What went wrong?
Fucking retarded early presentation that wove in bad PR leading to PS4's dominance since its competition were being handled poorly at the time.
Lack of exclusives that has made consumers regret their purchase.
Literally every platform this gen was better. Even the Wii U, god.
I have one and would pick it over the ps4 again.
There is NOTHING you can do about it
They don't care about the gamers
Good for you man.
I didn't say you didn't have to like your Xbox One
>I'm retarded and proud
Eh, at least you're not gay.
I don't want to do anything about your enjoyment for something, what makes you think I would? In fact, I actually envy you for being able to enjoy a sub par gaming console with a very limited library of games.
Pretty much all my friends play the same games on both (cod, fifa, gta, ark and minecraft) so it's not like I'd be playing different games.
The ones on ps4 have actually got extremely butthurt about missing out on pubg though.
The 2 games that acually looked decent on the Xbone was Scalebound and Cuphead. Scalebound got cancelled and I can play Cuphead on my laptop.
What makes you like it more than the PS4 user? Honestly curious, this isn't an attack on you, just curious.
No exclusives.
Games for xbone get exclusive content if played on other consoles.
Its only saving grace is that it's still got the best controller and network infrastructure.
Don Mattrick and Phil Spencer
not only this but they have no games and advertise it as a "multimedia" platform rather than a game console, then rather than release games for their console this year that has no games, they decide to release a 2nd console no one wants with no games
Because I'm a normie casual who only really plays multiplats like cod or skyrim (same as all my friends on ps4).
Backwards compatability and better "free" games with the multiplayer have been nice though.
I don't exactly think the ps4 is much worse or anything, I'm joining the mustard race when the xbox breaks though.
Extremely poor marketing campaign pre-launch.
Higher pricetag for an accessory no one uses or needs.
Unexciting launch lineup.
Not as powerful as the competitor (read: worse multiplats).
Lack of exclusives.
>having friends
>playing cod and fifa
Why do normies even come here? Don't they know there's reddit made especially for them?
Its not a bad console, it is just going into a direction that I hate. If you like playing online and love the Burger stuff go for it.
Listening to ea and activision then implementing drm based on what the publishers wanted also don is a fuckwad
The new era of having to download fucking everything, when im in rural canada getting AT BEST 300-400 KBPS. Say I want to hop on a game before bed, oh fugg console update, this will only take an hour. Just got off work, oh shit maybe ill play....downloading, 3 hour game patch.
Etc fucking etc
Oh want to play this new game? See you guys in 24 hours.
Ruined this gen for me
Bought an S three weeks ago and I actually like it.
-Looks good
-Can buy cheap games with only changing your region store
-Games are region free
-Backwards Comp is a god-send
-Controller feels just good
-4k blu ray drive
I got it on release, since the store I went to had all their PS4s sold out already.
The XBONE was 100 euros more expensive than the PS4 at the time, but that didn't matter to me.
What broke my heart was the complete lack of care for the gamers and the lack of exclusives. PS4 kept getting games like Bloodborne or Persona, while all the XBONE got were games I could play on my PC anyways.
Worst purchase of my life.
The only redeeming quality it has is that it's slightly more powerful than the PS4 and that it has a better controller (I also bought the PS4 a few months ago since I was fed up with Microsoft's bullshit, wish I had only bought a PS4 at the start instead of wasting hundreds of bucks on what is essentially a dead multimedia platform)
>it's slightly more powerful than the PS4
But... It's not? Many multiplatform games run on a lower resolution on Xbox One.
In terms of raw stats, the Xbone is more powerful than the PS4, having more powerful cores and such. Optimization is another topic altogether.
Just a lack of games i think.
Pretty comfy system otherwise.
im gonna preorder the X
Oh sure but if in practice the Xbone *never* produces better results it might as well be the weaker console.
What I love my Xbox but the only thing it has on the PS4 is a faster CPU the Ps4 has faster ram and a better gpu
The e3 2013 press conference. They shot themselves in the foot so hard with the forced kinect integration and attempt at removing used games that it pissed off even normalfags. At that point Sony had to do nothing except announce a console with new hardware. All the normalfags jumped ship for their new FIFA/CoD/Netflix machine and that was how Sony took over.
>33 million sold
Nothing considering that horrible first impression at E3.
best controller
Man, I knew they were done when they announced the xbone at 500$
Isn't it at 25 million?
had it been a 100 bucks cheaper than the ps4 it would've probably sold millions of units more
that was their strategy with the 360 btw and it worked, don't know how microsoft managed to fuck up so royally with the xbone
- TV
- the most boring console reveal of all time
- emotional Mattrick
- no games
- mandatory Kinect watching you sleep
- PS4 wasn't really anything special but it was cheaper, sexier, more powerful, and did more shit
He's a shill, stop responding to him. Like seriously that's such a "I'm trying to promote my company's console" list of games.
you're a shill, kill yourself
>30m is ok when you competition literally doubles it
everything went wrong, user.