*redeems console gaming*

>*redeems console gaming*

is online multiplayer free

2 exclusives left as of a week ago
crackdown delayed
1 exclusive left
who the fuck is going to buy this

Haven't played consoles in around 6 years. I remember back in 2007-2011 CoD and Halo were huge and xbox seemed to have the largest online FPS communities with few cheaters. Does this still hold true for FPS games today or is PC the way to go?

Very few people care about exclusives. 9/10 of the best sellers on both are multiplats

>no exclusives
>£500, despite my £500 PC performing better in 4K
>95% western shit

I think I'll stick with my PC/PS4/Switch combo k thanks.

>payed online when you're the one prividing the connection
>redeems console gaming

>>£500, despite my £500 PC performing better in 4K
I don't believe you

halobros will buy the halo machine

>games are all coming to PC
>not even true 4K

>no exclusives

>my £500 PC performing better in 4K

>no reason to buy XBONEX when i already have a pc, ps4, and switch
>saving console gaming by being utterly redundant and useless

Xbox One X hardware is likely dated by 3 and a half years compared to current highest end PCs. All the stuff needed to make a PC that performs better than the Xbox One X can now be bought for around £500, though slightly cheaper for me because I reused the case of my old PC as well as keyboard and mouse.

no idiot, that would make too much sense

Don't playing shooters on anything but a mouse and keyboard.

Holy fuck, how do so many idiots not know that the console is STILL using the same shitty jaguar CPU that's in the default xbone?

op said the console will redeem gaming. how will 1 exclusive save consoles when I can play multiplats on pc?

The GPU is comparable to a 1070 which alone costs £450. It also has a 4k blu ray player, a 1tb drive, wifi built in, etc. It's not possible to build a PC with the same specs for the same price.

>not 1, nor 2, but 6 nogaems this generation

>which alone costs £450
is that before or after accounting for the mining craze

Jokes on you, the PS5 will be twice as powerful.

I know it's a bait thread but I don't care
>consoles have adopted the iphone model of releases
>redeeming everything
Can't wait until the xbone 2 releases without any USB ports

People said the same about the ps4 and it got beat by the shittiest gpu at the time (750 ti) and a pentium

This, I'm getting it for Halo 5 Guardians, Halo 3 and 4 BC, and Recore Definitive Edition but by next year I had better see some Xbox One ONLY exclusives on this fucking system and Crackdown 3 better not get canceled.

>1tb drive, wifi built in
finally consoles are getting 2007 pc features. about time too. kinda sad that you had to resort to that as selling points instead of games but I guess there are no games to choose from

>exclusives are everything

You faggots are destroying this industry by endorsing anti-consumerism shit

>tell others that the terrible CPU is the main reason why the hardware is gimped for price reasons
>A dumbfuck goes on about every other piece of the hardware that means jack shit because the brain of the console WILL bottleneck the rest of the xbox to stay compatible with the standard xbox one no matter how much microsoft denies it

People who are this stupid need to be thrown off a cliff.

We literally have benchmarks showing the Xbox One X smoking the OG Xbox One from Digital Foundry

>running the same game at 300fps

You clearly didn't read the first post in the comment chain. Here i'll link it to you since i'm feeling nice today.

Nice shitpost, but the og Xbox had a drive and 360 had models with built in wifi. Those aren't anything new nor selling points, he was just pointing out how those drive up prices, but PCfats conveniently disregard that fact when comparing console prices to PC builds.
I've even seen people comparing the cost of building a PC with used parts to a New console instead of comparing it to used consoles. Quite silly
>Title A-I
The numbers speak for themselves, there's an upgrade there. But how do we know those titles aren't indieshit? Any comp can run something like Guacamelee at 300fps

Xbox Fanboys are nearly braindead. They actually think 360 was the best console ever, fucking retards

Nobody gives a shit about the GPU when there's a CPU bottleneck

What a fucking retard

Objective top 5 consoles
>Xbox 360
>Sega Dreamcast
>Atari 2600

Somehow I doubt that graph is indicative of FPS because no game runs at 100+ fps on consoles

>Xbox 360

>PS4 Pro

Xbox and the west is what made console gaming shit in the first place.

That still doesn't solve the massive bottleneck from the 4 year old CPU. AMD were barely even capable of 4K until recently with Ryzen. A powerful GPU cannot make up for the shitty performance of a CPU. I own a 1070 it's not even close to capable of 4K/60FPS in most games at decent settings. Even with your console optimization meme your going to need PC low/medium settings for a decent framerate at native 4K. The only developers that are going to even bother getting with it are 1st party Microsoft games like Forza.

The 1070 is actually pretty much still better even
>more and higher mhz Vram (inb4 muh 12niggerbytes shared)
>.5 moar pterodactyl flops
>not an APU
>better cooling system
>Higher texture rate
>more texture mapping units
>isn't held back by a stone age tier processor

the GPU is closest to a 580 actually

Holy shit I love Xbox now!