I agree, they seem to prefer other consoles, why do you think all the Nintendo piracy threads stay up.
How is this relevant to the conversation at all. It was mediocre because the graphic and character models are still shit, but the gameplay improvements are nice.
Sup Forums is the worst possible place on the entire internet to make an attempt to discuss something and this thread is proof of that.
>break the rules blatantly
Wow do you not get the irony at all?
>why do you think all the Nintendo piracy threads stay up.
Threads about piracy for ANY game stay up, you fucking retard. Is that seriously the argument you're going with?
user I'm sure you are under the impression that you were just "counter shitposting" against the sony ponies who supposedly shitposted first, but you broke the rules and got banned for it. Don't see the problem here
>50 frames
what's the problem? You wouldn't even notice the dip
I'm not him even him but really? You do not see how you whiners are banned for the same obvious shitposting?
to be fair you are pushing the switch's hardware with graphics like these
I imagine it's actually running so poorly because instead of trying to look like an old sonic game normally it's actually trying to emulate the look using a heavy amount of post processing shaders and stuff
>Sup Forums is one person
the only good thing about that remake were the quality of life changes, it still looked like garbage.
never played this N64 game. What is it called?
>you whiners
You're making a fuck ton of assumptions there user.
Also, if the sony fans get banned for console warring just like the nintendo fans do then I guess the mods aren't sony ponies huh?
No, it's becasue the port was unfinished. Th devs already has said they are releasing a patch for it soon
>tfw laughing at all the suckers who bought a switch.
An emulator will be out in less than two years and no worthwhile exclusives will be out by then anyway
Yes, I don't think mods are biased towards anyone, unlike delusional retards. Glad you aren't one of them, user.
>Frame rates drop on all 3 consoles during this segment though
Nope, only on Switch.
You'll definitely feel wild frame-times fucking with your inputs and reaction time.
>They created the game industry
user, you do know the video game industry existed before Nintendo, right?
>is literally just a bug in a bonus stage compared to the actual main game that runs fine
these consolewars Sup Forums......
I love how nintentoddlers get so easily triggered. Nintendogaf indeed.